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ScottF 03-23-2014 07:29 PM

M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
like or hate the guy, you can't deny that he is bright

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban says 'greedy' NFL ' is 10 years away from an implosion' - ESPN Dallas

MatthewT 03-23-2014 07:37 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
I am not sure about the 10 year thing, but he is pretty much on the money with this takes. I will take it a step further, the 18 regular season games, and expanding into Europe, yes it has the makings of a serious mess up.

ScottF 03-23-2014 07:46 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by MatthewT (Post 585030)
I am not sure about the 10 year thing, but he is pretty much on the money with this takes. I will take it a step further, the 18 regular season games, and expanding into Europe, yes it has the makings of a serious mess up.

I cannot see any reason to do anything else in Europe. I have no issue with 2-3 games, but that's as far as I'd go

As for 18 games, the PA would fight and get at least 2-3 more roster spots. How much would that salary increase offset what would be made with one more home game.

I have always wanted to know what kind of revenue one game generates, including tv money

SmashMouth 03-23-2014 09:19 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
He's right... And it may happen even before ten years. The amount of those salaries is not sustainable longterm.

Crusader 03-24-2014 02:53 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
Unfortunately I do believe he is right.

And when talking about Europe, I don't think the leauge should put a team over here. The NFL Europe was a really good thing and should have been kept. But Germany is the key its the by far largest market for football in Europe where you have teams in the German 2nd division that averages 3000+ people at their games. Great Britain is more convenient with language and all but the interest just isn't as big.

lee909 03-24-2014 03:02 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
Spot on in terms of European games. I have not been and do not plan to attend a game at Wembley. They seem to think that if they put a team in London people will support them. Why would I pay £80 plus for a ticket to watch the Jags when I can watch the Saints or tbe best game of tbe day on tv?.
I do not care about tbe Jags and never will. Few good players will sign for a team based in the UK. Then you have visa, tax and legal issues. Players will not be allowed to travel outside the UK/US if they are on probation etc.

We have good fans over here but we all already have loyalties to a team. If the Jags became the Lo don Jags they would sell out year one and then as uts not a novelty snymore attendances would drop. No soccer could share a smaller stadium either due to fixture clashes

saintshrimp 03-24-2014 04:54 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
The more and more they keep changing the rules of the game is becoming the main reason I'm losing interest. I mean don't get me wrong I eat sleep and love the game of football but the way the NFL is going its not the football that I have loved throughout the years. Cuban is right in some ways that The NFL has become consumed with the Almighty dollar. Rodger Godell is has made it his mission to make the owners as much money as he can. That's what they appointed him commish for and are so happy with the job he's doing cause they are making money hand over fist. I don't see it changing anytime soon until Us fans stop supporting it like buying the Jerseys, hats, going to the over priced games, and tuning in to every game . That Superbowl in New York just more Proof to the NFL is all about the money and didn't give dam about us as fans

stickman 03-24-2014 07:33 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by saintshrimp (Post 585086)
The more and more they keep changing the rules of the game is becoming the main reason I'm losing interest.

This. The league brings up changes to the game for the sake of "player safety" and then talks of adding more games and having teams travel to London for games, which will be a horrible trip for west coast teams.

I love watching football on the weekends, but, 10 years from now, it won't be the same.

BTW... kind of surprised to see so many people here agreeing with him.

saintsfan1976 03-24-2014 04:40 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
What Cuban said had zero to do with salaries. It's about over-exposure. He should know, he owns an NBA team.

But the difference between a 72 game regular season and 18 are apples and oranges.

6 months of football, watching my team play once each week, is FAR from overexposure IMO.

ScottF 03-24-2014 07:33 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 585175)
What Cuban said had zero to do with salaries. It's about over-exposure. He should know, he owns an NBA team.

But the difference between a 72 game regular season and 18 are apples and oranges.

6 months of football, watching my team play once each week, is FAR from overexposure IMO.

It's a domino effect:
more games equals higher salaries and/or more roster spots. No way the NFLPA just agrees to play 2 more games without major concessions.
11% increase in the number of games = 11% increase in injuries
end result is watered down play

SaintsBro 03-25-2014 01:43 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
He seems to be talking specifically about Thursday night games....which no one I know who loves the game, who really appreciates the sport, NO ONE seems to like Thursday night games.

It's just a simple fact of life, you are giving the fans a garbage product when professional football athletes are forced to play on Thursdays. The quick turnaround, the lack of recovery and healing time, the lack of coaching preparation and game planning time....I bet not a single person on this forum can name a single Thursday night game, since the NFL started them in 2006, that was MEMORABLE or a "game for the ages" or the sort of memorable game that you will relive and remember forever. Can you name a single one?

They are garbage games, plain and simple. Saints/Falcons, one of the greatest rivalries in all of sports, and they turned it into a 17-13 SNOOZE FEST! Other than the bent crossbar on the Jimmy Graham dunk, can you even remember ANYTHING about that game at all? I sure can't. I remember being concerned about injuries to key players, many of whom were sitting out.

2009 NFC Championship rematch, Saints Vikings -- a rematch of one of the most exciting football games EVER in many people's opinions. Rematch them on Thursday night? 14-9 SNOOZEFEST with virtually NO memorable plays or exciting memories of the game at all. Other than the bringing out the trophy and dropping the banner and all that jazz. But the GAME? BORING AS ______

I could go on and on. Mark Cuban is right, Thursday night games are an inferior product, and the fans are starting to figure it out!

rezburna 03-25-2014 02:43 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
Thursday night games are just sucky match ups. I wouldn't mind them right now though. :/

ScottF 03-25-2014 06:36 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
What's funny is that the NFL has tried for the marquee matchups for Thursday, and they rarely panned out.

I'll be honest; here on the east coast, I don't even turn on Thursday or Monday night games if we aren't playing. Commercial-laden, 2nd half starting at 10:45, prolonged timeouts...Pass.

Cuban said the NFL is making a mistake by valuing television money over the convenience of fans who are used to planning for their NFL teams to play on Sundays with occasional Monday night games. He compared it to the decline in popularity of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" after the game show expanded to air five days a week.

"They put it on every night," Cuban said. "Not 100 percent analogous, but they handled it the same. I'm just telling you, pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.

NewDeal 03-25-2014 07:00 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
I like him on Shark Tank and he makes some good points here.

Utah_Saint 03-25-2014 07:34 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
Thursday games are dumb. It's an obvious advantage for the home team. Winning percentages for the visiting team are stupid low.

That's where the obvious greed come in.

TheOak 03-26-2014 09:42 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
I disagree with the premiss that taking a game that is already played and moving 1/2 of them to a network where non cable subscribers/NFLNetwork can watch them is overreaching, greedy, or will lead to the implosion of the NFL.

I have seen many comments here in these forums where people that do not get the NFLN can not watch the Saints Thursday night games. This is not the addition of games, it does not add another night of football, and whether you find the Thursday Night games on par with Monday Night games... You still watch everyone of them.

Cubans Tweets:
'If NFL viewing consumes the majority of Primetime viewing hours of TV spectrum,taxpayers will question subsidizing the NFL w free spectrum"

'If we wake up 1 morning to find 1 program dominating 5 nights of Primetime TV,non NFL fans will question why they pay for TV if its all NFL"

The NBA is what.. 7 Nights a week? Has he predicted its demise?
MLB .. same.. No implosion.

Cuban's tweets are illogical when applied to the model of the NBA or MLB. His speculation has no basis for validity. There are plenty of models that prove just the opposite.

No... He is not that bright. His motivation is that the NBA is not as popular as the NFL and his season starts in October which means that NFL Thursday Night games on a major network will eat into his revenues.

Come on gents... Read between the lines. Cuban is only calling it greed because it conflicts with his very own 7 night a week greed.

As far as the train of thought that NFL payroll will surpass revenues, it will not happen. The model is built that Salary Cap numbers are based on revenue, not the other way around. When revenue drops, so will the Salary Cap Allowance.

Schmohams 03-29-2014 06:38 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
Does anybody know why they don't just have Saturday games? If it's about making more money for more games make them
Sat: 12:00 3:30 7:30
Sun: 12:00 3:30 7:30
I mean that would give them more rest and more planning than a thursday night game?

SmashMouth 03-29-2014 07:49 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by Schmohams (Post 586007)
Does anybody know why they don't just have Saturday games? If it's about making more money for more games make them
Sat: 12:00 3:30 7:30
Sun: 12:00 3:30 7:30
I mean that would give them more rest and more planning than a thursday night game?

They might now that College Football is about to unionize.

Vrillon82 03-29-2014 11:55 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by Utah_Saint (Post 585403)
Thursday games are dumb. It's an obvious advantage for the home team. Winning percentages for the visiting team are stupid low.

That's where the obvious greed come in.

IMO Its not just Thursday Night games that are the problem which gives such a huge advantage for Home teams, but this advantage is on such a ridiculous scale through out the season to the point it has burdened the NFL IMO. Their is no other sport out there that has seen such a huge advantage with Home teams in the last 10-15 years than in the NFL.

This could be because the almighty dollar is making the NFL fix games for home teams, perhaps Cuban is right and it is being over exposed. One has to ask how many teams in the last 10 years have gone through a number of black outs compared to 15-20 years ago?

SloMotion 03-30-2014 05:29 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
So basically what he's saying is the Lions have a ten-year window to win a SuperBowl? :bang: ... rule changes, high ticket prices, escalating salaries, Thursday Nite games, arrogant/narcissistic players ... I've been losing interest for a while now ... heck, I think the only thing keeping me hanging on is MudBugs! :lol:.

ScottF 03-30-2014 01:21 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 586054)
So basically what he's saying is the Lions have a ten-year window to win a SuperBowl? :bang: ... rule changes, high ticket prices, escalating salaries, Thursday Nite games, arrogant/narcissistic players ... I've been losing interest for a while now ... heck, I think the only thing keeping me hanging on is MudBugs! :lol:.

Slo, if you survived Millen and Mariucci, you can survive this

Tobias-Reiper 03-30-2014 02:06 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 585466)

The NBA is what.. 7 Nights a week? Has he predicted its demise?
MLB .. same.. No implosion.

Cuban's tweets are illogical when applied to the model of the NBA or MLB. His speculation has no basis for validity. There are plenty of models that prove just the opposite.

...except for one thing: quality of product.

Surely MLB and NBA are 6-7 days a week, but, in baseball, you can watch 2 teams play a double header and see roughly the same quality of play in back to back games. The NBA doesn't play double headers, but you can see the same quality of play from one day to the other, or every 2 days.

In football, in overtime play doesn't look as good as the previous 4 quarters. The toll it takes to play football is not something players can recover from one day to the other. Case and point, Thursday Night Football.

It is not only the physical aspect of it, is the planning and logistics of it.
NBA= 5 players on the floor, 5 positions, and more or less everyone on the floor could play any position if need be.
MLB = 9 players on the field, 9 positions, I'd argue that other than pitcher, catcher, and shortstop (maybe 3rd base) the rest of the positions any player can play it if need be.
NFL= 11 players on the field, all highly specialized, 3 distinctive units. Some positions, you may interchange, like a TE can play FB or vice versa, or a RG may be able to play C or LG, but overall, it is very defined not only by position but by body type.

So give an NFL team less time between games, it results in bad play because of the lack of time to prepare and heal from the previous games.

Of course, there's the extra days a team gets after playing on Thursday, but that does not compensate from what happened the previous week. See Saints playing home against a very physical Whiner team then having to travel to Atlanta on Thursday Night and Drew's TD streak coming to an end.

TheOak 03-30-2014 03:49 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 586090)
...except for one thing: quality of product.

Surely MLB and NBA are 6-7 days a week, but, in baseball, you can watch 2 teams play a double header and see roughly the same quality of play in back to back games. The NBA doesn't play double headers, but you can see the same quality of play from one day to the other, or every 2 days.

In football, in overtime play doesn't look as good as the previous 4 quarters. The toll it takes to play football is not something players can recover from one day to the other. Case and point, Thursday Night Football.

It is not only the physical aspect of it, is the planning and logistics of it.
NBA= 5 players on the floor, 5 positions, and more or less everyone on the floor could play any position if need be.
MLB = 9 players on the field, 9 positions, I'd argue that other than pitcher, catcher, and shortstop (maybe 3rd base) the rest of the positions any player can play it if need be.
NFL= 11 players on the field, all highly specialized, 3 distinctive units. Some positions, you may interchange, like a TE can play FB or vice versa, or a RG may be able to play C or LG, but overall, it is very defined not only by position but by body type.

So give an NFL team less time between games, it results in bad play because of the lack of time to prepare and heal from the previous games.

Of course, there's the extra days a team gets after playing on Thursday, but that does not compensate from what happened the previous week. See Saints playing home against a very physical Whiner team then having to travel to Atlanta on Thursday Night and Drew's TD streak coming to an end.

Quality of product is certainly something that should be taken into consideration but the NFL product is consistently inconsistent at best with little to do with day of the week and more to do with teams playing.

In 2013 I'd rather watch the Saints play Atlanta on Thursday Night than watch the Raiders play the Redskins in the Super Bowl.

Drew's streaks ending are more about everything eventually coming to an end. I'm not buying that it was a Thursday night problem. If it were, it wouldn't have survived previous Thursday night games.

Danno 03-30-2014 04:17 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
The NFL will implode, but it won't be because of greed. It will be because of lawsuits and maybe even Big-Government interference forcing it to become as close to non-contact as possible.

WillSaints81 03-30-2014 07:45 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
Personally I can see it. But not through all of his reasoning. NFL will regret TNF packaging when half the league's big four QBs are done playing and therefore a one man conference(AFC, Luck) where the only challenge is a potential division rival(Manziel) and therefore low ratings for CBS games on Sunday and AFC games on TNF.

TheOak 03-31-2014 04:18 AM

M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
The only reason the Saints have a team is because of big corrupt government.

Let's not forget that TNF is only 2 years short of a decade old. Yes, first aired in 2006 Thursday Night Football is hardly a new or untried product. There has been nothing recent to spur Cubans rant except for 1/2 the TNF games getting played on a different network. Restraint is also evident in the fact that TNF is only 13 of the possible 21 weeks.

I know we all dislike change but MLB has gone unchanged for the most part for decades and the fan base has greatly diminished.

Vrillon82 04-02-2014 07:48 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 586138)
The only reason the Saints have a team is because of big corrupt government.

Let's not forget that TNF is only 2 years short of a decade old. Yes, first aired in 2006 Thursday Night Football is hardly a new or untried product. There has been nothing recent to spur Cubans rant except for 1/2 the TNF games getting played on a different network. Restraint is also evident in the fact that TNF is only 13 of the possible 21 weeks.

I know we all dislike change but MLB has gone unchanged for the most part for decades and the fan base has greatly diminished.

Could be because money has dictated championships for far too long. Some players payroll exceeds an entire teams salary, this non sense is why fans are vanishing, that and after the 1994 strike, it never recovered.

TheOak 04-02-2014 08:23 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by Vrillon82 (Post 586612)
Could be because money has dictated championships for far too long. Some players payroll exceeds an entire teams salary, this non sense is why fans are vanishing, that and after the 1994 strike, it never recovered.

I played BB for 11 years, that Strike soured my taste for it, the 80-90 drug test failures before a player is held accountable sealed the deal.

The fact that congress gets involved in BB is just flowers on the grave.

exile 04-02-2014 08:29 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 586616)
I played BB for 11 years, that Strike soured my taste for it, the 80-90 drug test failures before a player is held accountable sealed the deal.

The fact that congress gets involved in BB is just flowers on the grave.

And it has turned into a blackout league. How can you like a sport that you can't watch on an amazing HD tv? MLB sucks now and Cuban should be focusing his ire on them instead.

QBREES9 04-06-2014 01:17 PM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode
I can not disagree

stickman 04-09-2014 08:26 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by Vrillon82 (Post 586612)
that and after the 1994 strike, it never recovered.

Agreed. Just like the NHL lockout a few years ago. Fans learn they can live without it, especially when we have so many sports options.

Right now, you've got hockey, basketball, baseball, and soccer seasons all going.

Even if you're not a fan of all of them, if one goes away, you're going to start watching another more.

And on that note... Go Devils! Geaux Pelicans! Go Dodgers! and Go Sporting KC!

SloMotion 04-10-2014 08:54 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 587818)
Agreed. Just like the NHL lockout a few years ago. Fans learn they can live without it, especially when we have so many sports options ... .

Ahem! I think I speak for all those in the Black & Gold Hockey Group when I say I have to respectfully disagree, ;) ... I, personally, almost died. If it wasn't for the international leagues, the minor leagues & high school hockey, I probably wouldn't be here today, :lol:.

On another note ... hypothetical question for the board: "If the NFL were too implode, what would we talk about?"

TheOak 04-10-2014 09:20 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 588047)
Ahem! I think I speak for all those in the Black & Gold Hockey Group when I say I have to respectfully disagree, ;) ... I, personally, almost died. If it wasn't for the international leagues, the minor leagues & high school hockey, I probably wouldn't be here today, :lol:.

On another note ... hypothetical question for the board: "If the NFL were too implode, what would we talk about?"

All the therapy sessions we would have to endure.

ScottF 04-10-2014 11:32 AM

Re: M.Cuban says NFL too greedy, will implode

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 588047)
Ahem! I think I speak for all those in the Black & Gold Hockey Group when I say I have to respectfully disagree, ;) ... I, personally, almost died. If it wasn't for the international leagues, the minor leagues & high school hockey, I probably wouldn't be here today, :lol:.

On another note ... hypothetical question for the board: "If the NFL were too implode, what would we talk about?"


and the NHL is very healthy now- good TV deal, and attendance is better than the NBA in a lot of cases
The real problem is that the crappy markets are really crappy, whereas in the NFL they are bad, but not that bad. Look at Florida: Jax still averages 60K a game; the FL Panthers are lucky to get 10.

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