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saintfan 09-07-2013 11:12 PM

Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life
So, it's taken me more than a decade, but I'm finally nudging 10 thousand posts. I joined in 2002, and, strange as it may seem to those who actually have a life, I can remember signing up for the site - the chair I was sitting in.

I absorbed every post.

I also argued my fair share...and then some as I'm sure HALO would confirm. I've been kind. I've been mean. I've been a nice guy who plays well with others, and I've been the jerk in the thread who just wouldn't shut up.

Amazingly, I don't think I've ever been banned, although I've managed to push other's to the brink, and I'm proud to say there are a few people who were banned or who no longer post here as a direct result of my prodding. I did my part (and then some) to send them on their way. I feel no sorrow. They sucked.

But it occurs to me that maybe I've spent too much time here? Then again, many people have achieved 10k much quicker than me.

I've been here so long because this is clearly the best site on the web for Saints football. I've been to them all and yes, I've been banned from virtually every one of them. The LIVE chat on game day here is something I truly enjoy, even though I'm usually the guy with the silly comments that a lot of people probably just ignore. That's okay.

This site rocks the way it does because management has a clue and because the people who provide the content - that'd be everybody - do an amazing job tracking down articles and policing the newbies and, well, jeesh y'all, we're just a great big 'ol family and there's a general feeling that we're all responsible for making sure the idiots are placed properly, and early on. Some 'get it' and see the error of their ways and stick. Other's get the can and we're all better off.

Reaching 10k as we start a new season! Pretty cool. Thanks again, for the 100th time Halo, for taking amazing leaps with the site since you took over, and thanks to all those who post here, new and old, regular and some-timers, because WE make the place what it is. It's THE BEST PLACE FOR SAINTS FOOTBALL (and other stuff too) ON Al Gore's INTERNET!

SloMotion 09-08-2013 08:02 AM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life
Congratulations on your milestone, SF ... you sir, are BlackandGold thru-n-thru, :mrgreen:.

Danno 09-08-2013 08:39 AM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life
I left for 2 years and still have 12K posts. You obviously ain't obsessin enuff.

This is a better board because of posters like you Saintfan.

MaggieMayTB 09-08-2013 09:06 AM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life

(If those guys on TV can do can I)

Saintfan post 10,000 will be celebrated in NOLA, specifically in the Mercedes Benz Superdome, with a New Orleans Saint win against division rival Atlanta Falcons.

The return of head coach, Sean Payton, is aware of this approaching Saintfan milestone and indicated this distraction only adds to motivating the team.

Saints will win and start in a good place in the division.

What say you Sapp?

TheOak 09-08-2013 10:21 AM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life
Yea.... 2009 December and over 10K.

Full time job, wife, two girls under 9, mother in law lives with us, dog, 5 fish... It's not about being a Saints fan and having a life.

The Saints are part of my life by choice.

Chase the rabbit......
Chase the rabbit Betty!

SmashMouth 09-08-2013 10:56 AM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life
NeauxFW... 10K already? :clown:

Glad you are part of this family!

foreverfan 09-08-2013 11:33 AM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life
Actually you hit 10,000 post a long time ago. I had 3000 posts when Halo upgraded the board a few years back. :rolleyes:

Yes you helped a few people get banned without getting banned yourself WTF??? I'm sure a few more will bite the dust in the next 10,000 posts just for meeting you.:mad:

I guess the Zoey pics put a soft spot in our collective hearts for you.... but have you actually dated Zoey? No... so based on that fact alone your life is a complete failure and I'm sure you feel like a complete tool. ;)

Actually SaintFan.. you rock... and are a fine poster as long as your aren't drunk. Personally I think Danno is a better poster but that's just my opinion. :dunce:

Remember... The board loves you braugh....

TheOak 09-08-2013 11:50 AM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life
She told me he hasn't even called.

SmashMouth 09-08-2013 11:54 AM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life

foreverfan 09-08-2013 12:06 PM

Re: Saintfan Approaches 10k Posts: Ponders Meaning of Life

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 524634)
She told me he hasn't even called.


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