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foreverfan 07-27-2011 07:24 PM

Strato hits 10,000 posts.
10,000 POSTS

I think I speak for everyone when I say... We were sick of you at 200. :whatever:

I wanted to be the first to congratulate you. Now you can get a life. :p

foreverfan 07-27-2011 07:28 PM

On a unrelated note... Andrus said he'd take you back.

saintfan 07-27-2011 07:42 PM

This calls for...

wait for it...

A poem!

Our man Strato reached 10k
We'd like to say "way to go!"
We know you'll get a job one day
'til then you're our favorite "rep ho"

We thank you too
for the work you've done
on the B&G bowling shirt order
If only Drew knew
I'm sure he'd want one too
then again, so would Tracy Porter

So at any rate
Good job young man
You're like our very own M.C. Hammah
But sadly you'll get no expensive bling bling
You must settle for this dancing banana

Rugby Saint II 07-27-2011 08:50 PM

10'000 posts and counting. Congratlations. You made it.........Now get a hobby. Maybe you can take up knitting or
Seriously, you've made some really intelligent points along the way. Occasionally.

|Mitch| 07-27-2011 08:56 PM

:notworthy: That's all I have to say, Congrats!

foreverfan 07-27-2011 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 311947)
Seriously, you've made some really intelligent points along the way.

I must have had to work that day. ;)

SmashMouth 07-27-2011 09:31 PM

Congrats.... is that the same thing as jerking off 10,000 times?



Ashley 07-27-2011 10:31 PM

Damn dude, well i will say this. When you do post something it makes me look like Ernest Hemingway. :p :monkey:

saintfan 07-27-2011 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by strato (Post 311977)
Thanks yall...SF great poem..first time anyone has written me a poem except my mother....thanks from the bottom of my heart....i am proud to be here..and hope ive showed my love for the black and gold...they are so much a part of my life...i know i need a real y'all have to remember im a a musician and we set our own its easy to hang out here...i luv each and everyone one of you....

Well don't go getting any weird ideas about that poem. I bat right-handed. :doh:

foreverfan 07-27-2011 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by strato (Post 311985)
LOL..ok..we have had our ups and downs ..but you know i would have your matter what..

Are you kidding... I don't want you anywhere near my back side. :D

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