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mutineer10 06-30-2012 08:06 AM

15 Most Hated Companies In America
Not a good year for TV / Internet providers or airlines:

The 15 Most Disliked Companies in America - Yahoo! Finance

My personal most hated on this list is American Airlines. They screwed me for the last time years ago, but I've never forgotten. I'm still happy they went bankrupt.

Danno 06-30-2012 04:51 PM

Yet all 15 are infinitley better than any Goverment entity not name the US Armed Forces.

ScottF 06-30-2012 06:47 PM

Glad to see Comcast so high. Worst cable/internet provider out there.

QBREES9 06-30-2012 07:59 PM

Lin Broadcasting 16th

Danno 07-01-2012 08:49 AM

As far as Private Sector companies go, ComCast and CenturyLink are very high on my list as well.

Cruize 07-01-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 415497)
Yet all 15 are infinitley better than any Goverment entity not name the US Armed Forces.

Companies are only about profits. Our government was created to serve the people and protect our freedoms. The problem with our government is it now places companies and special interests ahead of it's people. Our government was working with a surplus under Clinton. Far from perfect but working. Two unfunded wars and the complete failings of all the Bush administration's policies, which systematically put our nation in a steady decline with record deficits, and we are where we are. Then, you add three plus years of Republicans doing everything in their power to NOT move our nation forward, in fact, hoping our nation would see worse results in regards to the economy and employment, all in hopes of winning an election. If fifty percent of those companies executives and employees were working against progress, those companies would be failing too.

Danno 07-01-2012 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 415625)
Two unfunded wars and the complete failings of all the Bush administration's policies, which systematically put our nation in a steady decline with record deficits, and we are where we are. Then, you add three plus years of Republicans doing everything in their power to NOT move our nation forward,

Thats laughable.

mutineer10 07-01-2012 12:53 PM

Funny, I've always had good experiences with United Airlines & US Airways ... but American Airlines is the only one to really screw me over. I'd rather walk / swim than give those inept morons another dime.

Both Charter & Comcast sucked, but Time Warner wasn't so bad when I had them. DirectTV wasn't so bad, either.

Fact is, customer service has gone the way of the Tyrannosaurus Rex ... it's freakin' extinct! Press #1 for whatever language you speak, and the customer service will faithfully suck in that language ...

saintfan 07-01-2012 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 415625)
Companies are only about profits. Our government was created to serve the people and protect our freedoms. The problem with our government is it now places companies and special interests ahead of it's people. Our government was working with a surplus under Clinton. Far from perfect but working. Two unfunded wars and the complete failings of all the Bush administration's policies, which systematically put our nation in a steady decline with record deficits, and we are where we are. Then, you add three plus years of Republicans doing everything in their power to NOT move our nation forward, in fact, hoping our nation would see worse results in regards to the economy and employment, all in hopes of winning an election. If fifty percent of those companies executives and employees were working against progress, those companies would be failing too.

That surplus Clinton ran under was a shadow. Even HE will tell you so. The loose reigns that allowed financial institutions to create this economic mess we're all in were loosened further by Clinton.

I commend the man for two things: (1) he admits it happened under his watch and (2) he wishes he had done more to stop it.

Now, if you think Republicans hoping to see the Democrats fail is unique to the Republicans then you are foolish. There wasn't a democrat alive that wanted to see Either Bush or Reagan before them succeed.

Obama has just spend Billions upon Billions of money the country doesn't have and has just turned health care into social security. But the insurance companies are sure happy. What? A Liberal President in bed with big business? You betcha red rider.

Now I'm independent. I am Conservative on most issues but confoundingly Liberal on others. I have been fortunate enough to have lived long enough to see with my own eyes that both parties are essentially full of ****.

So I chuckle a lot when I see or hear or read stuff like, "Yeah, if those Republicans would just be honest...", because I know on the immediate the person responsible for such a statement is either too young or too foolish or is otherwise just not interested in learning how things really are.

As much as I dislike what Obama has done with health care because I believe he and his liberal Supreme Court Justice friends just raped the American people yet again (many before him have done the same), and as much as I am a constitutional purist and I loath how it has been violated again and again, particularly since the "New Deal", I would be willing to make a very BIG change to our Nation's founding document. And here it is:

You cannot vote in this country unless and until you can at least pass a citizenship test. The same one immigrants must pass to become citizens. I know in my heart most American's couldn't pass it. I think if you want a vote you should, at the very least, be able to pass that test. The only people not held to that standard would be those who served in the military. And just like with a driver's license, there should be an annual refresher.

That's my brilliant plan. I figure since our politicians are willing to hack the Constitution of the United States Of America because everybody feels entitled these days, well, if I were in charge I guess I'd be guilty of hacking it to.


Cruize 07-01-2012 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 415634)
Thats laughable.

It's not funny at all. It's sad and scary that people like yourself sees Faux News as the gospel.

Cruize 07-01-2012 03:05 PM


Cruize 07-01-2012 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 415651)
That surplus Clinton ran under was a shadow. Even HE will tell you so. The loose reigns that allowed financial institutions to create this economic mess we're all in were loosened further by Clinton.

I commend the man for two things: (1) he admits it happened under his watch and (2) he wishes he had done more to stop it.

Now, if you think Republicans hoping to see the Democrats fail is unique to the Republicans then you are foolish. There wasn't a democrat alive that wanted to see Either Bush or Reagan before them succeed.

Obama has just spend Billions upon Billions of money the country doesn't have and has just turned health care into social security. But the insurance companies are sure happy. What? A Liberal President in bed with big business? You betcha red rider.

Now I'm independent. I am Conservative on most issues but confoundingly Liberal on others. I have been fortunate enough to have lived long enough to see with my own eyes that both parties are essentially full of ****.

So I chuckle a lot when I see or hear or read stuff like, "Yeah, if those Republicans would just be honest...", because I know on the immediate the person responsible for such a statement is either too young or too foolish or is otherwise just not interested in learning how things really are.

As much as I dislike what Obama has done with health care because I believe he and his liberal Supreme Court Justice friends just raped the American people yet again (many before him have done the same), and as much as I am a constitutional purist and I loath how it has been violated again and again, particularly since the "New Deal", I would be willing to make a very BIG change to our Nation's founding document. And here it is:

You cannot vote in this country unless and until you can at least pass a citizenship test. The same one immigrants must pass to become citizens. I know in my heart most American's couldn't pass it. I think if you want a vote you should, at the very least, be able to pass that test. The only people not held to that standard would be those who served in the military. And just like with a driver's license, there should be an annual refresher.

That's my brilliant plan. I figure since our politicians are willing to hack the Constitution of the United States Of America because everybody feels entitled these days, well, if I were in charge I guess I'd be guilty of hacking it to.


-Clinton's results speak for themselves.
-I didn't want to see Bush fail. If Romney get's elected, I don't want to see him fail. That's partisan crap.
-So you think it's bad that millions of uninsured Americans not have access to health care? That people can't be refused coverage due to pre-existing conditions? That seniors are already paying less for medicine? That the uninsured will no longer drive up premiums for the rest of us because their only option is to use the most expensive care available at the ER? The bill isn't perfect, but it's better than what we had. Plus, like everything else, it's a work in progress. The key word being progress.
-Both parties are bought and paid for. But, I see the Democrats as the lesser of the two evils and it's not even close.
-So you believe Fast And Furious was a conspiracy by Obama to take away the guns? Everyone on the right has been saying as such this week. The last truth I heard from a current Republican was when Boehner said his only goal was to make Obama a one term President. And that's what they've done at every turn. Even on things they've agreed to in the past, if Obama was for it, they're now against it.
-The Supreme court was fine when it gave Bush the office. Now, it's evil and it's members are on drugs. Please! You can't have it both ways.
-The Republicans are doing there best to take peoples right to vote. So, your wish may come true there.

QBREES9 07-01-2012 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 415666)

You Dat !

saintfan 07-01-2012 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 415672)
-Clinton's results speak for themselves.
-I didn't want to see Bush fail. If Romney get's elected, I don't want to see him fail. That's partisan crap.
-So you think it's bad that millions of uninsured Americans not have access to health care? That people can't be refused coverage due to pre-existing conditions? That seniors are already paying less for medicine? That the uninsured will no longer drive up premiums for the rest of us because their only option is to use the most expensive care available at the ER? The bill isn't perfect, but it's better than what we had. Plus, like everything else, it's a work in progress. The key word being progress.
-Both parties are bought and paid for. But, I see the Democrats as the lesser of the two evils and it's not even close.
-So you believe Fast And Furious was a conspiracy by Obama to take away the guns? Everyone on the right has been saying as such this week. The last truth I heard from a current Republican was when Boehner said his only goal was to make Obama a one term President. And that's what they've done at every turn. Even on things they've agreed to in the past, if Obama was for it, they're now against it.
-The Supreme court was fine when it gave Bush the office. Now, it's evil and it's members are on drugs. Please! You can't have it both ways.
-The Republicans are doing there best to take peoples right to vote. So, your wish may come true there.

Yes, Clinton's results DO speak for themselves, but I suspect the problem is you're filtering what you hear. But that's okay. Most partisan people do that. It makes you no different than Rush Limbaugh. You're in good company. Enjoy.

I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything to indicate I have a problem with uninsured people having insurance. I DO however, have a BIG problem with my government forcing me to pay into a private corporation otherwise it will take my money and use the IRS to do it. This 'health bill', if you want to call it that, doesn't even approach fixing the problem. What it DOES do is force young people who probably don't need the insurance they'll be forced to pay for to actually pay for the cost of the older people. It's nothing more than cost shifting. See social security. If you can't see it that isn't my fault. Lots of people can't (or won't) see it, and that's how we got here.

You see the Dems as the lesser of two evils. That's fine. I know many who feel the same way. Most health care professionals are against this law. Why don't you ask a few of them why?

By the way, what, specifically, did either Bush do that was supported by the Clintons, or the Democrats in general? Can you not see how stupid it is for you to assert the opposite as 'the way it is' and be taken seriously?

As for voting, I'd rather see American's be required to show some evidence that they have a clue rather than have non-citizens be granted a right my countrymen fought and died for.

You're a liberal democrat. That's okay. I'm not. And that's okay. Let me just tell you that the most ****ed up state in the Union is run by those who are in 100 percent agreement with you - which isn't to say they've got it all wrong. There are good ideas out here too, but Northern California is the failed utopia you and others like you speak of, and rest assured it is failed BIG time, because at some point you have to PAY and, at some point, there's just no more money to pay with, and all those wonderful utopian entitlement programs get saved in favor of, oh, I don't know, public schools, when it comes time to trim the fat. That's the mindset. And that mindset is stupid. I'm sorry. It just is sir.

The conservatives I know don't want the government ****ing with their money. They're not against paying taxes. They are against this 'share the wealth' bull****, and they should be, because that's not the promise of America. American doesn't (well, now it does, but it shouldn't) promise a person a ****ing cell phone. But that's what we have under the leadership you tout.

The liberals I know don't want the government ****ing with their money either. And that's the funny thing. Everybody should have this widget, but nobody wants the money for John Doe's widget to come from their wallet.

Where you fall short in your assessment in my opinion isn't the law. There are good things in the law. What you're missing is the fact that either (a) Obama lied through his teeth when he promised no new taxes for the middle class or (b) the liberals on the Supreme Court just raped the American public by choosing to interpret "mandate" as tax because, well, "That's what he meant", they said.

Is that what he meant? Because that's not what he stood up and preached to God and everybody is it? No. It isn't.

But you keep right on liking this law. The next time the government decides to take money out of your pocket might be for something with which you disagree, and then you'll get it. And every time the government is allowed to do it it becomes easier and the programs become more grand and more expensive. This was not the Constitution as framed by the founders. This is a post Depression era style of government where people don't understand the concept of working for what they want and need. The mindset is now entitlement. That's not the promise. The promise is opportunity, and there'e plenty of that. But that's it, and that's all. If you want cheap health care there are plenty of places where you can go and get it. It's substandard tho, and that's what it will become here too...

...or maybe not, but one this is for sure. The problem with healthcare is that it is expensive. It is going to continue to be expensive and it will get more expensive over time. Now, if you don't believe me, let's see who's right. You go and look up how much it costs for an MRI today, and I'll bet you the Saints Jersey of your choice from the Black And Gold Shop that this time next year, the year after, 5 years from now, a decade from now, even 20 years from now, the price of an MRI will skyrocket. That's neither democrat nor republican. That's politics as usual, and that's just what got your health bill passed.

SloMotion 07-02-2012 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 415515)
Glad to see Comcast so high. Worst cable/internet provider out there.

Not surprised to see Comcast getting the national recognition they so richly deserve ... I had nightmare experiences with Comcast when they were the only cable company in town ...

ScottF 07-02-2012 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 415750)
Not surprised to see Comcast getting the national recognition they so richly deserve ... I had nightmare experiences with Comcast when they were the only cable company in town ...

C'mon Slo, we're off the worst companies thread and back to politics, per usual.
Comcast is so bad that I cannot even get C-Span...whatever happened with that Obamacare Supreme Court thingy?

sharke 07-02-2012 09:01 AM

there are political members of this site?

saintfan 07-02-2012 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by sharke (Post 415767)
there are political members of this site?

I think we might have a few atheists too. :blueshock:

sharke 07-02-2012 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 415768)
I think we might have a few atheists too. :blueshock:

foreverfan 07-02-2012 03:51 PM

Odd they missed the Federal Reserve, Citibank, Capital One, Chase, and the Wall Street Gang.

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