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ProMallNinja 08-14-2013 08:48 AM

Re: RGIII needs to man up and shut up
Oak, the biggest story here is McNabb fully committing himself to the loony bin over these RG3 shenanigans. Dude has gone from "going off the deep end" to becoming the definition of "the deep end". Haha

TheOak 08-14-2013 10:41 AM

Re: RGIII needs to man up and shut up

Originally Posted by ProMallNinja (Post 517128)
He spoke to media when he wasn't scheduled to. That doesn't sound like damage control to me. It sounds like a guy that's pissed off about his words being "twisted and turned" (his quote). If it were damage control I'm sure the Redskins would have made sure everyone knew that he was going to speak to the media. Shanahan has made many comments on the situation as well. Both of them keep saying that there is "no conflict", but the media keeps insisting there is. It's funny how some people live to lap up the media's daily porridge.

Unscheduled is why it was damage control, mitigation is not a scheduled event.

That twisting and turning is precisely why veterans know what not to say.

At the end of the day, maturity understands that he is not going to play preseason .. period. Voicing his "feelings" will not do anything other than cause drama.

However i will ask the one thing. When RGIII was played last season too early (he wanted to play) and got hurt worse his father came out and said he should have been pulled.... Now he wants to play again and the Team is saying no and here we are with the drama again...

For those that love RGIII's running, his father is on the record stating he knows that is going to lead to the end of his career earlier than normal.
Robert Griffin III’s dad: Running quarterbacks are*losers | SI Wire
RGIII’s dad: run-first quarterbacks are losers

However the inability to keep quiet and smile seems to run in the family.
VIDEO: RG3's Father Questions Mike Shanahan's Use of His Son | The Kevin Burke Project

ProMallNinja 08-14-2013 11:05 AM

Re: RGIII needs to man up and shut up
You have clearly formulated some sort of opinion against players that are candid with the media that I respectfully disagree with. Not a single quote of his leads me to believe that he said anything damning about his team or coach. It seems to me that it has only become damning because that's what the media wanted it to be. Everyone knows that you can't control how the media wants to spin things, and guys should not be forced to keep their mouth shut just because of a few idiots with press credentials. RG3 gets paid a lot of money to produce on the football field, and all he has done to this point is shown an intense desire to do so. It clearly has not caused any kind of inner turmoil with the team or coaches, and every source that I've seen has suggested that Robert spoke to the media yesterday under his own volition. NOT because the team had him on some "damage control" mission. Even has an article this morning entitled "Much Ado About Nothing" pertaining to the situation. The only legitimate story here is how disgusting some representatives of the media can be when they are desperate to spin a story out of nothing. If you think for one minute that I couldn't spin some BS from Drew Brees quotes all day long if I had it out for him you're sorely mistaken. Anything a person says can be misconstrued by a good writer. It happens every single day, and no one should have to be held to a standard of just "shutting their mouth" in an attempt to dodge negativity-mongerers. RG3 did absolutely nothing wrong. A handful of people with jobs in the media that have it out for him are solely responsible for this hullabaloo. Believe me when I say that I totally respect your opinion, but we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

TheOak 08-14-2013 04:25 PM

Re: RGIII needs to man up and shut up

Originally Posted by ProMallNinja (Post 517168)
You have clearly formulated some sort of opinion against players that are candid with the media that I respectfully disagree with. Not a single quote of his leads me to believe that he said anything damning about his team or coach. It seems to me that it has only become damning because that's what the media wanted it to be. Everyone knows that you can't control how the media wants to spin things, and guys should not be forced to keep their mouth shut just because of a few idiots with press credentials. RG3 gets paid a lot of money to produce on the football field, and all he has done to this point is shown an intense desire to do so. It clearly has not caused any kind of inner turmoil with the team or coaches, and every source that I've seen has suggested that Robert spoke to the media yesterday under his own volition. NOT because the team had him on some "damage control" mission. Even has an article this morning entitled "Much Ado About Nothing" pertaining to the situation. The only legitimate story here is how disgusting some representatives of the media can be when they are desperate to spin a story out of nothing. If you think for one minute that I couldn't spin some BS from Drew Brees quotes all day long if I had it out for him you're sorely mistaken. Anything a person says can be misconstrued by a good writer. It happens every single day, and no one should have to be held to a standard of just "shutting their mouth" in an attempt to dodge negativity-mongerers. RG3 did absolutely nothing wrong. A handful of people with jobs in the media that have it out for him are solely responsible for this hullabaloo. Believe me when I say that I totally respect your opinion, but we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

Spin Drew.... I challenge you. Search his quotes during his contract negotiation, his injury in San Diego....

1. Damage control has absolutely nothing to do with a team directive and I never said that. I gave him credit for seeing how his words were being misconstrued and taking it upon himself before the team had to tell him to do so.

2. I completely understand your point of view, people should be allowed to be honest, I am not taking anything away from his ability or what he has earned. That being said..... When you become the face of a billion dollar franchise, a manager of people, a leader of men, even a parent.... The ability to practice discretion is an absolutely valuable skill set. Discretion; the quality of being discreet or cautiously quiet, over proving your courage by speaking your mind. "The better part of valor, is discretion."

It's knowing when to allude to not being on the same page as your boss. In his office, good time. In front of reporters, not so much.

Hopefully my reframing helps you to see I am not saying he was wrong, I'm saying he could have made a better judgement call.

Do you have children? While you may not agree with your wife when your child standing in front of you, the worst thing you can do is let that child know that you think her decision is bad.

TheOak 08-15-2013 05:44 AM

Re: RGIII needs to man up and shut up
Promall..... What's your age? Married, girlfriend, significant other?

On honesty:
What do you say when you are asked by your significant other if you like the new outfit or hair style or nail color? Do you dare say you don't like it..... Or perhaps the honest truth that you really don't care? Me either.

You say the media spins, yes they do but they are not solely responsible... Fans interpret quite differently also.... If Drew changed cleats the interpretation would range from "so what" to "better traction on his plant foot to prevent INTs".

Discretion prevents all that.

ProMallNinja 08-15-2013 12:11 PM

Re: RGIII needs to man up and shut up

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 517401)
Promall..... What's your age? Married, girlfriend, significant other?

On honesty:
What do you say when you are asked by your significant other if you like the new outfit or hair style or nail color? Do you dare say you don't like it..... Or perhaps the honest truth that you really don't care? Me either.

You say the media spins, yes they do but they are not solely responsible... Fans interpret quite differently also.... If Drew changed cleats the interpretation would range from "so what" to "better traction on his plant foot to prevent INTs".

Discretion prevents all that.

I'm 29 today actually! :-) Been married for 3.5 years to the love of my life. We're a "rare breed", of sorts. We genuinely tell each other the exact truth over EVERYTHING. We do so to the point of making others, that aren't familiar with us, feel uncomfortable because of their adherence to certain relationship "honesty taboos". Your analogy probably doesn't fit me very well, and that tidbit of information about me should help you understand why I feel the way I do. I don't believe in inferences or speculation when it comes to the spoken word unless it's clearly obvious that a person is suggesting something other than what they are saying. We (my wife included) take things at "face value" and generally give the benefit of the doubt until otherwise is clearly evident. That's why it bothers me when media does these sort of "sensationalist" articles, and that's why I feel like the problem is not people needing to keep their mouth shut but instead people needing to keep their interpretations that lack any validation to themselves. Once again, I do not think that anyone that has followed certain media members' unprovoked bashing of Robert over this offseason would argue that there are not some that seem to have it out for him. Also, it absolutely disgusts me to see any respectable journalist of ANY race feel it necessary to mention a player's race unless the sole intent of the article is to discuss race in general. No physical characteristics that we do not control should ever define us as a person, and that was the dream of Dr. King himself.

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