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skymike 06-15-2010 07:14 AM

I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
He just struck me as a punk last year when they were playing the Texans.

I think he's overrated--- played for a huge school in the lopsided, ridiculous NCAA, and can run fast. So what? Steve Young and Warren Moon could run fast too, and both of those guys could throw the "sideline-out" to a guy on his knees, on the fly, and could have taken over for the offensive coordinator. Vince Young can run fast.

Now we see on video, his violent side, for a "gesture." wow.

... and he hangs out in t***y bars. impressive.

--tell me how I am wrong. I am listening.

Rugby Saint II 06-15-2010 08:47 AM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
I agree about him being a punk, and him not being that talented. But, what's wrong with hanging out in the t***y bars? Not that I would do that sort of thing. ;)

strato 06-16-2010 12:09 AM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
Seems like yesterday..we were all praising him for being a big brother to Steve McNairs kids...oh well...

skymike 06-16-2010 08:13 AM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
Thats a good point of contention. Good people can do bad things & vice versa. Im certainly not proud of everything I've done in my life.

The positive here, is that Young could see himself in the video and think, "Damn I'm a jerk," and it could change the way he acts in the future.

Another positive could be him realizing that the whole world knows he hangs out in t***y bars, which could embarrass him into changing that also.

A general sense of humilty wouldnt hurt any of us.

9thWardDesire 06-16-2010 05:31 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
Vince, hello? PACMAN JONES!!! (Oops, my bad. I mean "Errrerrrerrerrw - WonkWonk" Jones).

skymike 06-17-2010 07:39 AM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
what kind of drugs was the inventor of pac man on?

OldMaid 06-17-2010 08:11 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
I have issues with his conduct and others.
You have it alll so act like you have some common sense and decency.

It is not so hard to do.

skymike 06-20-2010 12:50 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
Sounds like our moms raised us right, Brina.

SaintPauly 06-20-2010 11:52 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." "Judge not, lest ye be judged." I think those just about cover my thoughts on this. People make mistakes. They shouldn't have to pay for them, for the rest of their lives.

skymike 06-21-2010 06:57 AM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
good to see Jesus quoted here in a positive light. He also said, "I am the Way, The Truth, and the Light." Do you believe this?

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 230784)
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." ...

They were going to execute a woman for having sex. Lets keep things in context.

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 230784)
"Judge not, lest ye be judged."

probably the most quoted out of context scripture in the whole Bible. I saw a guy try to get out of jury duty with that one.

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 230784)
They shouldn't have to pay for them, for the rest of their lives.

I absolutely agree with you. Unless we're talking about a capital offense. But first he has to be sorry for it.

I can think of a lot of people, many athletes included, whom we should forget about their past. Im sickened by the treatment of Tiger Woods, for example. His sex life is of no interest to me. Beating up people is a different thing to me. Ben Rothlesberger is a bit more serious, also, as he apparently has a more malevolent problem. But if they wish to change and regret their mistakes, you are completly right here.

And I can be completely wrong, as VY might be a super nice guy, who had a bad moment. I still say athletes should not hang out in t***y bars. Its bad publicity. makes you look like a loser. He can afford to hire his own strippers to come to his house, keeping him out of the news, and out of the public eye.

Young could also be a brilliant offensive mind, and a master strategist, and I just am unable to see it. But I'll bet Drew Brees could take him in a game of bullseye.


saintfan 06-21-2010 02:15 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
I have not commented on this thread and on this subject and as a result have awarded myself this here dancing broccoli.


st thomas 06-21-2010 03:18 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 230825)
I have not commented on this thread and on this subject and as a result have awarded myself this here dancing broccoli.


heel saintfan,heel boy. lol

skymike 06-21-2010 07:28 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 230825)
I have not commented on this thread and on this subject and as a result have awarded myself this here dancing broccoli.


aw, come on, SF, since when are you shy about controversy? Is it me? Dude, most of my friends think I'm full O' Crap, not to mention crazy. (I am.) I'll bet you have something really interesting to say. Besides, we already disagree about Aaron Brooks, remember? Jump in, man!

SaintPauly 06-21-2010 11:18 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
And I can be completely wrong, as VY might be a super nice guy, who had a bad moment. I still say athletes should not hang out in t***y bars. Its bad publicity. makes you look like a loser. He can afford to hire his own strippers to come to his house, keeping him out of the news, and out of the public eye.

Seriously Mike? Then all that would happen is the strippers would accuse him of rape. Its actually getting to the point, where if you are a professional athlete, the only way to protect yourself from false accusations, and scrutiny, is to take the same oaths as monks. There is nothing wrong with t***y bars, or strip clubs bro. I've worked in them for the past 15 years. They are not as bad as everyone thinks they are. The problem VY has, is that he is a celebrity, and a target for dumba$$E$, who look to incite people like him, in hopes of getting a payday. That's all this is, I guarantee you. Mistake by Vince? Yes. But I will put the loser tag where it belongs, on the guy who started it.

skymike 06-22-2010 06:25 AM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 230904)
Seriously Mike? Then all that would happen is the strippers would accuse him of rape. ...

yeah, you're right there, I get that. Thats not much of a solution. Maybe he could just get some hookers instead. They like to lay low. I dont think Michael Irvin had any problems until the police came in. None of his ho's ever pulled the sexual harassment card.

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 230904)
There is nothing wrong with t***y bars, or strip clubs bro. I've worked in them for the past 15 years. They are not as bad as everyone thinks they are....

I live across the street from 3 of them, so no I dont think anythings wrong with them, but I think somethings wrong with guys who chronically hang out there. I honestly think those dudes are looking for love, and cant talk to regular girls, which is pathetic. "Here's some cash- please love me." I think even athletes are doing this. Remember, they're 20-something.***

Bear in mind, I auditioned to DJ in several myself, so its not like I wouldnt work in one. (I got hired by my last real gig, the same day a strip bar called back) You can also say I know what the inside of those places looks like. I've had an interesting life.

As far as the girls, lets get real, man. Single moms paying their way thru college? You know and I know they're feeding their drug habit. If they werent blowing every dime they made, I'd say it was a great American enterprise. My old neighbors were strippers. Some of them were sweet girls, but it was endless drama, POS boyfriends, and they simply could not get their sh** together, no matter how much cash the raked in.

The lucky ones get out of the biz somehow, a lot of the rest become more dysfunctional from their drugs, cant keep a job, and become available for much less money as street whores. Apparently really lucky ones become Texans cheerleaders.

I'm glad we have strip bars, just as I'm glad we have porn places everywhere. Imagine what some dudes would do if they didnt have somewhere to release. *** Im glad we have the freedom to go somewhere and be "entertained," as Im sure you will argue here. Sure, there are times when all I want is, in the words of Foxworthy, "a beer, and to see something nekkid."

And you know what? Im glad we have little towns where all they have is churches and a lake to go fishing. Some idiot on my old board was crying about how you couldnt buy butt-plugs in Mississsippi. (east to guess what board that was, huh?) Well thats easy. Dont live in MS if you need butt-plugs. America is great because you can live wherever your personal style works. You can live in the middle of "everything" or in the middle of "nowhere."

Personally, I had more fun in the middle of nowhere. Its a well guarded secret how much there is to do in the sticks. .... and how little it costs.

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 230904)
Mistake by Vince? Yes. But I will put the loser tag where it belongs, on the guy who started it.

Is it my imagination, or did I see him shove a woman? You gotta be a little bothered by how violent he got over what? a diss? cmon. I hope it was a rare, uncharacteristic moment.

Not every woman in the world is a gold digger. Not every woman cares about celebrity either. Why cant these guys just talk to regular girls? just askin.

saintfan 06-22-2010 03:53 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 230878)
aw, come on, SF, since when are you shy about controversy? Is it me? Dude, most of my friends think I'm full O' Crap, not to mention crazy. (I am.) I'll bet you have something really interesting to say. Besides, we already disagree about Aaron Brooks, remember? Jump in, man!

I've been called somthing. LOL

Ok, ok. I'll chime in, but I have to admit I have avoided this topic because it appears to me to be a whole lot of hot air. I read the articles. I watched the video, and here's my take <drum roll>:

But wait. Let me qualify myself. I've been a patron at, and I have also worked for, a number of bars and honky tonks that friends of mine would not go to because of their 'reputation'. "Hey man, people get CUT in there". You get the idea. I had a fantastic time too I should add.

So at 40 (okay, okay, at 41), here's what I know that I didn't know at 20 or at least didn't really care: Bars are dangerous places. Strip Clubs can be even worse. Of course I'm not talking about your local watering hole necessarily, but trouble can be found there too.

What do you get when you mix alcohol and young men full of testosterone (or old men in a crisis) and women dressed 'to impress'? You get trouble - that's what you get. Everybody's is bigger than everybody else's, right? Vince Young got in a bar fight. THERE'S some front page news. I used to keep a stick (the butt end of a pool stick) in the booth with me to beat 'em off the light console. They fight over anything and everything.

Don't look at my girlfriend.
Don't talk about my mama.
Don't tell me a Chevy is better than a Ford.
Don't say anything negative about "Freebird".
Hey, you gotta CALL that bank on the eight.

Any of this silliness, and lots of things MUCH sillier, and it's on like Donky Kong. Or, as what appears to have been the case with VY, somebody was mocking somebody's College. That, too, will get you whacked in the head.

So, my opinion <another drum roll>: There is nothing to see here. This is boys being boys (notice I didn't say "Men", because real men don't do this crap), and VY needs to grow up. Maybe he'll live long enough to realize that...and maybe he won't. Most of my friends grew up and grew out of it. Some didn't. Some are still strutting around the honky tonks, chest stuck out, beer in hand, and looking for someone to cross them 40. Okay, okay, 41. Some are dead as a direct result of their failure to grow on up.

You're not shutting down the bars, so you better get a stomach for this kind of stuff. VY is no different than any of us, and most of us have been there and done that and ripped off the t-shirt in an effort to impress somebody. It happens all over the world, and if people were on the moon it would happen there too.

We should stop the :chug:and do a little more of the :beatnik:and then we'd have some :peace: and then, at the end of the night, instead of being beat up and in need of medical attention or bail money, all we'd be is :crow:.

That's my .02.

Oh, and Zooey doesn't like brawls in bars. :mrgreen:

skymike 06-22-2010 04:15 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 230952)
We should stop the :chug:and do a little more of the :beatnik:and then we'd have some :peace: and then, at the end of the night, instead of being beat up and in need of medical attention or bail money, all we'd be is :crow:.

This is a complete bull**** myth. Potheads will fly into a rage too, sometimes at a completely ridiculous time. BUT--- this is funny as hell, so, I'm glad you posted it! Art it is.

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 230952)
Don't look at my girlfriend.
Don't talk about my mama.
Don't tell me a Chevy is better than a Ford.
Don't say anything negative about "Freebird".
Hey, you gotta CALL that bank on the eight.

VY is no different than any of us, and most of us have been there and done that and ripped off the t-shirt in an effort to impress somebody. It happens all over the world, and if people were on the moon it would happen there too.

ok... you nailed me to the wall on that one. I knew this guy that walked around with his sleeves rolled up, a big fuzzy mullet, cholo-man mustache & drug-cartel dangling earring, thinking women wanted him, and being 6 feet tall and bullet-proof. Not to mention an embarrassing intolerance for alcohol. He looked exactly like me in my 20's. damn look-alikes.

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 230952)
Oh, and Zooey doesn't like brawls in bars. :mrgreen:

Its funny all the things we thought about women that we're completely opposite of true. They really dont like macho displays.

really great post SF, Im glad I called you out.

Pauly, you make a lot of sense too.

anybody else? lets hear you.

skymike 06-22-2010 04:17 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young
btw, dont I get any dancing broccoli for using the terms "butt plugs" and "Mississippi" in the same sentence?

saintfan 06-22-2010 04:18 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 230955)
This is a complete bull**** myth. Potheads will fly into a rage too, sometimes at a completely ridiculous time.

But only because their azzholes by nature, not because they're stoned. There is such a thing as liquid courage, but there's no such thing as smoke courage...or whatever...but this would be an entirely different thread. LOL

papz 06-22-2010 04:23 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 230825)
I have not commented on this thread and on this subject and as a result have awarded myself this here dancing broccoli.

Dancing broccoli revoked.

saintfan 06-22-2010 04:31 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by papz (Post 230958)
Dancing broccoli revoked.


Son-of-a-:censored:. I KNEW it.

skymike 06-22-2010 04:38 PM

Re: I Knew I Didnt Like Vince Young

Originally Posted by papz (Post 230958)
Dancing broccoli revoked.


we dont take kindly to dancing broccoli in Mississippi, son.
it aint natural.

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