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Liked SloMotion, but....
I really liked SloMotion, even though he is a Lions fan ( and made no bones about it ). In the chat today, I invited him back.
But, on second thought, I have an observation. When things weren't going well in the first half, Slo, was understandably happy and expressed himself. Some us felt uncomfortable ( me included ). So, my suggestion is to ask other Lions fans, who claim to be friendly, to just not join us for the chat on game day. Invite them to post away on the board, but during the game, leave us to celebrate or console ourselves or ***** about the refs ( in the heat of the moment ) on our own. I think if the game would have gone the other way, having Slo in the chat, could have potentially gotten ugly, and, I believe would have just added to our pain. Actually, there was one minor thing that I didn't appreciate about Slo. His signature line was Who Dat? Dem Lions. When I asked him to change it -- he just wrote it in French. Maybe he thought I don't read French. |
well, I see your point. However, if we are going to ask/welcome/invite; other fans to our site. Do we need to take their "Fan Cards" away? I understand we have had some butholes on here from other sites but I don't can if a guy/gal shows their pride in their team. As long as they keep it to within tolleration of the group.
I also see your point about the invite to the chat room. Heat of the moment can get ugly with just us in their. On the whole, I like when we get good fans to come here. All that tells me is when they "Google" Saint Fans/Forum...... BlackandGold.com is the one they choose! |
Something just doesn't feel right about it to me. |
im feelin u on that WHO DAT CAT. y would sum1 even b on B&G on gameday? Its just in sports. we can be cordial off the field but on game day we're ENEMIES!!!!! Mope with your own fans during your next NEW ORLEANS style beatdown ya dam LOSER!!!!!!!!!!
Guys/Gals, Slomotion was awesome all week. He wanted to participate in Live chat and I didn't stop him.
He actually behaved himself, but LIVE is for US Saints fans and I have to rethink/make some new rules on how that works. He didn't really do anything offensive but let's face it, when we fall behind, the last thing Saints fans want to hear are other fans saying ANYTHING. It's not slomotions fault. He was one of the most decent visitor members we've seen in a long time. |
I had to apologize too him for calling him a troll at half-time... 14-10 down, his comments really started to get to me... But he turned out okay
You guys are exactly right. even though it was 14-10 at half the the saints were getting the ball to start the second half and i also knew we would take the lead, noone wants to hear anything SILLY.
This is the playoffs, one and done, MY KIDS BETTER NOT LAUGH when the SAINTS are down. STICK TO YOUR OWN FORUM ON GAME DAY!!!! |
I see what WhoDatCat is saying. Posting is ok. Chatting during game is not comfortable and those in chat had to restrict themselves. They could not freely talk about the game or the DetLions or even the Saints. They went out of their way to be civil in chat and mindful of SloMo. Watch their language and words. Show up that Southern Hospitality.
Yes, I agree with the rest that SloMo's postings were fine. Mild. Nothing against SloMo. His postings were ok. He was nice. |
I invited him to our forum as well, and I invited him to come back during the rest of the season.
He sent me a nice private message as well today. I didn't feel uncomfortable with him in the chat room I cant think of another team's fan site I would go on and invite someone to ours, but if any show up and behave, they can stay |
I really think he showed us how it's done. I could never have behaved like him on a Falcons board or particularly a game day chat. Stand up guy, who also apparently speaks some French. :-) |
I one of the ones who encouraged him to come by. He's a classy guy who likes football. He's no less for his team than we are ours.
I think he went out of his way to be civil. I thought it was great having him here and I hope he continues to drop by from time to time. He understood he was in enemy territory. |
I have zero problem with SloMotion. But I wasn't in chat last night. He has been couteous and friendly while he was here. He is. very knowledgeable about the game. He was well spoken. And he was respectful to to our site and to everyone on this site. I too hope he continues to come on here and talk football with us. Hell, we may even convert him to a Saints fan. LOL
I tried to stop by for the chat on gameday, but couldn't find it.
clicked on "chat rooms" and I was the only one in there when the game was starting. clicked on "Live" and say a bunch of emoticons, and nothing else. Oh well, sounds like it might have been best for me to stay away, anyway. SloMotion and I don't usually see eye to eye on most Lions things. |
jokeray; we stay in Live during the games; we were in there and you can sometimes find a few in there at different times, it should be packed for the LSU/Bama game tonight... stop by if you like...
thanks...I may stop by next week to talk trash about the 49ers, and enjoy the Saints big win!
Let's face, no one ever wants to hear an opposing fan during a game, and when you are just typing, not face to face, a lot of meaning can be lost.
Bottom line, if Colston fumbles inside the 20, the last thing I want to see is YESSS!!! The guy handled himself well, even when attacked, but... |
Well, I've read the posts and can't say as I disagree ... maybe the LiveChat should be a 'WhoDat' only kinda' thing ... in my defense, I don't feel I said anything inappropriate or malicious and that certainly was not my intent. I cheered when my team did well, cursed when they didn't and I cheered the good plays by your team as well. I expected some good natured ribbing from y'all too, and for the most part, it was all good fun. But you're right, inviting an outsider to that inner sanctum might be a little much and could potentially be a powder keg. Lucky for you guys I'm a perfect guest, the 'Beautiful Loser' as my homeboy Bob Seger puts it.
I don't want to overstep my bounds guys ... this board is amazing and the Detroit boards suck, I think I just got too excited over having a place to have real, intelligent football dialogue with other knowledgeable fans. It's like being at Mardi Gras, eventually you got to get back to where you come from . . . thanks for the vacation guys, I'll just finish out the playoff run if you don't mind . . . my boys here in the "D" been telling me I'm online too much anyway. go Lions. |
No hard feelings. I've never had a thread dedicated to me before either ... you guys really do make me feel special ... seriously. If the Lions hadn't been handed down through generations, well two, in my family and my Pops were still alive, I'd jump ship and become a Saints fan. go Lions. |
Minimum number of posts required to view gameday chat, so you might not have been able to get it. We do this to prevent driveby trolling. |
Look if you want to come into LIVE, I can make it happen. Only thing you must know is that's a hardcore "HOMER" Saints event and people in there freak out from time to time and like doing it in the company of fellow fans. We've been doing a gameday chat everygame for 9 plus years, so.... |
go Lions. |
Much of his hatred for me comes from 2 things. 1 is that I will acknowledge negatives, but will mostly focus on the positives on the team. Secondly, part of his hatred is based on some kind of jealousy over me being a mod over on their official boards. Saints fans, forgive me, I'm not here to argue with Slo, I really do have a ton of respect for Saints fans and the Saints football team. |
Now this thread started out slow but its getting somwhere...
Thanks for assuming you know my situation, glad to see you're on the Black & Gold, take advantage of your time here, you could learn something about posting and/or moderating. Now, let's see if you can carry on a conversation without the profanity name calling, or is that all you got? Don't mess with me on here J, you couldn't do it on the Detroit board, you won't be able to do it here. The day you can sit down with me in the same room and talk your smack, I'll respect you, but on the boards, you're just a keyboard commando. Out. You can have the last shot, J-bone, you're not worth the time or bandwidth to me anymore. Come on up to Detroit and air your dirty laundry hero, I'll take it to the cleaners for you. go Lions. |
i've posted about things I don't like about the Lions, but I'm also going to enjoy the season I had. Something you are incapable of. You'd rather take the talking points from TMZSPN and other main media, and spout off all the bull**** things the media has exploited about our Lions. I get it, we've sucked a long time, but that's not going to stop me from commenting on the season that our 23 year old QB has put up, or some of the other good players on our team. I'm sorry you can't do it. Nice of you to "say" that i could have the last shot...makes you seem like a big man. You tried this "over there" then proceeded to reply to every one of my posts. You also FAIL to mention that I posted my e-mail address, so we didn't have to battle on the boards. Wouldn't take me up on that, would you? And you call me a keyboard commando? I look forward to your next response, I hope you tell me again that you aren't going to reply in that one. Hipocrite. *Saints fans, I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am |
Maybe we need an "Opposing Team Fan Meltdown" Forum? :smile:
I don't know about you guys, but I can't even take an occasional poke-by-text from a buddy during a live game, more less an opposing fan in my face during LIVE chat. I was off-grid last weekend and just had to simply enjoy the game. I missed my dose of LIVE chat and evidently a rare appearance by an opposing fan as well. I'm not hating on opposing fans, but I can not imagine myself on an opposing fan board during a game when I could be on my home board. Welcome, anyway, but when we're not playing the Lions, you guys need to just hide and watch. I trust Halo will take care of the admin side of our business, so I'll just play along as long as it doesn't get offensive. Alaska |
No Censorship - None
If someone wants to use their ass for their thinking device and get on here and talk smack whether a Saints fan or Neaux...I would hope Black and Gold should reflect what America is all about... "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) |
Political correctness is kicking freedom of speech right in the balls. |
Officially, LMAO. I swear, I know why Slo likes this board. |
I'm from the Lions Board, I think this is funny ..... I might just have to stay and watch....:)
give 'em hell, Saints. |
It's all in fun.
Welcome to all our visiting fans! Alaska |
My "buddy" Slo, after bashing the Lions boards came crawling back yesterday. Reported me to the mods for being a big meany poopoo head or something. Funny Stuff!
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