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skymike 08-21-2012 07:27 PM

Re: Rumors fly that league may go with one-man officiating crews
Did you get this from The Onion?

skymike 08-21-2012 07:29 PM

Re: Rumors fly that league may go with one-man officiating crews
Heres what I dont get. When they do those stupid, game-screwing replays. (yes, you know Im the crazy guy who wants to do away with all replay, call it on the field, and suck it up and be a man.) When they do those stupid, game-screwing replay reviews..... WHY, pray tell, since its ON TV.... can they not just have some buy in a booth do the whole thing, instead of that idiotic deal where the one zebra has to run off to the peep show with the hood? Why dont we hand-crank the scoreboard, while we're at it.... and blow up the footballs with bicycle pumps just before kickoff?

SaintsBro 08-22-2012 10:28 AM

Re: Rumors fly that league may go with one-man officiating crews

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 430146)
Heres what I dont get. When they do those stupid, game-screwing replays. (yes, you know Im the crazy guy who wants to do away with all replay, call it on the field, and suck it up and be a man.) When they do those stupid, game-screwing replay reviews..... WHY, pray tell, since its ON TV.... can they not just have some buy in a booth do the whole thing, instead of that idiotic deal where the one zebra has to run off to the peep show with the hood? Why dont we hand-crank the scoreboard, while we're at it.... and blow up the footballs with bicycle pumps just before kickoff?

I think the purpose of having the guy go under the hood is so that the home crowd can boo at him and try and intimidate him into making the correct call, LOL

What I don't get, is why this year they don't seem to be showing the replays on the screen in the Dome when something is getting reviewed. I get it that you shouldn't show it when it's a replay that might negatively affect the Saints, like a TD that was really an incomplete pass, but if it was the other team's play and you want them to overturn it, they used to show the replays over and over, and over, while the ref was under the hood, to get the crowd all riled up and screaming for blood. They didn't seem to be doing that at the Jags game.

saintfan 08-22-2012 12:37 PM

Re: Rumors fly that league may go with one-man officiating crews
I'd like to think this was one of those Onion stories, but knowing what I know about Roger, it just wouldn't surprise me.

Kosoma 08-22-2012 07:21 PM

Re: Rumors fly that league may go with one-man officiating crews
i guess its better than the rumor i heard about equipping all players with mind reading devices. of course the way they work is when a defensive player is trying to tackle a player and accidentally grabs the face mask, he thinks "oh ****, face mask. hope no one saw that" and from out of a tube buried in the terf shoots a yellow flag. then for extra measure so there is no controversy they play over the loudspeaker the thought the penalty was called on.

mutineer10 08-23-2012 09:52 PM

Re: Rumors fly that league may go with one-man officiating crews
For my unsolicited two cents, I think folks - especially media folks - have been unnecessarily harsh on the replacement refs. Yeah ... they're scabs, they're unqualified, and they're often buffoons ... but it's not as if SOMEONE wasn't gonna take the job.

These are guys (and gals!) trying to better themselves doing something they're passionate about. Most of them are obviously not NFL-ready, but I'll give 'em credit for having the guts to take their shot when it was offered.

That said, Komrade Goodell needs to drop his childish, cheap-@$$ posing and pay the deserving regular refs ... the replacements' embarrassing performance is evidence of that. But we know better than to expect walking-around sense from that @$$ clown by now, don't we?

Paul Tagliabue, where are you ... ?

SaintsBro 08-24-2012 04:47 PM

Re: Rumors fly that league may go with one-man officiating crews
Yeah I mean I can't possibly say anything good about the replacement refs because they are still possibly the best shot we have at getting Goodell fired. Way more than any fallout from Bountygate. So if the replacement refs get thrown under the bus, to reach that goal, well I don't lose any sleep. I mean think about it, man. The ref from the Lingerie Football League telling Drew Brees or Jabari Greer or Joe Vitt what is or isn't a penalty? Comical is what it is.

SloMotion 08-24-2012 05:50 PM

Re: Rumors fly that league may go with one-man officiating crews

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 430146)
Heres what I dont get. When they do those stupid, game-screwing replays. (yes, you know Im the crazy guy who wants to do away with all replay, call it on the field, and suck it up and be a man.) When they do those stupid, game-screwing replay reviews..... WHY, pray tell, since its ON TV.... can they not just have some guy in a booth do the whole thing, instead of that idiotic deal where the one zebra has to run off to the peep show with the hood? Why dont we hand-crank the scoreboard, while we're at it.... and blow up the footballs with bicycle pumps just before kickoff?

... well SM, I think in a round-a-bout way you kinda' hit the nail on the head, :lol: ... that's pretty much exactly what they want to do ...


The in-between news is that the NFL may use only one official on the field to spot the ball and walk off penalties, with the rest of the officiating being performed in the booth by league employees watching TV monitors.

... I don't have a problem with it, just who's gonna' break up the players when they get in a big scrum? One zebra ain't gonna' be able to seperate 'em ... and I like the 'inflating the footballs with bicycle pumps' idea ... maybe make the players with the most personal fouls work the pumps on the sidelines, :lol:.

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