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Beastmode 12-27-2010 02:44 PM

Obama calls Vick
Instead of calling an ex-convict who plays a game for a living to praise him how about calling a wounded Soldier once a month at random to praise him for providing the freedoms he and Vick enjoy. I really don't understand why he deserves a phone call from the President considering they are still trying to recover money that he gave to his family to stash so it couldn't be touched. I so hope this clown is 1 term and done.

lynwood 12-27-2010 02:49 PM

Obama wants to be "Hollywood" and liked by the Oprahs, Vicks, and other "stars". He takes lavish vacations like a movie star.

He is not a leader.

QBREES9 12-27-2010 03:39 PM

One Term and out !!!

OldMaid 12-29-2010 04:57 PM

I know .I saw that. All I can say is that I don't know who is advising him. ...still!! He does not have the right advisors. From the WHS Dinner(that Salahi couple) -to touching QE II -Mrs.O leaving AF I in camping gear/shorts. Protocol. Protocol.
I am really disappointed in him in areas of protocol.
I wont' get to politics since your thread did not bring that up.
All I can say is, his job lost, not mine. I have a hard time as it is finding a position in the school system here in TX. I have something that I am way overquailifed for. If he wants to keep his job for one term, fine . It is not my job.I don't not want to move back to LA .I don't.
I'll give here until July 2011. If I do not find the position I am qualified for,I don't know what I am going to do. I can't worry about the Obama's.

OldMaid 12-29-2010 05:01 PM

Beastmode, how about him calling,randomly of course, a school principal once a month.
Show up at a school in Washington DC, Marlyand, or Virginia, once a month.

niteadept 12-30-2010 08:51 AM

Obama - the new One and DONE!

ScottF 12-30-2010 08:57 AM

Carlson: Vick deserved execution for dogfighting ring | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Cory9289 12-31-2010 12:22 PM

^ People like that need to be punched in the mouth repeatedly.

saintsfan601 12-31-2010 01:55 PM

Why don't we just execute everyone that commits a crime.These people do not think before they open there mouths.I'm normally a fan of Fox news but,this guy is a clown.

Saintswrath 12-31-2010 02:04 PM

A lot of unnecessary Obama hate here, there and everywhere i see.. wow.. it was just a phone call, my cousin who was over-sea's and returned has received cards and other crap from the President, that stuff just don't get put in the news because it's almost a "MUST" that a President acknowledges to Veterans and on-duty soldiers.

This was blasted, highlighted, magnified and spotlighted by Fox and other Right media outlets because it was the President connecting with Vick and Vick being hated by all the animal lovers, fake Christians who go to church and taught to forgive but think that only applies to "certain people" and people who just feel like hating him for a variety of other reasons it add's lil extra flare for people to chew on, now people are going to assume Obama don't care about the dogs and condone it because of this phone call when the whole idea of this was to show people can make a turn around and it should be used an example of second chances, forgiveness and turn-arounds..
Or we can all listen to this Carlson dude and just kill dog ring killers,
well he's calling for only Vick but there were a few other larger dog ring operators shut down but no where near high profile as this and no one is calling for their heads.. odd.

As we get close to the end of the year 2011 get ready for them to nit pick him apart from the company that he buys his hair brush from to the flea repellent they use to the amount of sugars he likes in his coffee..

However Rothlisberger has two cases rape and everybody just kinda put their finger on their lips about it, America....

I guess Sarah Palin is no brainer (literally) to some in 2012..

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