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AsylumGuido 09-19-2016 07:38 PM

Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
Our old buddy led the protest tonight with the Black Panther salute which calls for the killing of cops. Good riddance to the *******.

WhoDat!656 09-19-2016 07:43 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 720437)
Our old buddy led the protest tonight with the Black Panther salute which calls for the killing of cops. Good riddance to the *******.

I agree with you 100%; at least they didn't mention he was a former Saints player!

ChrisXVI 09-19-2016 07:46 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
This totally deserved it's own thread... Thanks for sharing.

jeanpierre 09-19-2016 07:53 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
I said draft Clay Matthews...

WhoDat!656 09-19-2016 07:54 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 720440)
This totally deserved it's own thread... Thanks for sharing.

At least it wasn't another 'Trade Brees and Rebuild', 'Fire SP', or 'Saints are finished at 0-2', threads

WillSaints81 09-19-2016 08:10 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
Well look who the thread starter is^

AsylumGuido 09-19-2016 08:15 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 720445)
Well look who the thread starter is^



lee909 09-19-2016 08:18 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
If the other threads on possible draft picks should have been in the college thread why isn't this in the NFL thread. Nothing to do with the Saints here

pherein 09-19-2016 08:20 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

AsylumGuido 09-19-2016 08:20 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
If these morons want to help they should donate their checks to inner city educational funds. They should fight to eliminate the pervasiveness of inner city youth of carrying and and having the willingness to using firearms. I'd rather they sit their asses on the bench than to flash the sign calling for the killing of cops.

AsylumGuido 09-19-2016 08:21 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 720448)
If the other threads on possible draft picks should have been in the college thread why isn't this in the NFL thread. Nothing to do with the Saints here

That's a deal. Move all the college talk threads to college and this can go there. Good idea!

But the difference is that Jenkins was a Super Bowl winning player with the Saints.

pherein 09-19-2016 08:26 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 720451)
If these morons want to help they should donate their checks to inner city educational funds. They should fight to eliminate the pervasiveness of inner city youth of carrying and and having the willingness to using firearms. I'd rather they sit their asses on the bench than to flash the sign calling for the killing of cops.

Yep Bad parenting, and educational problems.

neugey 09-19-2016 08:38 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
Glad I missed it

WhoDat!656 09-19-2016 08:41 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
"If these morons want to help they should donate their checks to inner city educational funds. They should fight to eliminate the pervasiveness of inner city youth of carrying and and having the willingness to using firearms. I'd rather they sit their asses on the bench than to flash the sign calling for the killing of cops."

I hope this plays!

saintfan 09-19-2016 08:59 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
I lost a ton of respect for the man. I thought he was far smarter than to participate in this foolishment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

RockyMountainSaint 09-19-2016 09:11 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 720443)
At least it wasn't another 'Trade Brees and Rebuild', 'Fire SP', or 'Saints are finished at 0-2', threads

Because we need more negative threads posted over and over by the same members.
We get it.
You are unhappy with the current status of the team and organization.
Keep trying though.

AsylumGuido 09-19-2016 09:14 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

RockyMountainSaint 09-19-2016 09:26 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

jnormand 09-19-2016 09:59 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
This country is going to tear itself apart. It's disgusting.

The Dude 09-19-2016 10:17 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 720451)
If these morons want to help they should donate their checks to inner city educational funds. They should fight to eliminate the pervasiveness of inner city youth of carrying and and having the willingness to using firearms. I'd rather they sit their asses on the bench than to flash the sign calling for the killing of cops.

While some people choose to be Yes Men and start threads that have absolutely nothing at all to do with Saints football.

voodooido 09-20-2016 01:08 AM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 720467)

Complete POS. If he was really worried about black lives he should be spending more time in Chicago.

voodooido 09-20-2016 01:10 AM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
I love my Saints but I can live without the NFL. maybe we should send these douche bags a lesson.

WhoDatFan26 09-20-2016 07:51 AM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 720451)
If these morons want to help they should donate their checks to inner city educational funds. They should fight to eliminate the pervasiveness of inner city youth of carrying and and having the willingness to using firearms. I'd rather they sit their asses on the bench than to flash the sign calling for the killing of cops.

Actually Malcolm Jenkins does. In fact he still maintains and runs youth programs in New Orleans, even though he no longer is employed by The Saints. As a Black Man who is a Saints Fan I find this post not just offensive but purely racist. Keep all your personal political opinions off the sports forum.


ChrisXVI 09-20-2016 09:29 AM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
Zoom out a little on the pic and there's a guy helping hold the flag playing on his phone... No outrage about that?

Lord_Saint83 09-20-2016 11:26 AM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
As i said before they have the right to do that however right or wrong i or you may think it is. There is no law that says you have to stand remove your hat and hold your right hand over your heart i do every time i go to a sporting event or public event. Thats what makes America so great freedom of speech and expression as long as no one is harmed. The problem lies is when the right dont like it is wrong same as with the left. If we tell people, what to do, what to think, what to say, what to feel, then people we are no better than soviet russia or nazi germany. Again this is coming from a former serviceman that firmly believes in the constitution but i do agree with one thing if they find its so bad then donate to poor urban areas i know some do but most of them are doing it cause its defiant.

exile 09-20-2016 02:08 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
He should be punched in the face by the widow of a fallen soldier. Take your political crap away from the flag so many have died for. Period.

Edit: Here is what it is getting him. As a veteran, I am just about done with the NFL. Cancelled NFL Ticket, not renewing Season Tickets and only watching Saints games. For now, I'm watching Saints games. But if this crap continues, along with the European/Mexican movement, I'm done. Golf on the weekends with my sons will replace everything NFL.

jeanpierre 09-20-2016 03:03 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
Much ado about nothing?

MarchingOn 09-20-2016 03:27 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
It would be nice if people kept their personal political opinions off the sports forum...including players on the field.

73Saint 09-20-2016 04:31 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 720467)

When did McNabb rejoin the iggles:lolup:??

Danno 09-20-2016 06:30 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
He's a moron, and its my opinion that anyone who sides with him is also a moron.

I'm sorry if it offends you, but if it does you are a moron.

F' Jenkins and everyone that sympathizes with him. You are the problem. You are not part of the solution.

So shove your anti-America, anti-flag, red herring bull**** straight up your F'ing ass!!!

God Bless America, Semper Fi, and love it or leave it, you pathetic whiny ass ingrates.

And yes I am 100% serious. If you want out, PM me and I'll help you get the **** out of America as best I can.

burningmetal 09-20-2016 08:04 PM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute
I read somewhere the other day that Jenkins said the Eagles were going to protest. I told myself I would not watch to see if happened, and I didn't. I have no interest in watching fools play football. I'm extremely glad the Saints haven't done this. I would lose the stomach for watching any football if that happened.

Some might say that I shouldn't worry about what they do off the field and just enjoy the game. But the thing is, I gotta respect the team I pull for. If I had a team that outwardly supported a cause that I believe is all about hatred, then it would take all the joy out of the game. I feel sorry for fans who are watching their teams do this crap.

nola_swammi 09-21-2016 12:36 AM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 720528)
i do agree with one thing if they find its so bad then donate to poor urban areas i know some do but most of them are doing it cause its defiant.

I agree with most of what you said but how do you come to the conclusion that MOST are being DEFIANT? If people just take a step back and look at the cause instead of writing assumptions like blacks are against U.S. They looking for attention, concerns need to be more toward Chicago and in your words MOST ARE DEFIANT we could have some kind of progress instead of another unarmed being killed in Tulsa.

Here are some statistics for 2015. Make sure you scroll down to see the faces and read the situations of the UNARMED VICTIMS

Police killed more than 100 unarmed black people in 2015

AsylumGuido 09-21-2016 07:49 AM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 720595)
I agree with most of what you said but how do you come to the conclusion that MOST are being DEFIANT? If people just take a step back and look at the cause instead of writing assumptions like blacks are against U.S. They looking for attention, concerns need to be more toward Chicago and in your words MOST ARE DEFIANT we could have some kind of progress instead of another unarmed being killed in Tulsa.

Here are some statistics for 2015. Make sure you scroll down to see the faces and read the situations of the UNARMED VICTIMS

Police killed more than 100 unarmed black people in 2015

I agree that the unwarranted killing of blacks by police must be addressed, but why are they not addressing the killing of blacks by others at a far greater pace. That story speaks of 100 being killed in a year. Over 100 blacks were shot in the streets of Chicago on a single July weekend this year. I read the Shreveport Times every morning and it is rare when there are not at least two or three shootings reported from the previous day involving black victims.

This is not a racial issue. This is a cultural issue. I have a question that can be posed to any racial breakdown of the populace and I could guess the overwhelming leaning.

Which cross-section is more likely to be carrying a firearm?

Suburban Females 16-25
Suburban Males 16-25
Inner-City Females 16-25
Inner-City Males 16-25

nola_swammi 09-21-2016 08:58 AM

Re: Former Saint Jenkins with Black Panther Salute

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 720606)
I agree that the unwarranted killing of blacks by police must be addressed, but why are they not addressing the killing of blacks by others at a far greater pace. That story speaks of 100 being killed in a year. Over 100 blacks were shot in the streets of Chicago on a single July weekend this year. I read the Shreveport Times every morning and it is rare when there are not at least two or three shootings reported from the previous day involving black victims.

This is not a racial issue. This is a cultural issue. I have a question that can be posed to any racial breakdown of the populace and I could guess the overwhelming leaning.

Which cross-section is more likely to be carrying a firearm?

Suburban Females 16-25
Suburban Males 16-25
Inner-City Females 16-25
Inner-City Males 16-25

Listen guy, I see that you could care less about the injustice of police killing unarmed black men, why would you constantly try to divert the CAUSE with other situations? THATS LIKE ASKING WHY SHOUD WE CARE ABOUT A LADY BEING RAPE IF MOST WOMEN AT THE BUNNY RANCH ARE PROSTITUTE. I prefer you ask your questions to someone with bigot ideas like yourself.

Only 10 of the 102 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime, and only 2 of these deaths (Matthew Ajibade and Eric Harris) resulted in convictions of officers involved. Only 1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends. Deputy Bates, who killed Eric Harris, will be sentenced May 31.


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