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dizzle88 10-11-2013 05:18 PM

Adrian Petersons son passes away
Its just a terrible situation, 2 years old......

I hope the scum bag who assaulted him gets tortured in prison

Adrian Peterson's son dies; alleged attacker jailed -

saintfan 10-11-2013 05:48 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Yeah. This breaks my heart. I'll be saying some prayers for Peterson and his family. Just terrible.

jlouhill 10-11-2013 05:52 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Those who mess with children already get what's coming to them in prison. The fact this is AP's son? This guy doesn't stand a chance. My thought's and prayers are with AP and his family. Terrible, just terrible.

DISPLACEDFAN 10-11-2013 05:58 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by jlouhill (Post 537310)
Those who mess with children already get what's coming to them in prison. The fact this is AP's son? This guy doesn't stand a chance. My thought's and prayers are with AP and his family. Terrible, just terrible.

I Agree with you. This guy is in for a world of hurt. Guards are gonna turn a blind eye just like they did with that sick s.o.b. Castol. Just the way prison works. He is a Marked man

ChrisXVI 10-11-2013 06:19 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Absolutely sickening. No words can express the anger this makes me feel as a human being.

TheOak 10-11-2013 07:10 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
If that were my child, that man better pray for no chance of parole, and 4 life sentences.

Barry from MS 10-11-2013 08:41 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
We will all have AP and his family in our thoughts and prayers. This is a complete tragedy that transcends the game of football.

BTW...any killer of a 2-year old child deserves what a killer of 2 year olds deserves, and then multiply that by 10.

neugey 10-11-2013 09:03 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Shocking news. My sympathies go out to AP and his family. I live in Sioux Falls so I'm glad this scumbag is caught and behind bars.

Srgt. Hulka 10-11-2013 09:28 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Maybe he'll recieve life in prison...which lasts about a week.

Prayers to the Peterson family.

QBREES9 10-11-2013 11:13 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 537297)
Its just a terrible situation, 2 years old......

I hope the scum bag who assaulted him gets tortured in prison

Adrian Peterson's son dies; alleged attacker jailed -

Dizz you beat me to it.

SloMotion 10-12-2013 05:21 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Man, I don't think there's anything worse that could happen to you as a father ... heartfelt sympathies for AP ... put the mom in jail as well, IMO.

jlouhill 10-12-2013 07:10 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
There's a hot hell waiting for people like this.

WhoDat!656 10-12-2013 08:06 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Horribly tragic situation.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Peterson family.

MaggieMayTB 10-12-2013 09:57 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
What happens inside the mind of a woman that allows her to love and tolerate a man with history of destructive family behavior or do these males have type of Svengali power.

This is sometimes explained as male lion behavior toward young male children. Why do Male African Lions Kill Cubs? Learn the Process of a Male Lion Taking Over a Pride

This can't be the first time he hurt the child and the only definite certainty is this child will never be harmed again.

Prayers to all of us.

TheOak 10-12-2013 10:05 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
This I don't understand. Your two year old dies and you play 2 days later?

AP said he will play Sunday.

rezburna 10-12-2013 10:08 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Guillotine his ass.

FinSaint 10-12-2013 10:19 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
I'm pretty much speechless... :-(

WhoDat!656 10-12-2013 10:20 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 537419)
This I don't understand. Your two year old dies and you play 2 days later?

AP said he will play Sunday.

Kind of like the Ravens player that played last year the day his brother was killed in an accident.

People handle grief differently. I wouldn't be able to function if my child died, especially the way his did!

MaggieMayTB 10-12-2013 10:59 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 537426)
Kind of like the Ravens player that played last year the day his brother was killed in an accident.

People handle grief differently. I wouldn't be able to function if my child died, especially the way his did!

Yes, we all handle grief differently. AP will be on field and running. The metaphor will be running for his son's life. Pity the poor team defense called to keep this Viking down because he will rip up the record books.

AP is a civil man, I am sure the anger is deep. AP could go out and get drunk and drive; get a gun and start, he is a civil man.

These are my opinions but I could be wrong.

OldMaid 10-12-2013 11:18 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Adrian Peterson's son killed by man who had prior abuse charges | Mail Online

I just read the story and wanted to post.
The POS who did this just needs to be fried. Easy. Simple. Flip the switch and all it a day.
Next case up....same thing. Flip the switch. Fry'em up.
There are so , so many cases.

Oak, people handle things differently and there is no one way or right way.
To all of who are saying deep sympathies, prayers to the A.Petterson family, well, I disagree.
Was this poor child ever EVER loved and wanted?
Sorry for what I am going to post is not PC.
The child was a meal ticket, a check from some dumb, loose, NFL baller.
Peterson has a two-year -old son alive and now one two-year -son dead.
Do the Math.
A.Peterson, I think it can be said, really did not know, love, want, see, this child, Ty.
The mother, what a POS she is.
Just a sad story.
Sorry I have having an emotional day today and being rather blunt.

Blessed be this poor ,little angel there named Ty and I hope all the adults who wronged him (bio -mom, bio-dad, mom's well-known violent boyfriend) live all their days with Boy Ty on their minds.

MaggieMayTB 10-12-2013 02:46 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 537439)
Adrian Peterson's son killed by man who had prior abuse charges | Mail Online

I just read the story and wanted to post.
The POS who did this just needs to be fried. Easy. Simple. Flip the switch and all it a day.
Next case up....same thing. Flip the switch. Fry'em up.
There are so , so many cases.

Oak, people handle things differently and there is no one way or right way.
To all of who are saying deep sympathies, prayers to the A.Petterson family, well, I disagree.
Was this poor child ever EVER loved and wanted?
Sorry for what I am going to post is not PC.
The child was a meal ticket, a check from some dumb, loose, NFL baller.
Peterson has a two-year -old son alive and now one two-year -son dead.
Do the Math.
A.Peterson, I think it can be said, really did not know, love, want, see, this child, Ty.
The mother, what a POS she is.
Just a sad story.
Sorry I have having an emotional day today and being rather blunt.

Blessed be this poor ,little angel there named Ty and I hope all the adults who wronged him (bio -mom, bio-dad, mom's well-known violent boyfriend) live all their days with Boy Ty on their minds.

I agree with you on a few levels.
What we don't know is the heart of the man. This child may not have been AP's son, regardless, a child, even a meal ticket, is dead because of the actions of another.
This child is associated with AP and the brutal death is hard to stomach.

I believe they have reality classes for rookies which cover handling money and the handling of sperm. Never trust anyone with either...

(blunt. cover it up. dispose of jacket yourself even if it means tying the end shut and slipping it in your pocket. you do not want the contents to be emptied and turkey basted into any womb after you thought you tossed it.
and...I don't care if she swallows because it still is away to collect your sperm. your brains have just been blown, how do you know she planned to spit it and save it to make babies.)

OldMaid 10-12-2013 03:52 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
True Maggie.
I do not know AP.
His heart.

YES, sorry ya'll.

AP was going to meet the Angel Boy Ty

Adrian Peterson Just Learned Deceased Son Was His Recently, Alleged Abuser Has Abused Children Prior

at some point day.
He just completed paternity tests.
He has volunteered to pay for funeral expenses.

Tobias-Reiper 10-12-2013 06:52 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 537419)
This I don't understand. Your two year old dies and you play 2 days later?

AP said he will play Sunday.

For what I read, Peterson didn't know this kid existed until recently (don't know how recent); seems the child was the product of a booty call, so Peterson probably doesn't feel the attachment. It may be Peterson never actually saw the child.

MaggieMayTB 10-12-2013 07:09 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 537462)
True Maggie.
I do not know AP.
His heart.

YES, sorry ya'll.

AP was going to meet the Angel Boy Ty

Adrian Peterson Just Learned Deceased Son Was His Recently, Alleged Abuser Has Abused Children Prior

at some point day.
He just completed paternity tests.
He has volunteered to pay for funeral expenses.

You don't have a reason to apologize. You wrote the unspoken truth.

TheOak 10-13-2013 08:35 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 537485)
For what I read, Peterson didn't know this kid existed until recently (don't know how recent); seems the child was the product of a booty call, so Peterson probably doesn't feel the attachment. It may be Peterson never actually saw the child.

That was my gut feeling but I didn't want to speculate and get called out for profiling.

homerj07 10-13-2013 08:54 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
I have a very difficult time with the fact that AP is still playing today.

SloMotion 10-13-2013 10:55 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away

Originally Posted by homerj07 (Post 537533)
I have a very difficult time with the fact that AP is still playing today.

Well, considering the facts, which were grossly underreported by the media for the sake of a headline (again), I have no problem with it ... other then I think I picked Carolina, :lol:.

TheOak 10-13-2013 11:18 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
He didn't know the child, and until recently didn't know the child existed... Apparently has/had no bond with the mother....

Not saying his decision to play is perfect form by any means, I do understand the death not having enough effect to keep him off the field. Then again the adverse could be true he could be so mad he runs for 300 yards today and puts two defenders out of the game.

UK_WhoDat 10-13-2013 11:43 AM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Horrible news. No way a kid should die like that.

I hope AP plays. And when he does he rips the field up, shedding a tear as he goes.

TheOak 10-13-2013 07:44 PM

Adrian Petersons son passes away
62 yards 0 TDs, 1 fumble

Very non AP like numbers

OldMaid 10-16-2013 05:07 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Adrian Peterson 'has a fifth child with former dancer Erica Syion' | Mail Online

QBREES9 10-17-2013 02:31 PM

Re: Adrian Petersons son passes away
Peterson just found out, about two months ago he was the father. Still a very sad story.

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