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this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; What plane is flying over your house? I think you will find this very interesting. Grab the map and put it over your house. Any plane that is currently in your area that you touch with your cursor will be ...

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Old 04-13-2014, 02:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Shreveport,Louisiana
Posts: 16,003 - Live flight tracker!‏

What plane is flying over your house?

I think you will find this very interesting.

Grab the map and put it over your house. Any plane that is currently in
your area that you touch with your cursor will be described. You will also
see where it is from and where it is going. What type of plane, Airbus
A320,330, Boeing 727, 747 or some other manufacturer.

Where did it come from, where is it going, what altitude, what speed, what
airline, etc.. Well, now you can see all this information instantly on your
laptop screen. I just watched the plane whose vapor trail I could see over
head, on my laptop, and was blown away by all the information and also the

You will also see how many aircraft are flying in your area. I can now see
why an air traffic controller is one very, very busy person.
Here is a note to help you get more out of your visit to this site. These
are all the aircraft in the air right now. In the left hand column, there is
a box called "planes". The number in the box is the number of aircraft
airborne. This view is what the various airport air traffic management
people see for planning purposes.

Some additional tricks:

Drag the map to take you to the area you want to view.

To view your region or town, you can zoom in by tapping with your mouse. On
the map you will see all the planes in the air. When you click on a
airplane, on the left screen you will get all the information related to;
airline, plane type, air speed, altitude in real time that is re-calculated
every 10 seconds. On some you can also click on view from the cockpit.

IT WORKS FOR THE WHOLE WORLD - Live flight tracker!

"A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Old 04-13-2014, 07:12 PM   #2
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Re: - Live flight tracker!‏

You can identify overhead airliners with WolframAlpha's search feature as well.
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