Originally Posted by strato
(Post 346920)
First off we are friends no matter what..second and ive had to correct others..IM NOT A LIBERAL ..im nothing..I don't like either side..I prefer to just be an independent...
Of course we're friends Strat. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Ok, my bad. I didn't realize you were an Independant. I appologize for making assumptions. I certainly was not trying to insult you or anybody else. You know that's not the way I am. I too have an "I" on my registration card. It's been there since I first registered. I didn't know a whole lot about politics when I turned 18. I just knew our current President, Jimmy Carter, was Democrat, and he sucked, and he gave away the Panama Canal, and a former President, Nixon, was a Republican, and he was a lier. So I marked the "I" box.
Originally Posted by strato
(Post 346920)
I used to be a yellow dog...but now i prefer to just say screw all of em..they cant agree on whats important...they cant see that we are all fed up...they don't care about the middle class..
That's why the Tea Party was organized. It started out as just a bunch of ordianary people, not polititions, who were fed up with what's going on in Washington. The Tea Party is not necessarily a bunch of white, racist, rich, ultra-conservative right-wing wackos like Ed Shultze and MSNBC would like you to believe. The Tea Party is made up a bunch of different beliefs, Liberal, Conservative, Independeant, White, Black, rich and poor,
ALL of whom are sick and tired of the exact same thing you say you are tired of. We have to take care of Americans first. We CAN NOT tax our way to prosperity. It will not work. We have to make some serious cuts in spending. We have to stop spending our children's future. Hell, it's not even our children's future any more...It's OUR future. They believe that Washington, as it is now, is unsustainable, and something has to be done about it now. The Country as we know it will cease to exist if it's not done soon.
Originally Posted by strato
(Post 346920)
Congress should be tried for crimes..the only thing im hoping for is an end to the wars...so no more American blood dies for their agendas..
If any thing, they should ALL be fired. We need term limits, and we need to get rid of the massive retirement benefits that they recieve.
Originally Posted by strato
(Post 346920)
There are real issues that we need to deal with....but we tend to harp on the crap that doesn't matter.
True, maybe a 15 cent tax on Christmas trees doesn't matter. It's just 15 cents, right? What does matter is how they went about implementing that tax. They had a federal department, the EPA, impose a "fee". It's not called a federal tax, so they don't have to go through Congress to get it approved. If they can do that with Christmas trees, what else can they do it with. Those in Washington believe they can do it with whatever they want. So a 15 cent tax on Christmas trees is not a little thing that doesn't matter. It is an uncostitutional act of the current administration. And yes, I think the Constitution matters.
Originally Posted by strato
(Post 346920)
I just worry about my family and how we can survive in this crazy mess that we have no control over..:sad:
I'm with you. I look at my kids sometimes and I want to cry. I am truly scared for their future. We just have to keep at it and try to gain control over it. We just can't sit back and let it happen. This country still has great potential, but it's going to take some brave people making some very tough and unpopular decisions to get her back on track. I don't think anybody has all the answers, but we just have to take it one challenge at a time...even if it's a 15 cent tax on Christmas trees.
Peace Brother!
Play some blues for me tonight.