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WhoDat!656 11-22-2018 03:53 PM

Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt
AP is an idiot

jeanpierre 11-23-2018 01:26 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

RailBoss 11-23-2018 05:48 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt
Honestly, glad he's in Washington just didn't look right in Black & Gold.
He turned out to be a real Fungo.

frydaddy 11-23-2018 07:31 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt
There's nothing wrong with disciplining with a belt. Myself and my 4 siblings were, as were all of my dozens of cousins, my parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents. Everyone turned out to he a well adjusted individual room no creeps in the bunch, no one in prison or anything. I discipline my children with a belt when the situation calls for it too...and that isn't often, because they're good kids and they understand the consequences of getting too far out of line. Which is exactly why you discipline with a belt in the first place. AP is fully within his rights as a parent and needs to be left the hell alone about it.

WhoDat!656 11-23-2018 07:42 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 825579)
There's nothing wrong with disciplining with a belt. Myself and my 4 siblings were, as were all of my dozens of cousins, my parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents. Everyone turned out to he a well adjusted individual room no creeps in the bunch, no one in prison or anything. I discipline my children with a belt when the situation calls for it too...and that isn't often, because they're good kids and they understand the consequences of getting too far out of line. Which is exactly why you discipline with a belt in the first place. AP is fully within his rights as a parent and needs to be left the hell alone about it.

I was disciplined with a belt as well, but when you whip a child to the point that it leaves welps and bruises then you are into the abuse side of things,

burningmetal 11-23-2018 07:49 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 825581)
I was disciplined with a belt as well, but when you whip a child to the point that it leaves welps and bruises then you are into the abuse side of things,

Who said the belt is leaving welps and bruises? You seem to be making an assumption based on a previous incident with a completely different object.

Don't get sucked into this crap that the media is trying to pull. They are taking advantage of a situation where they have a public figure who made negative headlines, and they are attempting to equate anything he does from here on out as abuse, so that, by extension, anyone else who uses a belt is also abusive.

Regardless of whatever you think of Adrian Peterson, in particular, this is just the continued attempt of the left wing media to drive home the idea that discipline is abuse.

WhoDat!656 11-23-2018 07:59 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 825583)
Who said the belt is leaving welps and bruises? You seem to be making an assumption based on a previous incident with a completely different object.

Don't get sucked into this crap that the media is trying to pull. They are taking advantage of a situation where they have a public figure who made negative headlines, and they are attempting to equate anything he does from here on out as abuse, so that, by extension, anyone else who uses a belt is also abusive.

Regardless of whatever you think of Adrian Peterson, in particular, this is just the continued attempt of the left wing media to drive home the idea that discipline is abuse.

The reason AP got suspended virtually the entire season was because he whipped his son hard enough to leave easily visible marks on him; there were pics posted on this site of it.

rezburna 11-23-2018 08:32 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt
I try not to whoop mine that often, but I tend to let people raise their kids how they see fit. If their behavior interferes with my children, I give my kids the green light to handle them accordingly without repercussion. A little old school, a littl new school, Ma’at. Balance.

burningmetal 11-23-2018 09:31 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 825585)
The reason AP got suspended virtually the entire season was because he whipped his son hard enough to leave easily visible marks on him; there were pics posted on this site of it.

Yes, and that was with a "switch". This article says he is using a belt. And we have no proof that he is causing any injuries with his belt. My question to you was very specific to the difference in objects, never mind that it was years ago, and none of us knows how hard he hits these days. You're just calling him an idiot because you assume he's doing the same things.

Maybe he is. But you don't know that any more than I do.

WhoDat!656 11-23-2018 10:30 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 825606)
Yes, and that was with a "switch". This article says he is using a belt. And we have no proof that he is causing any injuries with his belt. My question to you was very specific to the difference in objects, never mind that it was years ago, and none of us knows how hard he hits these days. You're just calling him an idiot because you assume he's doing the same things.

Maybe he is. But you don't know that any more than I do.

I am calling him an idiot because he is jeopardizing his NFL career and/or Child Services could take his kids from him or make his life a living hell.

burningmetal 11-25-2018 04:02 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 825619)
I am calling him an idiot because he is jeopardizing his NFL career and/or Child Services could take his kids from him or make his life a living hell.

Because he uses a belt? Where is your evidence that he is causing harm now? You're still going on what happened years ago. My parents would have been taken from me if your reasoning were enough to indict anyone. And that would have made people like yourself would be responsible for a great deal of anger on my part.

ChrisXVI 11-25-2018 04:10 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

WhoDat!656 11-25-2018 04:11 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 825868)
Because he uses a belt? Where is your evidence that he is causing harm now? You're still going on what happened years ago. My parents would have been taken from me if your reasoning were enough to indict anyone. And that would have made people like yourself responsible for a great deal of anger on my part.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you!

burningmetal 11-25-2018 05:15 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 825871)
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you!

No, I'm afraid you can't explain it to me. Because you haven't explained it. All we have here is AP saying that he still uses a belt. Not a switch. And we have nothing that says his boy has welps and bruises. But you are calling him an idiot, anyway. This is less about Peterson, in particular, as it is about just calling ANYONE an idiot for using a belt. Telling me about something that happened years ago has nothing to do with this.

You aren't addressing the issue. You're just bringing up an old incident over and over.

burningmetal 11-25-2018 05:25 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 825870)

That chart is ignorant and useless.

I was more than old enough at 5 years old to know when I did something wrong, and why I was getting the belt. And using a belt is not "striking". Nobody punched me in the face, or gave me lash marks with a whip. And I grew up as a well behaved kid.

"Reasoning" with a child only goes so far if there are no consequences. It's easy to just say that something is wrong, and tell them what is right. But when a child is acting out, in any way, there is a reason for it, and if they are old enough to understand reason, then they already knew by that time that what they were doing was wrong.

So just telling them "hey, you can't do that, because it's wrong, and I don't want you to grow up to be a bad person" isn't going to change anything, because you've given them no consequence to fear. Now, you can choose to punish the child in some way. That's fine. My parents used a belt for more minor offenses, and punished me and my siblings by banning us from something for a certain period of time, for the more serious offenses.

WhoDat!656 11-25-2018 06:03 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 825882)
No, I'm afraid you can't explain it to me. Because you haven't explained it. All we have here is AP saying that he still uses a belt. Not a switch. And we have nothing that says his boy has welps and bruises. But you are calling him an idiot, anyway. This is less about Peterson, in particular, as it is about just calling ANYONE an idiot for using a belt. Telling me about something that happened years ago has nothing to do with this.

You aren't addressing the issue. You're just bringing up an old incident over and over.

I am going to go over this one more time; please try to keep up:

In 2014, Adrian Peterson was charged with FELONY CHILD ABUSE, entered a plea deal to misdemeanor reckless assault, and was suspended from the NFL for beating his son.

Regardless of any legal issues, Peterson could also now face discipline from the NFL, which made clear when Peterson was suspended in 2014 that his reinstatement was dependent upon his agreeing to go through counseling and be a better father to his children.

If the NFL views Peterson hitting his son with a belt as a failure to “properly care for your children,” he could be suspended regardless of whether he faces criminal charges. The NFL has made it clear with past incidents that players can be disciplined under the personal-conduct policy even if they are not criminally charged.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell also told Peterson in a letter that Goodell found it troubling that, “You have shown no meaningful remorse for your conduct.” That Peterson is now openly talking about hitting his son with a belt again suggests no meaningful remorse. Peterson may again find himself sanctioned for hitting his son.

Anyone that potentially risks his career by doing the same thing again, and then tells a reporter that he did it, is in my opinion an IDIOT!

burningmetal 11-26-2018 03:55 AM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 825890)
I am going to go over this one more time; please try to keep up:

In 2014, Adrian Peterson was charged with FELONY CHILD ABUSE, entered a plea deal to misdemeanor reckless assault, and was suspended from the NFL for beating his son.

Regardless of any legal issues, Peterson could also now face discipline from the NFL, which made clear when Peterson was suspended in 2014 that his reinstatement was dependent upon his agreeing to go through counseling and be a better father to his children.

If the NFL views Peterson hitting his son with a belt as a failure to “properly care for your children,” he could be suspended regardless of whether he faces criminal charges. The NFL has made it clear with past incidents that players can be disciplined under the personal-conduct policy even if they are not criminally charged.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell also told Peterson in a letter that Goodell found it troubling that, “You have shown no meaningful remorse for your conduct.” That Peterson is now openly talking about hitting his son with a belt again suggests no meaningful remorse. Peterson may again find himself sanctioned for hitting his son.

Anyone that potentially risks his career by doing the same thing again, and then tells a reporter that he did it, is in my opinion an IDIOT!

Now let's see if you can keep up with me, smart guy. He is using a belt. The incident from 2014 was a switch, which is far more likely to cause damage.

The fact that he admits to using a belt, is not the same as admitting that he is injuring his son. All he is saying is that he still disciplines his child, which he should, as long as he isn't going overboard.

If Roger Goodell has a problem with a belt, then I have a problem with Goodell. Listen to whose side you're taking. You are using the moral judgement of Roger Goodell to argue with me that Peterson is abusing his child. What would Roger Goodell know about remorse?

Goodell just thinks using a belt is bad. So by agreeing with him, you are taking the side of all of the snowflake liberals who want to tell all of us how to raise our own kids, whether you stopped to realize that or not.

My point remains 100% the same. You are making your judgement off of 2014. I'm glad you aren't a judge.

OldMaid 11-29-2018 06:43 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt
OMG, this man , Peterson needs to STFU. Get parenting classes.

Shanking is one thing. A handswat on the butt. Abuse , which that was with Peterson, is something else.

I am not getting in the debate to spank or not.

Punishing makes an impact . Losing fav things and privileges, oh boy.

QBREES9 12-08-2018 10:33 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson admits he still hits his son with a belt

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