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TheOak 07-04-2013 06:51 AM

Happy Independence Day!
1 Attachment(s)
Happy 4th of July everyone - Today we celebrate 237 years of independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain by mixing alcohol with explosives.

Enjoy your whistling bungholes, spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, and your whistling kitty chaser!

Be safe, have fun, and wake up tomorrow with the same number of fingers you woke up today with.

xan 07-04-2013 08:27 AM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
Guzzle beer.

Chomp a dog.

Wade in the pool.

Sweat on your mate.

Scratch skeeter bites.

TheOak 07-04-2013 08:31 AM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
1 Attachment(s)
We should all share the same goal when we approach the fireworks stand....

Keep the Germans out of Pearl Harbor! Attachment 7279

halloween 65 07-04-2013 08:39 AM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
Happy 4th!!

saintfan 07-04-2013 10:17 AM

Re: Happy Independence Day!

jeanpierre 07-04-2013 10:50 AM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day Black & Gold!

SmashMouth 07-04-2013 11:53 AM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
HID to all as well...

Halo 07-04-2013 01:07 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!

hagan714 07-04-2013 01:07 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
time to start all over again from the beginning. happy 4th

WhoDat!656 07-04-2013 01:21 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 510260)
We should all share the same goal when we approach the fireworks stand....

Keep the Germans out of Pearl Harbor! Attachment 7279

WhoDat!656 07-04-2013 01:23 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
For our service men and women!!

lee909 07-04-2013 02:11 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
Happy 4th July from you resident anti-monarchist English/Irishman

foreverfan 07-04-2013 02:28 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!

Danno 07-04-2013 03:17 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 510295)

A classic.

Its sad that I'll use that line occasionally and some youngster will say "Germans? It was the Japanese that bombed Pearl Harbor, not the Germans".

I immediately feel really really old.

Danno 07-04-2013 03:23 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
John Adams wrote, in a letter to his wife:
The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

Danno 07-04-2013 03:30 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!

Independence day trivia...

How much do you know?
American trivia: How much do you know?

12:14 PM CDT on Saturday, July 3, 2004

1. Which three presidents died on July 4?

2. Which president laid the cornerstone for the Washington Monument on July 4, 1850?

3. What was the title of the 1969 Broadway musical, written by Sherman Edwards and Peter Stone, that told the story of the founding of the United States?

4. What city in the American South fell to Ulysses S. Grant and Union forces on July 4, 1863, after a short siege?

5. What twin advice columnists were born on July 4, 1918?

6. In one of the wildest baseball games of all time, the New York Mets beat the Atlanta Braves, 16-13, in how many innings on July 4 (and 5), 1985?

7. When was the Stars and Stripes authorized by Congress as the national flag?

8. The flag has 13 stripes. How many of them are red?

9. Francis Scott Key wrote the words to the Star-Spangled Banner after witnessing what?

10. Where and when was the first 50-star flag flown?

11. On the first U.S. flag, why were the stars displayed in a circle?

12. True or false: When the Pledge of Allegiance was published in 1892, the words "Under God" were not included.

13. Which president served the shortest term?

14. Which president, to show his disdain for ceremony, would greet ambassadors in his pajamas?

15. Which president was the first to throw out the season-opening pitch for professional baseball?

16. To whom was the first telephone call made from the White House in 1878?

17. At 5 feet 4, who was the shortest president?

18. Which president's pet parrot had to be ejected from his funeral for screaming obscenities at mourners?

19. Which president had the most children?

20. Eleanor Roosevelt made news in 1939 when she served what dish to visiting King George VI and Queen Elizabeth?

21. Which president, when short of funds, offered White House china as the ante in poker games?

22. Which president's election was marred by charges of electoral vote corruption in Florida and other states after he lost the popular vote to his opponent?

23. Which well-dressed president was rumored to own 80 pairs of pants?

24. Who was the first chief executive to appear on television?

25. Which two presidents were signers of the Declaration of Independence?

Wow, I got like a whopping 4 friggin questions right. I suck at trivia.:(

1. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams (1826) and James Monroe (1831)
2. Zachary Taylor. He became ill with cholera that night and died five days later.
3. 1776
4. Vicksburg, Miss. It came a day after the Union victory at Gettysburg, marking a turning point in the Civil War
5. Ann Landers and Abigail Van Buren (real names: Esther "Eppie" Lederer and Pauline Phillips)
6. 19 innings. The game ended at 3:55 a.m., and the Braves then fired off their Independence Day fireworks, leading many local residents to believe the city was under attack.
7. June 14, 1777. This date is observed as Flag Day.
8. Seven.
9. The bombardment of Fort McHenry
10. Philadelphia, 1960
11. So no one state would be above another.
12. True. The phrase was added in 1954.
13. William Henry Harrison, who died of pneumonia shortly after his inauguration. He served only 32 days, from March 4 to April 4, 1841.
14. Thomas Jefferson
15. William Howard Taft, on April 14, 1910, at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D.C.
16. Alexander Graham Bell (called by President Rutherford Hayes)
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Tyler (15)
20. Hot dogs
21. Warren G. Harding
22. Rutherford Hayes, in 1876
23. Chester Arthur (also the first to employ a full-time valet)
24. Franklin Roosevelt (April 30, 1939)
25. Thoms Jefferson and John Adams

SmashMouth 07-04-2013 03:31 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
What Abraham Lincoln thought about Fourth of July, Declaration of Independence

In the 1850s, Abraham Lincoln's rhetoric was suffused with a profound sense of loss. He considered it shameful national backsliding that a new affirmative defense of slavery had arisen in the South. At the time of the Founding our nation had merely tolerated slavery; now, it was an institution actively celebrated in part of the country.
In a letter in 1855 despairing of ending slavery, Lincoln wrote to the Kentuckian George Robertson that "the fourth of July has not quite dwindled away; it is still a great day--/for burning fire-crackers/!!!"
At around this time, Lincoln fastened on the Declaration of Independence as "his political chart and inspiration,” in the words of his White House secretary John G. Nicolay.
He made it the guidepost by which the country could return to its lost ideals. His example shows the enduring vitality and the endless potential for renewal that is inherent in the Declaration.
The truths of the Declaration are eternally relevant, a perpetual call to honor liberty and the dignity of the individual.
Distant from his own father, Lincoln felt a deep affection for the men he called “the fathers.” In a speech as a young man, he said that it is our duty to transmit “undecayed” our inheritance of constitutional liberty, out of “gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general.”
In his great anti-slavery speech in Peoria in 1854, he said, “I love the sentiments of those old time men.”
Those sentiments weren't universally admired. For the Slave South, the Declaration's statement that "all men are created equal" was nonsense. John C. Calhoun called it nothing less than “the most false and dangerous of all political error.”
Southern extremist George Fitzhugh agreed. “Liberty and equality are new things under the sun,” he sniffed. Indiana senator John Pettit called the central contention of the Declaration “a self-evident lie.”
In his 1852 eulogy for the great statesman Henry Clay, Lincoln noted how the Declaration was increasingly assailed "for the sake of perpetuating slavery."
In his Peoria speech, he lamented that “Little by little, but steadily as a man’s march to the grave, we have been giving up the OLD for the NEW faith.” He imagined what would have happened had Senator Pettit denigrated the Declaration during the Founding generation: “If it had been said in old Independence Hall, seventy-eight years ago, the very door-keeper would have throttled the man and thrust him into the street.”
Lincoln wanted to catch the falling flag of our patriotic patrimony. Lincoln urged that we “re-adopt” the Declaration, as he put it at Peoria. The road to salvation ran through 1776, he argued in one passage: “Our republican robe is soiled, and trailed in the dust. Let us re-purify it. Let us turn and wash it white, in the spirit, if not the blood, of the Revolution.”
Lincoln believed that this renewal is exactly the purpose for which the Declaration had been intended.
In a 1859 letter to a Republican festival in Boston marking the anniversary of Jefferson’s birth, he wrote: “All honor to Jefferson—to the man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to introduce into a merely revolutionary document, an abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times, and so to embalm it there, that to-day, and in all coming days, it shall be a rebuke and a stumbling-block to the very harbingers of re-appearing tyranny and oppression.”
Lincoln used the Declaration as such a rebuke and stumbling block to slavery. He wielded it as a rhetorical weapon, made it a rallying cry, and established it by the end of the war as national gospel.
The truths of the Declaration are eternally relevant, a perpetual call to honor liberty and the dignity of the individual. The Fourth of July, in short, should never be a day just for burning firecrackers.

Read more: What Abraham Lincoln thought about Fourth of July, Declaration of Independence | Fox News

TheOak 07-04-2013 05:22 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
Fairly comprehensive Flag trivia. Also what someone going to an NCO board in the ARMY should know about the flag.

TheOak 07-04-2013 05:28 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
Patrick Henry ~ "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty.
Suspect every one who approaches that jewel.
Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force.
Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."

Patrick Henry ~ "Let us trust God and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs. Let us preserve our strength for the French, the English, the Germans, or whoever else shall dare invade our territory, and not exhaust it in civil commotions and intestine wars."

ChrisXVI 07-04-2013 07:11 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
Well... I had the option of having today off of work but I have a baby on the way so I chose to work. I need to make that good holiday pay with me and wifey's first child on the way! The good news is that in 6 months we'll add another little Who Dat to the world!

Rugby Saint II 07-06-2013 04:45 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
One day late on this. God bless America........even Falcons fans.(today only)

WhoDat!656 07-06-2013 09:30 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
I love it when a plan comes together!

JPPT1974 07-06-2013 09:41 PM

Re: Happy Independence Day!
Hope that you all had a blessed and a great July 4th!

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