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foreverfan 07-17-2012 09:57 PM

July 17, 2012 Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Birth Certificate News Conference
Tuesday July 17, 2012 - Part II. In case you missed this important update. Obama's birth certificate is a proven fake. Bet you didn't see this reported on the main stream media. So now what?

SmashMouth 07-17-2012 10:01 PM

... made the AP too!

Arpaio: Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent' - Yahoo! News

PHOENIX (AP) — Investigators for an Arizona sheriff's volunteer posse have declared that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent.

Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse said in March that there was probable cause that Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 was a computer-generated forgery.

Now, Arpaio says investigators are positive it's fraudulent.

Mike Zullo, the posse's chief investigator, said numeric codes on certain parts of the birth certificate indicate that those parts weren't filled out, yet those sections asking for the race of Obama's father and his field of work or study were completed.

Zullo said investigators previously didn't know the meaning of codes but that the codes were explained by a 95-year-old former state worker who signed the president's birth certificate. Zullo said a news reporter who has helped out in the probe let investigators listen in on an interview he concluded of the former state worker.

The Obama campaign declined to comment on Arpaio's allegations.

Turbo Saint 07-17-2012 10:05 PM

hahahhah...doesn't surprise me one bit. it's arpaio...nuff said. that's like saying "david duke did NOT vote for obama."


foreverfan 07-17-2012 10:07 PM

foreverfan 07-17-2012 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Turbo Saint (Post 419347)
hahahhah...doesn't surprise me one bit. it's arpaio...nuff said. that's like saying "david duke did NOT vote for obama."


Look at the proof. I personally know David Duke. He didn't vote for Obama. :bugeyes:

sharke 07-18-2012 06:28 AM

I really want my own volunteer posse!

but then again, when I read "volunteer posse", I see a bunch of grown men playing cowboys and indians in someone's backyard, so maybe I am off base here.

ScottF 07-18-2012 02:44 PM

Yes, Arpaio is pretty credible:

Jail Death of Veteran Haunts Joe Arpaio, 'America's Toughest Sheriff' - The Daily Beast

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Under Investigation by U.S. Department of Justice - ABC News

be careful who you prop up as a hero

sharke 07-18-2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 419528)

but you didn't discredit the "volunteer posse"!

ScottF 07-18-2012 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by sharke (Post 419540)
but you didn't discredit the "volunteer posse"!

is that anything like the Insane Clown Posse?

sharke 07-18-2012 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 419541)
is that anything like the Insane Clown Posse?

based on the article, yes, yes it is

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