07-07-2012, 11:15 AM
500th Post
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 953
Originally Posted by Turbo Saint
well for those who either a.) don't mind introspection (doubtful) or b.) have a brain.
You just might be a Republican tool if ...(thank you daily kos)
• You think Big Oil has our best interests in mind
• You think Health Care in the US is something everyone can afford
• You think Fox News -- is either fair, or balanced
• You think Corporate Raider Mitt Romney, actually cares about "creating jobs"
• You think that Jesus supports lying if used to defeat liberals
• You worship the idea of Jesus but reject all his teachings, like helping the poor, healing the sick and feeding the hungry
• You believe Ronald Reagan balanced the budget
• You believe the Iraq war was morally justifiable
• The only solar company you can name is Solyndra
• You're chaste on Sunday but doing the chasing the rest of the week
• You're secretly gay while supporting anti-gay legislature in Congress
• You think protecting Freedom and Liberty, means surrendering Freedom and Liberty ...
• You think the uterus, is the only thing worthy of Federal Inspections
• You think the government is out of place defending woman from rape but the government shoving a probe into a woman’s vagina against her will is OK
• You think that the quarter-billionaire graduate of Harvard law and business school is the regular guy and the modest, community-minded graduate of Harvard law school is the elitist snob
• You think jobs programs are wrong but vulture capitalists firing an entire workforce to give a few rich people millions is OK
• You support Super PACs having the right to freedom of speech, but want ordinary citizens to shut up
• You think any war is good since it puts money in your campaign contributor’s pockets
• You think birth control is an aspirin held tightly between Your knees
• You believe Mitt Romney saved the American auto industry
• You believe that Jesus was first and foremost a capitalist
• You think that all of the unemployed in this recession are just being lazy
• You think the government shouldn’t pay for food stamps to hungry citizens but should offer billions to oil companies
• You think that the government shouldn’t pay government employees to do government work but should pay contractors whose CEO’s get millions of dollars to hire employees to do government work
• You think George Bush and waterboarding got Osama bin Ladin
• You think Barack Obama is the result of a selective breeding program done by an alliance of far-thinking communists and Islamic fundamentalists back in 1961 to destroy America by getting us to elect a mixed-race kid with a funny name to president
• You think children should pay for their own health insurance by working as janitors
• You support the troops is by putting yellow ribbons on your car but won’t hire a veteran to work in your company
• You think the purpose of government is to make you rich while making everyone else poor
• You are going to prove that there is rampant voter fraud by committing voter fraud, but you get caught because you are the only one committing voter fraud
• You believe that W inherited a lousy economy from Bill Clinton and Obama's economy is all his fault
• You think the reason Republicans lose elections is because they aren't conservative ENOUGH
• You think Ronald Reagan would be elected as a Republican today
Some of this is a little too much, but I live in the south and talk to conservatives and some of this is dead on.