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jeanpierre 09-04-2018 03:53 PM

NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

jeanpierre 09-04-2018 03:53 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Beastmode 09-04-2018 03:54 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention
Issues with Nike using child labor to make cheap shoes and clothing. Hope that is one of them.

frydaddy 09-04-2018 04:40 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention
Oh NFL.. you keep digging your grave deeper. It's a long way to the bottom, and when you get there it'll be too late for a comeback. We're witnessing the slow and painful end of our beloved sport. Enjoy what you can, while you can. These pansy ass SJW's are circling like vultures, just waiting to pick the bones clean.

Nike, I see you too. Your fall will be just as magnificent.

Beastmode 09-04-2018 06:41 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention
Nike will get marginalized. Wait until their labor practices surface. Katnip is going to realize he is on the wrong side of the field.

SmashMouth 09-04-2018 06:58 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

“I think this is likely to be the single most disastrous marketing decision in the history of sports."

- Clay Travis

As NFL offers measured response to Nike

jeanpierre 09-04-2018 07:35 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Danno 09-05-2018 08:39 AM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention
Another nail in the NFL coffin

saintfan 09-05-2018 08:48 AM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention
I wear adidas anyway.

burningmetal 09-05-2018 09:12 AM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention
These guys just keep repeating themselves. Same old fence straddling, PC drivel. The players don't have a cause and the owners, along with Goodell, have no spine. No matter how loud the response is from the fans against this garbage, the league just keeps thinking they can smooth talk their way back into the good graces of the people they've insulted and pushed away.


saintfan 09-05-2018 09:33 AM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

shawnkytonk 09-05-2018 11:58 AM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention
Comedy gold in here from the usual suspects. All of you are still watching and following.

frydaddy 09-05-2018 12:16 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Originally Posted by shawnkytonk (Post 811073)
Comedy gold in here from the usual suspects. All of you are still watching and following.

I'll keep watching, all the while ignoring these stupid ass cry babies who have the money and influence to affect real and immediate change, but instead decide to cause more division. I'll keep watching while I can, because these dipsh*ts are going to eventually bring about the ruin of a sport I have loved since I was a kid, and I'm gonna miss it when it's gone.

As for you, here is your participation trophy and some Kleenex. You can go back to your safe space now.

shawnkytonk 09-05-2018 01:41 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 811074)
I'll keep watching, all the while ignoring these stupid ass cry babies who have the money and influence to affect real and immediate change, but instead decide to cause more division. I'll keep watching while I can, because these dipsh*ts are going to eventually bring about the ruin of a sport I have loved since I was a kid, and I'm gonna miss it when it's gone.

As for you, here is your participation trophy and some Kleenex. You can go back to your safe space now.

Ah, the ever original participation trophy (why that's used is unclear) and safe space rhetoric. Why would I need a safe space? You guys are the one's whining and crying. That would apply to you. At least I practice what I preach, while you guys are straddling the fence. You're just fooling yourselves.

saintfan 09-05-2018 01:51 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Originally Posted by shawnkytonk (Post 811102)
Ah, the ever original participation trophy (why that's used is unclear) and safe space rhetoric. Why would I need a safe space? You guys are the one's whining and crying. That would apply to you. At least I practice what I preach, while you guys are straddling the fence. You're just fooling yourselves.

What is it that you preach?

I'm certainly not whining nor am I crying. I love football. I love the New Orleans Saints. I loathe the NFL - very clear separation for me. I have no respect for Kaepernick. I am fully prepared to elaborate as to the 'why', if you are interested.

What's ironic here is that Kaepernick just signed a contract with a corporation that represents everything he would have us believe he is against. He is a real idiot but, because the left has money to spend, NIKE has decided to market an angle that fits their marketing.

So, what is it that you preach (and practice)?

shawnkytonk 09-05-2018 02:09 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 811108)
What is it that you preach?

I'm certainly not whining nor am I crying. I love football. I love the New Orleans Saints. I loathe the NFL - very clear separation for me. I have no respect for Kaepernick. I am fully prepared to elaborate as to the 'why', if you are interested.

What's ironic here is that Kaepernick just signed a contract with a corporation that represents everything he would have us believe he is against. He is a real idiot but, because the left has money to spend, NIKE has decided to market an angle that fits their marketing.

So, what is it that you preach (and practice)?

I'm not preaching anything. I don't feel the need to get on my soapbox and push my agenda. Not sure what you're comment about him signing with a corporation that represents everything he's against means. He's an athlete. That's what they do. Now, he's the coverboy for a huge corporation that's helping continue his mission. Seems pretty smart to me. I also love seeing all you "patriots" get butthurt and salty over this. Yet, you will continue to watch the NFL. Very comical.

saintfan 09-05-2018 02:40 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Originally Posted by shawnkytonk (Post 811117)
I'm not preaching anything. I don't feel the need to get on my soapbox and push my agenda. Not sure what you're comment about him signing with a corporation that represents everything he's against means. He's an athlete. That's what they do. Now, he's the coverboy for a huge corporation that's helping continue his mission. Seems pretty smart to me. I also love seeing all you "patriots" get butthurt and salty over this. Yet, you will continue to watch the NFL. Very comical.

I think you don't fully understand. Let me try to help.

You stated you "practice what you preach". Best I can tell what you're practicing is, well, nothing. If you're not "on your [my] soapbox" and pushing your agenda (which appears to be air) then what the :censored: are you even doing here in this thread? You can have it both ways in your own mind I guess, but the rest of us see the dichotomy.

Now, Sir, if you think NIKE is doing anything other than marketing, well, then their marketing is working as intended vis-a-vis your perception. And that's fine. That's capitalism at its very finest. The only cause NIKE is interested in is its bottom line. Their stock is down, but oh my just look at the free press they're getting. Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

Our watching the NFL has nothing to do with it. There again you may have fallen victim to a perception that goes like this: If we don't like it then we must not watch it. The problem is you confuse Football with the NFL. Here again, while the NFL wants everyone to believe these two are the same thing, they aren't. One is a game, see? The other is a product. If the Saints extracted themselves from the NFL and joined up with another league, in theory, would you follow them, or would your loyalty to the NFL reign supreme? Now do you understand?

I'm sorry that you think we Patriots are "butthurt", and I find it troubling that you find some some glee over it. That's pretty sad. Personally, I don't enjoy seeing anyone feel they are being used. Pretty sad indeed. I wonder if you can accurately articulate the views of those who oppose Kaepernick. So far, I'd say no, you can't, but you can always respond and try to prove me wrong.

But you carry right along. Is is your right after all. I know who Kaepernick is. I know where he came from. I fully understand the timeline of his "protest" and the people who played a role in changing his message from disgruntled benched NFL QB to activist. I don't think you do. Or, maybe it is that you just don't care. I don't really care, other than the platform he has hijacked to dispense his rhetoric.

At the end of the day he better get some marketing deals, because he doesn't have the talent to be an NFL QB. The league figured him out. He can't make consistent throws to WRs moving away from him. His 'collusion' case is a waste of everyone's money, and that will be proven shortly. His lawyers will get some nice vacation cash though.

To quote Obi Wan, if I may, "Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?"

saintfan 09-05-2018 06:45 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

FinSaint 09-06-2018 04:03 AM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 811046)
I wear adidas anyway.

Did you know that Adidas bought the 3 stripe brand from a Finnish sneaker company for less than 2,000$ in today's money?

The more you know...

SmashMouth 09-06-2018 08:43 AM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 811232)
Did you know that Adidas bought the 3 stripe brand from a Finnish sneaker company for less than 2,000$ in today's money?

The more you know...

When did this occur?

spkb25 09-06-2018 08:20 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention
In reading the post I actually understand what shawky is saying. He is saying he doesn't stand for anything even if it cost him very little.

FinSaint 09-07-2018 07:19 PM

Re: NFL: Issues raised by Colin Kaepernick, others deserve our attention

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 811246)
When did this occur?

I think in the 1950s. The Finnish company is called Karhu (bear).

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