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jeanpierre 12-04-2012 06:27 PM

Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans news services

The New Orleans Hornets are expected to become the New Orleans Pelicans, perhaps as early as the 2013-14 season, according to a Yahoo! Sports report.

New Orleans Hornets to change nickname to Pelicans, according to report - ESPN

Utah should never have been allowed to take Jazz name with them out of town...

They should rename themselves the Utah Choirboys and give us our Jazz Name Back...

Danno 12-04-2012 06:29 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
I always thought the "Hurlers" was a great name, as well as the "Ballers"

The "Bourbon Street Vomit Spots" is also one of my favorites.

AllSaints 12-04-2012 06:52 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Pelicans..... lol really... C'MON MANNNNNNNNNN !! ! ! !

jeanpierre 12-04-2012 07:15 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Makes sense as that will also be the name of our MLB team AGAIN, if we ever get it back...

Utah_Saint 12-04-2012 07:25 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 462723)

Utah should never have been allowed to take Jazz name with them out of town...

They should rename themselves the Utah Choirboys and give us our Jazz Name Back...

Believe me when I tell you, that is NOT a popular opinion here in Utah. (voice of experience)

TheKillerBs 12-04-2012 08:11 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Makes sense. We actually have pelicans here, and Benson has actually owned the name for a while. I'd rather use it for baseball, since that's where it originated, but I'm just glad to see the name back, and glad the Hornets are finally changing.

alleycat_126 12-04-2012 08:53 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Given our fondness for canes and our qbs last name I liked the breeze

GeauxForMore 12-04-2012 09:04 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans did that beat out the Krewe and Brass??????

burningmetal 12-04-2012 09:24 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
I am not a fan of the NBA, but that is a really stupid name. It makes me ashamed that they're in Louisiana.

sharke 12-04-2012 11:56 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Name is neither menacing in Halo or prosports......

foreverfan 12-05-2012 12:14 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
I like the Buzz or the Swarm.

How about the Shrimp Poboys? That way if you can't beat them, you can at least make them hungry.

xan 12-05-2012 06:29 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Ersta Poboys.

mmmmm. Erstas.


TheOak 12-05-2012 06:46 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
I have zero interest or comment on this topic.

skymike 12-05-2012 06:47 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
I think N.O. should pay homage to its haunted history, but Voodoo is
already taken. How about New Orleans Boogers?

Crusader 12-05-2012 08:31 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
2 Attachment(s)

SloMotion 12-05-2012 08:57 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
I get it, it's the state bird, but I'm still disappointed ('Krewe' being my first choice) ... why not 'gators' or the 'catahoula leopard dogs' if you want to identify with the entire state? It's not like pelicans are indigenous only to Louisiana.

73Saint 12-05-2012 09:58 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Turrible. Just turrible.

Beastmode 12-05-2012 10:16 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
This whole process takes years. It will involve market research and a vote. This is far from a done deal. Once they conduct the market research this idea will be squashed like a bug on the ground. Ain't gonna happen.

Look at the state picture of the bird feeding it's young. It's actually picking meat off itself to feed its young, a common practice with Pelicans and nothing to do with sports whatsoever! It's a bad fit. There are too many other viable candidates that trump this 10 fold. Love the Krewe. Perfect. Catahoulas also good. My high school mascot was a pelican. Awful, awful, awful.

UK_WhoDat 12-05-2012 10:51 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Jazz shoulda never gone out of town.
Hornets ain't right

Sure I understand the Pelicans.

But KREWE woulda been awesome.

A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican,
He can take in his beak
Enough food for a week
But I'm damned if I see how the helican!

Danno 12-05-2012 01:32 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Pelican'ts is an easy ridicule.

CharityMike 12-05-2012 01:33 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by TheKillerBs (Post 462757)
Makes sense. We actually have pelicans here

Big whoop!! There are pelicans all up and down the coast. This has ZERO to do with New Orleans and by far one of THE DUMBEST names for a professional sports team. The New Orleans Pelicans..yeah..thats just LAUGHABLE! Whats the most menacing aspect of a pelican..that it might poop on you?

Beastmode 12-05-2012 01:59 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by CharityMike (Post 462914)
Big whoop!! There are pelicans all up and down the coast. This has ZERO to do with New Orleans and by far one of THE DUMBEST names for a professional sports team. The New Orleans Pelicans..yeah..thats just LAUGHABLE! Whats the most menacing aspect of a pelican..that it might poop on you?

CM, as I have stated, my h.s mascot was a Pelican (Port Allen), very embarrasssing trying to conjure an attitude of spirit and fight with a peculiar looking bird. I think we will be fine once the marketing gurus talk some sense into the NBA or whoever conjured up this feeble idea in the first place.

73Saint 12-05-2012 02:49 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by CharityMike (Post 462914)
Big whoop!! There are pelicans all up and down the coast. This has ZERO to do with New Orleans and by far one of THE DUMBEST names for a professional sports team. The New Orleans Pelicans..yeah..thats just LAUGHABLE! Whats the most menacing aspect of a pelican..that it might poop on you?

I agree. I hate it. And, I'm mad about it!!

SloMotion 12-05-2012 03:28 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
... we could start a letter writing campaign, :mrgreen: ... but then I'd feel obligated to watch more basketball & IDK if I'm willing to do that.

CharityMike 12-05-2012 03:37 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 462920)
... we could start a letter writing campaign, :mrgreen: ... but then I'd feel obligated to watch more basketball & IDK if I'm willing to do that.


IMO they wasted a good name on the arena team. The Voodoo would be an awesome name for an NBA team. Plus it makes more sense as it relates to the regions history. Pelicans...pfft..SMH

Crusader 12-05-2012 03:46 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
I know that back in the day there was the New York Yankees and New York Giants in both football and baseball, why couldn't the basketball team in New Orleans be the Saints too? Is there a rule against it?

skymike 12-05-2012 03:48 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
no rule against dual naming, esp. when the owner is the same guy.

New Orleans Basketball Saints....
just like they used to say St. Louis Football Cardinals...

CharityMike 12-05-2012 03:49 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 462927)
I know that back in the day there was the New York Yankees and New York Giants in both football and baseball, why couldn't the basketball team in New Orleans be the Saints too? Is there a rule against it?


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 462929)
no rule against dual naming, esp. when the owner is the same guy.

New Orleans Basketball Saints....
just like they used to say St. Louis Football Cardinals...

Well in that case, why don't they use Voodoo? It's a cool name and it's awesome colors and theme.

SloMotion 12-05-2012 04:08 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 462927)
I know that back in the day there was the New York Yankees and New York Giants in both football and baseball, why couldn't the basketball team in New Orleans be the Saints too? Is there a rule against it?

Way to think outside of the box, Crusader! ... Saints would be another good option ... along with Krewe, Voodoo, Catahoulas ... too bad I didn't win that recent Powerball like I was planning on ... I coulda' bought a professional sports franchise, maybe the Hornets, and given it a cool name. :mrgreen:

73Saint 12-05-2012 04:33 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Voodoo all the way. Agreed that such a cool name is wasted on an Arena team...

BIGEASY504 12-05-2012 05:54 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 462746)
Makes sense as that will also be the name of our MLB team AGAIN, if we ever get it back...


jeanpierre 12-06-2012 10:29 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Utah is the Beehive State and they have the Jazz...

New Orleans is the birthplace of Jazz and have the Hornets...

Yeah, that makes sense...

UK_WhoDat 12-06-2012 11:21 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 463139)
Utah is the Beehive State and they have the Jazz...

New Orleans is the birthplace of Jazz and have the Hornets...

Yeah, that makes sense...

My goodness. You are right. If they pinch our football team, they will have the Utah Latter-Day Saints!

SloMotion 12-06-2012 02:02 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 463139)
Utah is the Beehive State and they have the Jazz...

New Orleans is the birthplace of Jazz and have the Hornets...

Yeah, that makes sense...

Good call! They should just do a prisoner-swap or something.

sainttommy 12-07-2012 12:52 PM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
**** You, Pelicans Are Awesome: A Defense Of The NBA's Best New Team Name

Just an article supporting the Pelican mascot.

SloMotion 12-08-2012 07:23 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by sainttommy (Post 463387)

:lol:, suppose that's one way to look at it ... I still think Brass, Krewe or something else are the better choice.


Originally Posted by excerpts from
The pelican is fearsome. Take a raven, for example: it's omnivorous. It eats bugs, and seeds, and fruit, and carrion. Compared to the well-rounded citizen that is the raven, the pelican is the serial killer of birds. Not only is it a carnivore—it is a hypercarnivore ... The pelican eats meat, and only meat. The pelican doesn't eat anything that didn't used to be alive. What's more—unlike an eagle or a falcon—the pelican almost never scavenges someone else's kill. It craves warm flesh, so it gets the job done itself ...

The Brown Pelican is the state bird of Louisiana, and it's the only species of pelican that dives to catch its prey. The Brown Pelican is a raptor, without the stupid purple dinosaur logo ...

It cruises above the water, its eyesight so good that it can see fish beneath the surface from 60 feet up. Then it spirals into a death dive, streaking down upon the unsuspecting prey before it knows what hit it. The last thing that fish ever sees is the light blinking out as the pelican's gaping beak closes around it, and it's swallowed—while still alive ...

The pelican might be the world's best-designed killing machine. You know how evolution works, and how animals steadily adapt to be better suited to their environments? Well, the pelican's bill hasn't changed in 30 million years. It's literally perfect.

But the pelican isn't just a mindless see-it-and-eat-it hunter, oh no. They work together. A bunch of pelicans will practice "cooperative fishing," herding fish into a central area so they can take turns dive-bombing the prey. Hear that, rest of the NBA? Pelicans work as a team.

They're so noble, they're pretty much deities. During times of famine, it was said, the mother pelican would draw her own blood to feed her young, and the early church quickly adopted the pelican as a symbol for the Christ. Do you see anyone worshipping a seahawk? You do not.

We've already established that a pelican's offense is unmatched. But they're selfless defenders as well. Here's a New York Times story from 1910, about a "marauding weasel" that found its way into the pigeon coop at the Central Park Zoo. Did the zoo's pelicans, Hidalgo Pete, Signor Gomez, and Sanchez Hoolihoo, run away? Did they stare helplessly as the weasel trespassed on their property and helped itself to a meal? They did not. They chased the weasel away from the pigeons, and cornering it against a mesh fence, beat it to death. "Even after the animal was dead the two pelicans…kept jabbing their bills at it."

Hidalgo Pete suffered a broken wing in the melee, but that's just what pelicans do. They give up their own bodies to protect their court. There's no way New Orleans will lose a home game.

Crusader 12-10-2012 04:15 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans
Tampa Bay Devil Rays (1998-2007) <br> Tampa Bay Rays (2008-present) - Team Name Changes Without Relocating - Photos -

Just a pretty cool slideshow with pictures.

SloMotion 12-10-2012 04:54 AM

Re: Report: Hornets becoming Pelicans

Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 464072)

Slide #9 ... Ted Lindsay/Gordie Howe ... never really got to see Lindsay play (other than Old-Timer's events), but man, Gordie was the best ... ever. You da' man, Crusader, :mrgreen:.

Detroit Cougars - Falcons - RedWings ... glad they made that name change, could you see skating around the ice these days with a teamname like 'Cougars'? :lol:.

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