Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka
(Post 399653)
Very cool Saintfan!
But I didn't think they allowed that in this post 911 world we live in.
Me too - I really didn't think they'd let me look around. The delay was over two hours at the gate. The pilot was NOT happy about it and came on several times to update everyone and to remind the overly-grumpy that it was SFO air traffic control and NOT Virgin America's call. At one point he said, "feel free to come by and ask for updates and if there is any news we will pass it along."
So I just said, you know, to hell with it. All they can do is say "no", so I walked up and asked the pilot if it would be okay for me to "stick my head in the cockpit". I told him I've had some lessons and have almost completed all the ground school work thinking that might make me seem more legit. I don't think it mattered. "Sure!", he said. "Take a look..."
Once I was inside, the pilot went back up the jet way and the co-pilot (from Oklahoma) told me to "have a seat". I told him I didn't want to be a burden and he said it's no problem. "Have a seat and I'll take your picture." LOL
Once people saw ME in there, those with kids starting coming up and, one by one, each kid got his or her picture taken sitting in the cockpit.
I sent Virgin an email complementing the crew of that flight. For me, getting my hands on the controls of the A320 was something I will never forget - even if it was only at the gate. Talking with the co-pilot for nearly an hour about all the features of the plane turned out to be the best part of my 6 days in Vegas, and of course those lucky kids will never forget it either.
So here's the commercial:
I initially flew Virgin because they are based out of SFO, the prices are 'cheap', the planes are new, and I was just sick of American Airlines and those God-awful MD80s. I keep flying Virgin because, for the most part (meaning there have been a few but not many exceptions), from the time I check my bags to the time I return to SFO, they seem to genuinely give a damn.
There are a few more pictures if anyone is interested: