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SapperSaint 03-31-2016 01:40 PM

Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)
Sorry guys and gals; I have been transitioning into a new job in my military career. So excuse me for not posting as often as I should.


I have gotten my CCW permit and wanted to talk with those of you who also conceal carry. What firearm do you carry? What hoslter; IWB or OWB? and why?

I've done a lot of looking into what I want to carry. I have shot a lot of pistols to decide what best fits me and for the situation I find myself carrying. I am a Glock fan (No, not a Glock NUTJOB, a fan). I have used the G21 .45ACP when I was a LEO. Loved it. Now, I own a G19 .9mm, G26 .9mm "Baby Glock", a G22 .40, G42 .380, HK USP Compact .40 and a S&W M&P Bodyguard .380 no laser. Almost for my North American Arms .22LR pocket revolver (BEAUTIFUL piece of craftsmanship).

Now, What are my EDC (Every Day Carry)?

Mainly, it fluctuates between G26, G42 and M&M Bodyguard. G19 for open carry/covered by t-shirt.

Why, you may ask?

Well I will give you some quick hitters.

M&P BG .380: Single stack 6 rounds. The darn thing disappears in your pocket with a blackhawk pocket sleeve. It's just so thin and I can shoot the breaks off of it. I carry APEX Inceptor and Hornady American Defense rounds. Youtube the .380 Inceptor round and you will see why I use it. Yes, I will bet my life on that little .380 round. It does have an external safety, if you like that.

G42: Single stack 7 rounds. Slightly bigger than the M&P. It will conceal in your pocket. However, not as smoothly as the M&P. Prefer to carry it IWB (Inside the Waist Band). Use the same ammo as the M&P. Difference between the two manufacturers? I could shoot the Glock all day long. Accurate is an understatement. Very tight grouping and un-noticable recoil. To me, it's perfect.

G26: Little more firepower, 10 rounds of 9MM. Use the same ammo as above only in 9mm. It is small enough for me to carry it in a OWB (Outside the Waist Band) holster and still not have it bring unwanted notice from the general public. Same accuracy as any other Glock. It can also useG19 and G17 mags.

G19: I have customized this pistol too much, not to use it. 3lbs trigger, new guide rod, Trigicon night sights, etc etc. It is just so smooth and easy to shoot. Plus I can use G17 (FULL-SIZE 9MM) mags. Out of all my pistols this is the best one I am most accurate and fast with.

What do you guys and gals carry?

SloMotion 03-31-2016 06:19 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 697924)
... I have gotten my CCW permit and wanted to talk with those of you who also conceal carry. What firearm do you carry? What hoslter; IWB or OWB? and why? ... What do you guys and gals carry?

Ruger LC9s ... just a nice little gun, conceals nice, shoots nice :). Use a Tagua IWB holster because with jeans, it's usually in my right front pocket & I like that clip. If I was to go OWB, I'd just open carry, #shrug. I'm not real comfortable with IWB on my actual waist though, it just digs.

The Dude 04-05-2016 07:21 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 697960)
Ruger LC9s ... just a nice little gun, conceals nice, shoots nice :). Use a Tagua IWB holster because with jeans, it's usually in my right front pocket & I like that clip. If I was to go OWB, I'd just open carry, #shrug. I'm not real comfortable with IWB on my actual waist though, it just digs.

I second that. I carry one all the time. I used to have the LC9 but that trigger was horrid. The LC9s striker fired trigger is amazing for a gun of that size and price range. I really dont know why anyone would carry anything else. I carry IWB kind of between my hip and my junk.
If I were ever to open carry i would probably go with a 1911. I dont open carry though, I just dont like the idea for me personally. I would rather have the element of surprise. Also a real liberal court could use the fact that you open carry to make a case that you were looking for trouble. Its wrong and unconstitutional yes, but I am not taking any chances.

SloMotion 04-06-2016 02:39 AM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 698434)
I second that. I carry one all the time. I used to have the LC9 but that trigger was horrid. The LC9s striker fired trigger is amazing for a gun of that size and price range. I really dont know why anyone would carry anything else. I carry IWB kind of between my hip and my junk.
If I were ever to open carry i would probably go with a 1911. I dont open carry though, I just dont like the idea for me personally. I would rather have the element of surprise. Also a real liberal court could use the fact that you open carry to make a case that you were looking for trouble. Its wrong and unconstitutional yes, but I am not taking any chances.

Yeah, open carry is good in theory, I suppose, but it causes problems by me, at times ... mostly because law enforcement doesn't really know the laws concerning it & try to enforce their own perceived standard and/or proponents of it flaunt their right to open carry and make everyone nervous.

I'm with you, if I would open carry it would be something big, :lol:.

SapperSaint 04-06-2016 10:21 AM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)
The problem I have with open carry is, the ignorant dumbass people who do it just to make sure EVERYONE notices they have a firearm on their side. There are ways to open carry and not make yourself noticeable with a sign around your hips that scream "HEY! EVERYONE! I'M A DOUCHENOZZLE!!!".. JMO.

I am more of a conceal carry person for the same reasons as you guys. I see it as, it's nobody's business if I am carrying or not.

Crusader 04-06-2016 04:28 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)
What constitutes the difference between open and concealed carry? Is it as easy as wearing a piece of garment over the fire arm? Does it require different permits?

Sorry if my questions are off topic a little.

The Dude 04-06-2016 04:37 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)

Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 698505)
What constitutes the difference between open and concealed carry? Is it as easy as wearing a piece of garment over the fire arm? Does it require different permits?

Sorry if my questions are off topic a little.

Open carry has to be completely visible to a reasonable degree. One problem with open carry is that it leaves some room for interpretation . I have heard of people getting arrested because their shirt happened to blow over their firearm. To be safe you should wear it outside the wasteband with a shirt tucked in.

I agree with the point of flaunting it. I will always fight for our second amendment but doing dumbass stuff like standing outside of the courthouse holding an AK to prove a point is just ridiculous. Yes it's legal, and constitutional but it is a dumbass thing to do. I think it does more to hurt the second amendment than anything. Makes all gun owners look like gun nuts in some people's eyes.

SloMotion 04-07-2016 06:03 AM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)
Open carry isn't the same in all states either, some have it, some require a license/permit, some don't allow it. In Michigan, you can open carry without a license or permit. All that basically means is your firearm has to be in plain view on your person at all times and the restricted areas, ie schools, banks, post offices, places that primarily sell liquor, et ... apply.

It's a very convoluted law, often confused and misinterpreted, here's just a few examples:

1) School zones: a) If you have a current CPL, you can open carry in a school zone (but not concealed). If you do not have a CPL, you cannot, unless you own property within that school zone, at which point you are allowed to open carry on your property only. I know this one because I live in a school zone, :).

2) If you open carry, you are considered concealed and in violation at the point you enter a vehicle with your weapon, without properly securing it and/or separating/storing it from the ammunition. This happens a lot with the open carry crowd, they don't realize sitting in a vehicle with a weapon comes under the definition of "concealed".

Just a couple examples and tip 'o the iceberg, it's a hard law to comply with and/or enforce, IMO.

I'm all about 2nd Amendment, but agree with Dude, common sense needs to prevail and some demonstrations/protests are just plain stupid and/or reckless. I got a guy in my neighborhood that insists on open carrying while he walks his dog in front of the school, what's the point? In all likelihood, someone's gonna' knock him out one day to get that gun, #shrug. We've had boneheads carrying 12-gauge shotguns, walking down prominent, posh, suburban shopping areas ... again, what's the point? They have plenty of open carry gatherings at parks and such during the spring/summer/fall where guys can carry their guns and make their point without all the drama. I think the individuals who go out in left field hurt their cause more then support it and/or bring attention to it, #shrug.

I'm personally not a big fan of open carry just because of the confusion and because it creates a potential crime-of-opportunity in that people will see that gun and want to take it, much like if you wear too much bling, sport a big wad, run around in Air Jordan's, et ... people gonna' go after you for your stuff, just sayin' ... it's why I conceal carry, :lol:.

SapperSaint 04-07-2016 08:02 AM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)
In MS, Open carry of a firearm does not require a permit.

Concealed carry requires a permit, paperwork, fingerprints.

MS Castle Law: You can have a loaded firearm in your vehicle. Loaded, unloaded, hidden, sitting on your dash board or with in arms reach. Your vehicle is considered an extension of your home.

You can carry a firearm in your purse, briefcase, what-have-you, without a permit. Very good law for women, IMHO.

Can not carry a firearm into any GOV building State or Federal, school, sporting event. Regardless if you have a permit or not. If a business doesn't allow firearms on their property; there must be a highly visible placard/sign at all entrances. It's best to conceal carry. Why be the person who my start a potential panic by LEO, a child or a civilian?

yes, the open carry nut job attention seekers, do far more damage to the second amendment than any bleeding heart libtard could ever do.

The Dude 04-07-2016 06:17 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)
I try and look up different states laws when I travel. I went to Texas once and couldnt find any clear laws all in one space so I just kept te magazine in the trunk and the firearm in my console. I know they do have to be seperate in a lot of states. Texas only legalized open carry a couple months ago from what I understand.
In Louisiana your car is considered an extension of your home so you are good to go no matter how you carry when in your car.

SloMotion 04-08-2016 04:39 AM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 698620)
I try and look up different states laws when I travel. I went to Texas once and couldnt find any clear laws all in one space so I just kept te magazine in the trunk and the firearm in my console. I know they do have to be seperate in a lot of states. Texas only legalized open carry a couple months ago from what I understand.
In Louisiana your car is considered an extension of your home so you are good to go no matter how you carry when in your car.

Yep, they got those reciprocal agreements between states, here's the link I use to try and get an idea of who accepts what:

Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps - USA Carry

Always good to check. IL, OR, CA, NV, NY, a few other New England states & HI seem to be the main ones that don't practice some kind of reciprocity.

I have never heard that a car is considered to be an extension of your home before this thread ... interesting concept and a good example of how gun laws can vary between states, IMO. It's why I tell people, if you're gonna' carry, get a hold of the local laws and read, read, read and clarify if there's something you don't understand ... it could save you a big headache down the road, :neutral:.

Danno 06-17-2016 05:39 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)
I'm a novice considering a CC handgun, or one that I will keep in my truck...

I'm debating between two at the local dealer (Glocks are almost impossible to acquire)...

Ruger LC9S
S&W M&P9 Shield.


Danno 06-17-2016 05:41 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 698434)
I second that. I carry one all the time. I used to have the LC9 but that trigger was horrid. The LC9s striker fired trigger is amazing for a gun of that size and price range. I really dont know why anyone would carry anything else.

You may have answered my question dude.

Do you know anything about the S&W M&P 9 shield?

dam1953 06-19-2016 08:07 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 707092)
You may have answered my question dude.

Do you know anything about the S&W M&P 9 shield?

You may want to look at one of the smaller CZ's. My wife has a P-01. Reliable (MRBF 2,100+), 14+1, all metal yet light.

SloMotion 06-20-2016 02:51 PM

Re: Concealed Carry Firearms (Food for thought)
** In answer to Danno's question ...

I carry the Ruger (see previous posts) , very comfortable, easy to conceal, nice shooting handgun ... sometimes I wish it had more than a 7rd mag, but it's an excellent weapon for conceal carry & the range, IMO.

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