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How serious are you now Goodell?

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Posted 04-06-2012 at 07:17 AM by ufosaff1

With the recent and (oh so clever) timely release of the now infamous Williams diatribe comes confirmation of exactly what EVERYONE has known all along.
Surprise!!!! Giants players have confirmed that they targeted "Little #10" Kyle Williams in the NFC Championship game.
How fast will the media be to bash their beloved Giants with the same effort they applied to the Saints?
Will Goodell handle them the same way - time will tell......
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  1. Old Comment
    RedWings44's Avatar
    To be honest, even on the Lions site, they don't think that your coach's comments are all that bad. Just normal football strategizing and pumping up...until he gets to talking about deliberately hitting the head and making it go sideways and what not. That is the only part they should be caring about. But since they are under the microscope right now, they and the media (ESPN and what not) will find anything they can to make things sound worse than they really are. I think targeting an old injury is dirty, but I don't think its anything out of the ordinary.
    Posted 04-06-2012 at 08:41 AM by RedWings44 RedWings44 is offline

  2. Old Comment
    B005TED's Avatar
    All teams do it, always have, always will. Any team will do what they can to get an advantage over another team.

    That said, NOTHING will happen to the Giants. Goodell will turn the other cheek and act like it never happened.
    Posted 04-06-2012 at 09:04 AM by B005TED B005TED is offline
  3. Old Comment
    RedWings44's Avatar
    Yep, to be honest, like I said...talking about hitting the head is the only bad part I see with the Saints coach...the rest may be dirty, but its football and I have no doubt most if not all teams talk about the dirty stuff too.
    Posted 04-06-2012 at 09:09 AM by RedWings44 RedWings44 is offline
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