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PATRIOT size moves..

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Posted 07-28-2011 at 07:03 PM by WestBankbOrn

I am B&G through n through, but I can't help but notice the offseason moves the patriots seem to always pull off. First, to trade and sign a guy like Haynesworth for close to nothing, then do the same with " Ochocinco " for the same amount he was making in Cincy....How do they seem to pull these trades/signings off every year?

All I know if we continue to model our franchise after theirs, we will always be in good shape.
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    Posted 07-29-2011 at 04:55 PM by jcp026 jcp026 is offline

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    papz's Avatar
    They've set a blue print on how to run a successful organization years ago... then people started following suit. They scout well, draft well, trade well, ran well, so on and so forth... I'm glad we've made major strides into becoming, if not already, just like the New England Patriots.
    Posted 08-02-2011 at 11:27 AM by papz papz is offline
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