11-02-2012, 05:37 PM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Mandeville, LA
Posts: 38,479
Thousands of roaches invade Hawaii neighborhood
Residents of a neighborhood in Ewa Beach, Hawaii have been dealing with a massive bug invasion for the past month. An entomologist identified the bugs as pacific beetle roaches. Dondra Ozaki has lived in the neighborhood, which is near an empty lot, for 12 years and has no idea why there was a sudden infestation saying that thousands of the roaches come every night. Ozaki has hired an exterminator and also sprays her yard with pesticides daily to deter the bugs. Most of the homes near the empty lot have the same roach problems. A spokesperson for the developers, Gentry Homes, said that they hired a pest control company to treat the area and they are working with the homeowners and pest control company to resolve the issue.
Thousands of roaches invade Hawaii neighborhood | Watch the video - Yahoo! News