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foreverfan 07-17-2012 09:35 PM

65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama
This BS is hard to stomach.

SmashMouth 07-17-2012 09:49 PM

Only 65? lol

Danno 07-18-2012 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 419337)
Only 65? lol

One for every state.

ScottF 07-18-2012 08:03 AM

and the alternative is a multi-millionaire WAY out of touch with middle class who enacted 'Obamacare' six years ago.

Danno 07-18-2012 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 419414)
and the alternative is a multi-millionaire WAY out of touch with middle class who enacted 'Obamacare' six years ago.

Who is more in touch with the middle class than the Obamas ever will be and has vowed to repeal Obamacare.

ScottF 07-18-2012 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 419489)
Who is more in touch with the middle class than the Obamas ever will be and has vowed to repeal Obamacare.

He thought it was great idea in Massachusetts, why would he repeal it nationally?

The Massachusetts health care insurance reform law, St. 2006, c.58, informally referred to as Romneycare, enacted in 2006, mandates that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a state-government-regulated minimum level of healthcare insurance coverage and provides free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL).The bill aims to cover 95% of the state's 500,000 uninsured within a three year period.

Danno 07-18-2012 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 419509)
He thought it was great idea in Massachusetts, why would he repeal it nationally?

The Massachusetts health care insurance reform law, St. 2006, c.58, informally referred to as Romneycare, enacted in 2006, mandates that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a state-government-regulated minimum level of healthcare insurance coverage and provides free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL).The bill aims to cover 95% of the state's 500,000 uninsured within a three year period.

The obvious answer is that what 1 State wants shouldn't be forced on the other 56.

ScottF 07-18-2012 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 419512)
The obvious answer is that what 1 State wants shouldn't be forced on the other 56.

No, the obvious answer is that Romney believed in and fought to enact this law in Mass., but since he is perceived as not conservative enough by his own party, he is backpedalling.

Do you really belive that he thinks this law is neccessary and effective only in Mass and not nationally? That's crazy. He is making hypocritical statements about Obamacare and socialism when the fact is he did the exact same thing in his own state.

I couldn't care less if it gets repealed- I get crushed on cap gains every April and certainly don't want to pay more.

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