06-02-2014, 05:30 PM
Site Admin
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: New Orleans
Posts: 11,971
A "certified coffee instructor" samples supermarket coffee ...
So the website Thrillist had Lorenzo Perkins ? "certified coffee instructor at Cuvée and executive council member of the Barista Guild of America" ?* blind-test five different brands of coffee from the supermarket coffee aisle*so he could*make snarky comments * evaluate them with the "same rigorous blind-tasting process that his roasting company applies to their own beans."
And one of those coffees was New Orleans' own* Community Coffee*(which is also what we drink all day at Gambit ? three different blends!). The other contenders were Folgers, Yuban, Maxwell House and Chock Full o'Nuts.? [ Read more ]
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