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WAKE UP - Crop Circles
Do you think crop circles are real or do you think they are a hoax. Consider it just one wasn't made by 2 old drunk old men or college kids, it changes everything. Also, if 1 UFO sighting isn't swamp gas, then it also changes everything. No doubt some are fake and some are photoshop fakes but others are real and cannot be explained.
Interesting Series... |
I thought they'd already been proven a hoax?
It's been pretty well documented that they are the work of pranksters.
We're all going to die!
If you have a baseball bat and a few glasses of water they're easily defeated.
They had a couple of guys that admitted to making them. They died years ago. Some are so complex that they couldn't have been created in the time given. It is a real phenomena that science cannot explain. Plus it's been happening for hundreds of years. |
The Bible talks about other races of humanoids that exited on the Earth before Moses. Many believe the Great Pyramid was built by Moses's grandfather Enoch. Enoch is probably the most interesting person left out of the Bible. Face it... each of us only know what we have been told. Example: Much of what you know or don't know is minulated by people who want the masses to think a certain way. This is why nothing on the news channels make sense anymore. Take Politics for example... If what Congress does still makes since to you, you been programmed to think a certain way. The bought and paid for media would like to have you think that Congress is just incompetent, but I choose to believe that they know exactly what they are doing. The President, US Supreme Court, Congress and Military all work for the same people. These are the people who create the money. Without money there is no power. Simple as that. The powers that be are trying to create one world government and one world bank so they can control and enslave us all. They create money from NOTHING and I mean NOTHING. It's just paper or zeros in a bank account. This is why inflation can be 7% and interest rates can be 3%. In 3008 after they crashed a planned housing market crash, the stock market devalued 35%. This was NO DOUBT PLANNED. They they bailed out themselves. Think of it as adding Zeros to the bank accounts of people they own so they could go buy up everything at a garage sale price. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. Wait until the Derivatives Market Crashes. Derivatives $727 Trillion bubble. In order to do that they need to crash the American way of life and improvise Americans. If you can't see the handwriting on the wall... you haven't been looking. It's as simple as that. They own the Politicians, Education, Media, Big Food, Pharma... they now control everything. Turn the TV off. It's called TV programming for a reason. Look up the term "Fractional Reserve Currency" on YouTube and watch a few videos. It will start to make since very quickly. Watch this class video if you really want to become educated. About crop circles.... consider this.... if one UFO sighting is real... just one... it changes everything. GOT THAT? Did you know that there are hundreds of military, police, air traffic controllers, astronauts and pilots who want to come out and admit that UFOs are real, but the Government won't let them testify because it is against their security oath? Would you be surprised to know that everything you know is wrong? People a lot smarter than any of us think otherwise. There are over 300 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy and over 300 Billion Galaxies in the seen Universe. We're not alone. Think for a second... does it make since for the people who do not specific information out to hide behind the old "Conspiracy Theory" dogma? Your Government would never lie to you. Well... maybe I'm that stupid anymore either. Capitalism will sell you out in a second. |
But I think people sell our ancestors WAY short. Their sole purpose in life was their religion. Everything they did was centered on it. They didn't worry about making it to the store or missing their favorite TV show or what the neighbors were doing or slavery or any of that crap. I have zero trouble believing man could have built the pyramids. In fact, based on what has been discovered, it can be seen that they got better at it over time. The first pyramids were pretty basic, which is to say they only barely compare to the three we associate with Egypt today. Did the aliens see from afar that they were doing it wrong? Did the aliens themselves **** up the first ones and get better on return visits? I don't believe we're alone. I absolutely believe there is life elsewhere and am baffled by people who don't. But I don't think aliens built the pyramids. I would not sell my ancestors so short. |
http://www.hypnoticaddiction.com/ima.../pbcounter.gif |
This is a long read, but anyone who invests the time to read it will emerge much wiser.
The Eloquent Peasant » Blog Archive » Why the aliens did NOT build the pyramids |
Why would UFOs come to earth to make crop circles that we obviously aren't smart enough to understand?
It could be a sign telling other life forms to avoid this planet, they're all batsh*t crazy!! |
Wow Saintfan... you found the official story. I bet that was hard. When you consider that the Earth is 4 Billion year old and that there are 300 Billion stars in our Galaxy and over 300 Billion seen Galaxies in the Universe, it's mighty naive to think that we are alone or that other do not posses even greater technology. Think of how far mankind had come in 100 years and then think where other races could be that are 1 million years ahead of us. The article that Saintfan referenced is by somebody who gets his funding/education for the establishment. The truth is even today we don't have the Technology to build the freaking thing.... but there it stands. He posts: People say that since we wouldn’t be able to build pyramids today, that the Egyptians couldn’t have done it, but it’s not just building of the pyramids that couldn’t be replicated today. It’s hard to imagine ever being able to pull together the resources, power, money, skilled craftsmen, and architects needed to build one of the great gothic cathedrals in this day and age. It just couldn’t happen. FF: It's so much more that stacked blocks of stone. Do any of you realize that the way the pyramid appears today is not how it looked for the first 4000 year of existence? The thing was covered in limestone blocks that were perfectly smooth, fit so closely together that you couldn't squeeze a credit card between it. THOSE BLOCKS HAVE BEEN REMOVED. The pyramid is in ruins. http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/seven-w...nt-world-2.gif http://www.yourdictionary.com/images...eatPyramid.jpg More: They were used as tombs for the ancient Egyptian kings, but they represented much more than just a grave. They were iconic symbols of the supreme power of the ruler; what better way of showing your subjects who’s boss, than conscripting them to build you a monolith that dominates the entire landscape? Above all, they were monuments to divine Egyptian kingship, the place where the king would be transformed into a god. FF: With the Great Pyramid, there is no proof of this. NONE WHAT SO EVER. Nothing was found inside. NOTHING. Not even Hieroglyphs. Every tomb ever found was full of Hieroglyphs. Plus nobody can correctly date the freaking thing. Sure there are a chit load of stupid theories about the Great Pyramid, but they still can't answer how it was built. Nobody is discounting that the Egyptians built the freaking thing. All they say is that they had help. Egyptoligist expect you to believe they polished Granite to 1/1000 of an inch with copper tools. That my friend is impossible. Some of the stones couldn't even be lifted into position today but they did it. It's there for all to see. More... The Great Pyramid is composed of roughly 2,300,000 blocks and was likely built in 23 years or less (the length of its builder King Khufu’s reign according to the Turin papyrus). Stadelmann has calculated that to do this, the builders had to lay c. 340 blocks a day. FF: No problem... they had 30,000 people building the damn thing. Ok... but their theory still stinks from high heaven. Look the Egyptians built the thing... but they no doubt needed help building the freaking thing. Read Genesis of the Old Testament. Others occupied the Earth before it was destroyed by a flood. The were call the Nephelium. Thanks to Saintsfan for posting that article. It was interesting. Still the official story has holes in it too. I'm sure the official story is easy to believe if you throw out the Bible and believe in Evolution. Micro Evolution is easy to prove but macro Evolution is filled with assumptions. I think that mankind has a forgotten past that is more unreal than any of us ever could imagine. Face it... Earth is being Terra-formed by Superior Beings. We are all on a Petri Dish here on the Zoo we call Earth. God is real. Religion and Evolution are all to often false. Other Superior Beings have to exist. There out there. |
Interesting Questions with few Rock Solid Answers....
! |
Hard to Dismiss....
On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena. http://www.disclosureproject.org/ |
I didn't post that article because it's 'official' in any way. I've watched the same documentaries you have, and probably a lot more through the years because I enjoy history and archaeology. In high school a dated a girl who's father was an archaeologist. Funny he was broke, but he was passionate about what he did. I'm not interested in where the funding comes from that pays the man who wrote the article because, by and large, I agree with what he says, and further I came to those same conclusions, generally speaking, on my own. It is entirely plausible that man built the pyramids. The work on the stones certainly was/is possible with the tools of the time. Men today stumble trying to believe it because it was, most literally, back-breaking and took decades, but as I've said, their entire focus was on that task. In so many cases from the time a person was able to help until the work killed them. They were every bit as intelligent as you or me, and in many ways far more dedicated to their task than you or I could ever be. They didn't have the distractions. Quote:
FWIW, there are plenty of other sites around the world that we can't 'correctly date'. There are other places where we sit in wonder at their construction. Personally, I think you're quick to pull the 'that's impossible' trigger. Look, there is much more evidence to support the thought that they were in fact built by men than there is to support the thought that they were built or that the Egyptians had help building them from aliens. It is in our nature to look to the stars. They did it. We're still doing it. By the way I have read Genesis. I've read lots of other stuff too. I have no problem believing in evolution, micro OR macro, because I also have no conflicts in my believe that a Divine hand set it all in motion, regardless of how it started. I'm far less interested in how it began. I'm far more interested in the forward motion. But back to the Pyramids...yes, they had help building them. Slave labor. Tens upon more tens of thousands of slaves who's remains are still being found under that sand. Devices have been built today, from the materials they had then, that can move those stones. We are all in awe of what a slow and painful process it must have been. The work killed people, but they did it. The evidence of their measurements, precise as they were, is still there, as is the evidence of them, like us, learning from their mistakes and getting better, clearly they became much better, over time. A much bigger question for me would be this: If aliens dropped by our planet to consult with those people on the construction of a pyramid, to what end was their motivation? I mean, why? Why would those aliens make themselves so readily available to that civilization and then be such little stinkers and refuse to reveal themselves again? Are the rest of us so unworthy? Maybe they DID come back and help the Romans build the Coliseum? Because, frankly, the Romans were, in my opinion, equally impressive engineers as the Egyptians. So why? When then and never again since? Clearly, we need their help with all our problems far more than the Egyptians needed a perfectly constructed pyramid. Look. It's easy to look at the pyramids and say, "Holy ****! How in God's name did they ever do that?" And then you consider the precise nature of its construction and the intricate passageways inside and you think, "Man that just isn't of this world." That's human nature to think that way, and I can remember them being far more mysterious, even to educated people, than they are today, because we have uncovered more and more since I was a kid, and those discoveries have revealed so much about their culture - their beliefs, their society, and their reasoning behind what they constructed. To me, its is far more amazing and gratifying (and interesting) to accept that men created those things with their own blood and sweat, as a means to honoring something they felt was greater than than themselves. To think that the poor little humans needed the help of some uber intelligent aliens is a buzz kill, and a MUCH bigger reach in fact, than accepting that men did it. I believe in life elsewhere. I always have. It just makes sense based on the mind bending number of galaxies. I don't need to give aliens credit for something men on this planet did to take that leap of faith. |
We are all descendents of Michael Fassbender. |
These would take days to plan because they are the size of the Superdome.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...cles_Swirl.jpg http://www.bbsradio.com/strange/crop...Circles009.jpg http://cristinanehring.com/img/crop_...etic_lotus.jpg http://www.dreamstime.com/smart-cat-thumb12408149.jpg |
So what happened to the people on the plane that flew away that didn't hit the Pentagon even though there was aircraft wreckage found on the ground around the Pentagon?
Watch the above video WhoDat. The more you know about 911... the more the official story stinks. I've watched over 20 hours of it and the Government's official story doesn't add up to what other so called experts think. More interesting unofficial story. Just because it's unofficial doesn't mean it's wrong. |
For your theory to work, the passengers that boarded Flt 77 would have to be flown to somewhere other than where they bought a ticket for and there are only 2 possible outcomes after that:
1. The passengers were murdered, 2. The passengers are being held against their will and will have to continue to be held for the rest of their lives in 100% secrecy. If they are being held somewhere, then they will need to be clothed, fed, medical staff on hand, etc. Do you really think that not one of those passengers in the last 10+ years hasn't said/asked something to a guard, custodian, etc., about why they are being held? Without a doubt, someone working at that 'facility' would have attempted to sell proof to CNN, CBS, NBC, Fox, etc for instant millions. |
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