12-29-2010, 05:53 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: 30 miles from Paradis
Posts: 602
Originally Posted by OldMaid
But this is not a women's rights issue.This is not a case of sexual harrassment or abuse in any sort of way.
Let Old Maid tell my kids here on board the facts of life:
When a man and woman have chemistry, they like each other,they talk, date, have s*x and not nec. in that order, LOL!!
Farve, a louse, met this wh o re Sterger
He talked to her. She to him. They texted each other. Farve,a c*&t,
didn't leave his wife and take up with this skank.
Deanna Farve(the Mrs) might want to cut Farve lose and take her tens of millions of HER money before he cuts her loose later as years go by.
Anyway, Ms. cheap trash decided to make some noise. Here is the story:
12/29/2010 11:50 AM PST by TMZ Staff
The woman who was allegedly on the receiving end of the Brett Favre weiner photos claims she's "extremely disappointed, but not surprised" with the NFL's ruling ... because the the NFL is a sexist organization.
Jenn Sterger's lawyer just released a statement saying, "While I am not privy to how Mr. Goodell reached such a finding, we strongly disagree with his conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to support a violation of the policy."
Jenn's lawyer continues, "Our evidence and the personal testimony of Ms. Sterger clearly showed a pattern of lewd and offensive behavior by Mr. Favre that lasted all of the 2008 season."
He adds, "Our evidence clearly showed that the photos were sent by Favre."
Sterger's lawyer concludes, "Today’s decision is an affront to all females and shows once again that, despite tough talk, the NFL remains the good old boys’ league."
Give me a break. NFL is not good ole boys organization. Rita Benson, CEO,owner , whatever she is of N.O.Saints and Benson Corp., just won the SB. She had a big hand in picking the team and coaching staff you have come to know and love.
NFL has many women employed in major positions. Ms. Benson 's job is inherited, but she def has a voice with the other owners and the NFL.
This girl Sterger is just typical pretty trash. Let her do Playboy and call Gloria Allred and be done with it.
Farve, I can't stand him, but really there was nothing the NFL could to do. Oohh, he had an affair outside of his marriage. We have some real thugs, gangsters, criminals in the NFL and the NFL keeps them.
Only person who can discipline Farve is the Mrs. and her divorce atty.
Score 1 for MANkind.
Favre should store some nude pictures of her on his phone, then publicly cry about how hurt he was when he received them, and demand payment from NOW. And a lifetime ban on Jenn Sterger doing commercials. He's going to cry anyway, the season's ending; he may as well get paid for it.