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Live Action Role Playing

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Posted 06-08-2009 at 10:59 PM by CantonLegend

Recently i was introduced to the huge world of LARP(live action role playing) is probably the nerdiest thing i have ever seen next to dungeons and dragons....but it is probably one of the funnest(i know thats not a word) things ive done in my entire life.....

i found a park near my brothers home that does LARP twice a month and consists of a group no more than 30 players....i went this past sunday to see what it was like and i found myself completely enthralled by this crazy game

you start out with a weapon, shield and armor and the group is divided into 2 teams...after the whistle blows, all hell breaks loose...just running around a giant field slapping people, not only my age, but older and younger as doesnt hurt because it is foam...but it is completely satisfying....if you ever wanted to hit somebody with a sword or test your endurance with other nerds around your area, this is definitly the way to do it

we ran around for a good 2 hours before we packed up....i left with a bruised forearm, a foot spur in my heel and a big ass smile on my face....after a bit of research i found a few documentaries on it which are much deeper than what we had done....there are camps all acrossed the world that have people playing characters with deep stories to explain their long history of fake battles....i dont think i could get into playing a character, but running around in a field with other mid to late twenty year olds was definitly my bag and if my foot spur heals within the next few weeks, i will definitly be back to do it again

do you guys have any knowledge of this or know anybody who has done or would be interested in doing something like this? im trying to learn more about this because im looking into taking my nephew and some buddies but i want to approach them without sounding real nerdy
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  1. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar
    Ya know, that's actually pretty funny. You could probably get anyone on this website involved if booze got mixed into the event. Nice post man!
    Posted 06-09-2009 at 12:13 AM by Halo Halo is offline

  2. Old Comment
    foreverfan's Avatar
    Not again on a Blog. Who put you up to it???
    Posted 06-17-2009 at 10:51 AM by foreverfan foreverfan is offline
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