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SmashMouth 06-12-2013 07:19 AM

'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband
A 72-year-old Southern California grandmother who shot at -- and narrowly missed -- a man trying to break into her home said Tuesday she was shocked at the attention her action was getting but does not regret defending herself and her husband, an 85-year-old World War II veteran who uses a wheelchair.
Jan Cooper, of Anaheim, fired one shot from her .357-magnum Smith & Wesson revolver around 12:30 a.m. Sunday as a man attempted to break into her home. During a 911 call of the incident, Cooper can be heard begging with the dispatcher to send deputies and warns that she has a gun at the ready as her Rottweiler barks furiously in the background.
Minutes later, a breathless Cooper says the man has come to the back porch and is trying to get in the house through a sliding door. Through the vertical blinds, Cooper saw his silhouette just inches away through the glass as he began to slide open the door.
"I'm firing!" Cooper shouts to the dispatcher as a loud band goes off.
Cooper then curses at the suspect, shouting at him to "back up."
"You'd better get the police here. I don't know whether I hit him or not. I'm not sure. He's standing at my door, my back door. He's in my yard," she said.
The suspect, 31-year-old Brandon Alexander Perez, was not hit and was arrested a short while later by responding deputies, who heard the gunshot, said Jim Amormino, spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Department.
Perez has pleaded not guilty to a burglary charge and has a court date later this month. The Associated Press was unable to leave an after-hours message for his attorney.
Perez had a rap sheet that included other burglary and narcotics charges and was on parole and staying at a halfway house not far from the Coopers' address, Amormino said.
Cooper's gun, which she has owned for about 20 years, was legally purchased and properly registered, he said.
"Even though that dog was barking, he still was desperate to get in. So who knows what may have happened if she didn't fire that round," Amormino said.
On Tuesday, Cooper was soft-spoken and composed, with her gray hair pulled back neatly in a hairband and her husband at her side during a news conference at a sheriff's substation.
Cooper said she is amazed by the anger in her voice -- and the curse word she let fly -- after she fired the shot.
"I am a Christian woman and I'm very proud of it and I don't curse but after I shot, rage took hold and I just blasted away," she said. "And, in fact, afterwards my husband said, `I've never heard you talk like that!"'
The stunned intruder apologized to Cooper after she fired, she recalled, telling her, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm leaving. Please don't shoot."
The grandmother of a 15-year-old grandson said she doesn't regret firing her weapon, although she has considered how she would have reacted if she had hit or killed the man. Deputies have told her that, based on his height and the bullet hole, the shot that she fired through a narrow gap in the sliding door passed within inches of his left cheek.
"I don't mean to shoot anybody," said Cooper, a self-described tomboy who has also tried archery and knife-throwing and has owned guns since her teens. "But whatever's necessary to literally stop them -- he was not going to come into my home."
Her husband, Bob Cooper, chuckled when asked if his wife had learned her aggression from him and his military service. Cooper worked gathering intelligence in Italy and France in the build-up to D-Day and spent years going to the shooting range with his wife after the war, he said.
"I'm not surprised at all, not one bit," he said. "I know her capabilities and what she can do if she has to."

Read more: Grandma, 72, shoots at home intruder in California, defends actions | Fox News

TheOak 06-12-2013 07:39 AM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband
She pulled a Biden on him.

Halo 06-12-2013 12:39 PM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband
Sounds like she generously missed the target.
Seriously, this is a non-issue blown out of proportion. If anything it proves that having a gun in the home hidden from plain view and when people are properly trained, can save lives. Had she NOT had the gun who knows what the hell that idiot would have done.

Police were nowhere near at the time of the incident.

And he was repeatedly breaking and entering, a crime when last I checked.
Why is this news? She has a right to defend herself "to the wall" if there's an intruder in her home. He'll think twice before doing that again and others will too.

SapperSaint 06-12-2013 12:51 PM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband
I feel like HALO. Kudos to her and thank the good Lord above she and her husband have the right to own a firearm!

TheOak 06-12-2013 12:59 PM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband
I heard this morning that she nicked his cheek....

Halo 06-12-2013 05:53 PM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 507754)
I heard this morning that she nicked his cheek....

She needed to nick his cerebral cortex and blow the rest of his brains out!
Let's face it.... HE'LL BE BACK (somewhere).
A quick bullet to his skull would have done society a service.

QBREES9 06-15-2013 11:34 PM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband
The grandmother of a 15-year-old grandson said she doesn't regret firing her weapon, although she has considered how she would have reacted if she had hit or killed the man. Deputies have told her that, based on his height and the bullet hole, the shot that she fired through a narrow gap in the sliding door passed within inches of his left cheek.

Good for her.

TheOak 06-16-2013 07:19 AM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband
A bullet passing inches from your head is a significant event in ones life. One that stays with a person, forever, like it happened minutes ago.

Just take my word for it, do not try that at home.

QBREES9 06-16-2013 11:05 PM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband
The stunned intruder apologized to Cooper after she fired, she recalled, telling her, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm leaving. Please don't shoot."

TheOak 06-17-2013 04:44 AM

Re: 'I JUST BLASTED AWAY': Grandma Shoots at Intruder To Save WWII Vet Husband

Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 508389)
The stunned intruder apologized to Cooper after she fired, she recalled, telling her, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm leaving. Please don't shoot."


BS son, you bought the cake, have a slice!

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