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neugey 02-21-2020 05:25 PM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA
I'd like to see the NFLPA negotiate a little more. Get it down to 2 preseason games and up to 57/50 for the roster size and then it sounds alright.

ChrisXVI 02-21-2020 05:49 PM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA
I haven’t heard a single player in favor of this.

AsylumGuido 02-22-2020 12:11 PM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 880467)
I haven’t heard a single player in favor of this.

You've only heard from the top 5%, I assume. It is the rank and files that are in favor. They'll get an immediate 20% raise and given they only average four years in the game it is only four extra games in their career. Commentators on NFL Radio have said they are hearing from those players and they are excited about the possibility. Your Shermans and Watts are not the players being helped here. Yet they are the ones trying to shoot it down. The younger players, like Jamal Adams, have been very supportive so far and even got into a little twitter spat with Sherman.

In fact, don't forget the 6-5 vote by the players' executive committee. That means five high profile players voted to recommend it to the general membership. The other six okay'd it as a draft since they helped negotiate the terms to this point even though they didn't recommend it.

AsylumGuido 02-23-2020 09:08 AM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 880467)
I haven’t heard a single player in favor of this.

The Detroit Lions union representative to the NFLPA is linebacker Devon Kennard.

Earlier this week, NFL owners voted and approved the principal elements of a new collective bargaining agreement.

The next step involved the NFL Players Association holding a conference call on Friday to discuss the potential changes to the collective bargaining agreement.

Collectively, the NFLPA has decided to hold off on voting until next week.

Kennard expressed on social media that he was unhappy some players in the league took a hard stance against the new agreement.

"I’m not going to lie a hard NO stance by some players that I’m seeing is surprising me. Not saying I like everything about the deal but it’s worth serious discussion IMO," Kennard tweeted.

Kennard is a respected veteran in the Lions locker room and wants to make sure that his teammates have all the necessary information prior to making his decision on how he will vote.

"All my teammates if you have an opinion on proposed CBA or want more information on it. Hit my line ASAP," Kennard tweeted. "I want to make sure my vote represents the majority of our locker room."


As I mentioned earlier, it is a vocal few who are hard set against the proposal. Most of the players would benefit greatly, however. As would retirees who have no vote.

jeanpierre 02-24-2020 05:36 AM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA
Well, that's a non-starter...

AsylumGuido 02-24-2020 08:05 AM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 880516)

The other 90% would get get their 20% increased game check like the other 16 weeks. Of course, as the story points out, those 10% can negotiate for more than the $250K.

Those "non-starters" make up that 90% would benefit directly by the proposed CBA.

jeanpierre 02-24-2020 12:09 PM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA

jeanpierre 02-24-2020 12:10 PM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 880520)
The other 90% would get get their 20% increased game check like the other 16 weeks. Of course, as the story points out, those 10% can negotiate for more than the $250K.

Those "non-starters" make up that 90% would benefit directly by the proposed CBA.

So even millionaires are for socialism?

AsylumGuido 02-24-2020 01:49 PM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 880560)
So even millionaires are for socialism?

There is nothing about the NFL that approaches the definition of socialism. Thank God.

jeanpierre 02-25-2020 09:52 AM

Re: Potential Changes in New CBA

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 880569)
There is nothing about the NFL that approaches the definition of socialism. Thank God.

If one signed for $16mil per year and a 17th game is added, one would be looking for that $1mil game check for Game 17 and not agreeing to capped earnings...

Having a capped earning for redistribution is socialism by definition, if not in end-result practice and application...

We saw socialism with the bank bailouts and the auto bailouts; however, other businesses and individuals affected by storms, oil spills, not so much...

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