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SaintPauly 10-27-2009 07:22 PM

Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
I think the better teams are showing themselves, but who is the worst, and why? I have to go with the Bucs. All facets of their game is terrible. Although, Tennessee getting beat 59 to 0 was pretty bad. I'm still sticking with the Bucs.

CantonLegend 10-27-2009 08:18 PM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
tennessee is awful.......for as good as they were last season, they are equally as unimpressive this season

i still got hope for my brownies.....they'll come around

SaintPauly 10-27-2009 09:06 PM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
I reallize this is a hard question, considering how many of these teams have not won a game yet. Actually watching games, I think the Redskins defense is good, but their offense is terrible. The Browns can score, but they just traded their best WR to the Jets. Tennessee, I have NO idea what is going on here. With the exception of losing Haynesworth to the Skins, this is virtually the same team as last year. St. Louis, just doesn't seem to have any talent anywhere on the field, except for Jackson. KC beat the Redskins, so they can't be the worst. I don't know. I look forward to reading your guys' analysis on this subject. Tampa is in a rebuilding year, with a new coach, and all new players, where as Tennesse just doesn't seem to care. It's a toss up for me with these two.

RaginCajun83 10-27-2009 09:35 PM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
Its the Lambs ... they have some talent on offense but still have problems scoring or moving the ball. Their defense is a joke and right now they have no idea who will own the team in the near future

QBREES9 10-27-2009 11:47 PM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
Are you kidding, Have you seen the Raiders, They stink. I think my High School beat them could beat them. Back when I played in the 80's

Euphoria 10-27-2009 11:52 PM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
Deadskins are about to completely collapse. Horrible from the owner on down.

acekilla89 10-28-2009 09:37 AM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
titans...when a team gives up like they did against the know theyre the worst...

9thWardDesire 10-28-2009 05:07 PM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
The "WASHED-UP-TON TATERSKINS". Starting with ownership on down.

SaintPauly 10-28-2009 06:22 PM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
I just think it's funny, that TB hasn't won a game all season, Washington has, but the Redskins are getting more votes! Heh heh.

MatthewT 10-28-2009 06:23 PM

Re: Who is the WORST team, in the league so far???
There are a lot of bad teams in the NFL right now, kind of hard to say which one is the worst. I guess for now, I will have to say the Rams.

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