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saintsfan1976 02-11-2021 07:01 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
If me wearing a mask means I'm less likely to either A) become infected or B) unknowingly spread the virus, then why wouldn't I? It shouldn't be about politics.

vpheughan 02-11-2021 07:19 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 914244)
I just tested positive for the Covid antibodies. I was so sick I was making out my will and preparing to be in a mental fog for the rest of my life. I thought I was developing dementia. I was in a car wreck and had whip lash from it but I hurt all over so badly from the Covid I didn't realize they were two separate incidents. I have what is called long haulers where the symptoms just don't go away but stay with you indefinitely.

I wear a mask and still got it, most likely it was New Years day doing the annual Polar Bear dip at the Flora-Bama. I lived a full life before but I'll never be the same again. Sure, you might not die from Covid but you might not have a full life anymore. Please consider wearing a mask and social distancing.

EDIT: I'll never be able to ref rugby again...that is just devastating to me.:brood:

Sorry to hear you had Covid. I also contracted it the day after Christmas and was sick unitl a few days into the new year. My wife and I always masked and maintained the 6' distance. Like you I thought I was going to die. Went to a pretty dark place for a few days. I am one month free from it and keep experiencing the gift that keeps on giving. The Brain Fog being the worst!!

gosaints1 02-11-2021 07:25 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 914344)
If me wearing a mask means I'm less likely to either A) become infected or B) unknowingly spread the virus, then why wouldn't I? It shouldn't be about politics.

You realize you began that question with an “if”, which makes it a hypothetical. But, the logical answer is that there are those of us, including Dr Fauci at the beginning of the pandemic, who laugh at the assertion that putting a cloth mask over your face will diminish transmissibility of an virus.

Bottom line, masks do nothing, if they worked there wouldn’t be recommendations now that are saying to double or triple masks. To fully answer your two questions:

A. Masks don’t prohibit or diminish you or I being actively infected.


B. Masks don’t prohibit the spread of infections.

If/when I wear a mask, and it’s a rare thing I’ll do, it’s because a business requires it, and even then I tend to stay away from any entity that “requires” a mask since my state is open for business. Publix and Home Depot require masks at the national level, so I’ve changed my grocery store to Winn Dixie and my home hardware store to Ace. I’ll never “adapt” to a masked environment. Never. If you enjoy that environment, or feel safer in it, I’m happy for you..., but it’s just not my cup of tea.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 07:55 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Flipx99 (Post 914334)
Interesting. I already knew that, although not a lawyer, she is a legal expert.

In any event, I am glad for you to wear a mask -- or not wear a mask. The point is that other people may have wives who tell them to do something different than what yours tells you. I don't feel the need to say they are "too ignorant to understand."

Yes. She tired of the hospital administrative side of things and switched sides and has dealt with doctors and hospitals as a malpractice claims adjuster for well over a decade now. She works with lawyers on a daily basis now. She keeps her certification active, however, as a registered nurse.

As far as being too ignorant to understand ... I'll stick with that. Being stupid and ignorant are two completely different things. You can be ignorant of certain facts regardless of how intelligent you may be. The fact is that wearing a mask gives the wearer a certain degree of protection against COVID. It is also a fact that wearing a mask gives a great deal of resistance to spreading the virus as an active carrier. The combination of the two, along with proper distancing, makes the transference of the virus extremely unlikely. Whereas, the absence of all three creates an atmosphere where transferring the virus is quite likely.

While ignorance is bad, the knowing refusal of one to protect themselves and others is far worse. Sad.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 08:10 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 914347)
You realize you began that question with an “if”, which makes it a hypothetical. But, the logical answer is that there are those of us, including Dr Fauci at the beginning of the pandemic, who laugh at the assertion that putting a cloth mask over your face will diminish transmissibility of an virus.

Bottom line, masks do nothing, if they worked there wouldn’t be recommendations now that are saying to double or triple masks. To fully answer your two questions:

A. Masks don’t prohibit or diminish you or I being actively infected.


B. Masks don’t prohibit the spread of infections.

If/when I wear a mask, and it’s a rare thing I’ll do, it’s because a business requires it, and even then I tend to stay away from any entity that “requires” a mask since my state is open for business. Publix and Home Depot require masks at the national level, so I’ve changed my grocery store to Winn Dixie and my home hardware store to Ace. I’ll never “adapt” to a masked environment. Never. If you enjoy that environment, or feel safer in it, I’m happy for you..., but it’s just not my cup of tea.

First of all, you made an excellent point. In the early stages of the pandemic there were an abundance of unknowns. As more information became available assumptions changed radically. Dr. Fauci learned of the errors in his early recommendations.

A. Masks absolutely diminish the chances of contracting COVID - IF WORN PROPERLY! No, they do not give complete protection, but marginal protection is better than none.

B. Masks absolutely reduce the amount of moisture droplets emitted from the nose and mouth greatly. The virus is carried in those droplets. Does a mask prevent emissions of all of the virus carrying droplets? No, but reduction of those droplets absolutely reduce the chances of those around you receiving a viral load sufficient enough to infect them.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 08:16 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 914344)
If me wearing a mask means I'm less likely to either A) become infected or B) unknowingly spread the virus, then why wouldn't I? It shouldn't be about politics.

No. It's not about politics. It's something far more self-centered. There is more concern with "nobody's going to tell ME what to do" than there is concern for others. It's as simple as that.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 08:21 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
One question for those "part-time" mask wearers, when you are forced to wear that mask do you wear it properly? In other words, does it cover both the nose and the mouth?

If you wear it with your nose sticking out I'd hate to see how you wear a swim suit.


gosaints1 02-11-2021 08:28 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 914350)
No. It's not about politics. It's something far more self-centered. There is more concern with "nobody's going to tell ME what to do" than there is concern for others. It's as simple as that.

The entirety of Roe vs Wade is built 100% on the premise of: “the government can’t tell me what to do with my body”.

Individual liberties should be unassailable. Along with freedom of movement. I realize constitutional liberties might not be important to some, but to quite a few of us they are, and should not be abused.

saintsfan1976 02-11-2021 08:36 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 914352)
The entirety of Roe vs Wade is built 100% on the premise of: “the government can’t tell me what to do with my body”.

Individual liberties should be unassailable. Along with freedom of movement. I realize constitutional liberties might not be important to some, but to quite a few of us they are, and should not be abused.

Liberties are of utmost importance. But so is protecting your fellow man.

While I can't prove masks are 100% effective, you can't prove they're not.

And I guarantee that if this particular virus affected you the same way it does elderly, you'd be screaming for people to take whatever small steps they could to protect YOU. And so would I.

gosaints1 02-11-2021 08:39 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 914349)
First of all, you made an excellent point. In the early stages of the pandemic there were an abundance of unknowns. As more information became available assumptions changed radically. Dr. Fauci learned of the errors in his early recommendations.

A. Masks absolutely diminish the chances of contracting COVID - IF WORN PROPERLY! No, they do not give complete protection, but marginal protection is better than none.

B. Masks absolutely reduce the amount of moisture droplets emitted from the nose and mouth greatly. The virus is carried in those droplets. Does a mask prevent emissions of all of the virus carrying droplets? No, but reduction of those droplets absolutely reduce the chances of those around you receiving a viral load sufficient enough to infect them.

The number of “unknowns” still greatly outweigh the number of knowns. Dr Fauci laughed, literally laughed out loud, when asked if regular cotton masks make a difference. Regardless, let’s discuss the current situation. If masks are effective..., then why the demands now to “double” mask and/or triple mask?

It’s much easier to ask ppl to not talk or laugh, lol, which is governmental advice now, lol. How about singing? Nope, can’t do that either.

It’s a power play, an attempt at governmental control over all aspects of our lives. Nothing more..., nothing less.

AG, love you like a fat kid loves chocolate, seriously I do. And I don’t want anybody, including those on this forum, to get ill or injured. But I refuse to allow the government to take away my liberties, bc they are scared and don’t know what’s going on.

gosaints1 02-11-2021 08:49 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 914353)
Liberties are of utmost importance. But so is protecting your fellow man.

While I can't prove masks are 100% effective, you can't prove they're not.

And I guarantee that if this particular virus affected you the same way it does elderly, you'd be screaming for people to take whatever small steps they could to protect YOU. And so would I.

No, I wouldn’t. I’m over the age of 50, so is my girlfriend, and she has Lupus, an autoimmune disorder. She got the virus back in July, at work in a medical environment where everybody is excessively protected with N95 and other protective gear. She came to my house, sick and quarantined, slept on my chest, sneezed, coughed and slobbered all over me. You can’t get closer to me, than she did. I did not get it, was tested multiple times, every time she was tested, I was tested, lol. She needed a clean test to go back to work. Regardless, still to this day, I’m clean, with no antibodies. I give blood at oneblood to test for the antibodies, I have none. Even with her autoimmune disorder, she said it was worse than a common cold, not as bad as the flu.

Every person’s situation and reaction to any illness is different, I can only tell my story..., and why I believe what I believe. I can’t get it, nor can I pass it. When I do put the mask on, I have one, exactly one mask, I do so ONLY to not cause any commotion. It has nothing to do with anyone’s protection.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 08:53 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 914352)
The entirety of Roe vs Wade is built 100% on the premise of: “the government can’t tell me what to do with my body”.

Individual liberties should be unassailable. Along with freedom of movement. I realize constitutional liberties might not be important to some, but to quite a few of us they are, and should not be abused.


Just as I stated, "nobody's going to tell ME what to do". Getting COVID because of not wearing a mask, if it happens, is all on you. However, passing it on to another because you refuse to wear a mask is also on you with far greater ramifications. If that person dies and you were to blame that is something that you'd have to live with.

Trying to justify your hatred of being told what to do with untruths, however, is counterproductive.

gosaints1 02-11-2021 09:05 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 914356)

Just as I stated, "nobody's going to tell ME what to do". Getting COVID because of not wearing a mask, if it happens, is all on you. However, passing it on to another because you refuse to wear a mask is also on you with far greater ramifications. If that person dies and you were to blame that is something that you'd have to live with.

Trying to justify your hatred of being told what to do with untruths, however, is counterproductive.

I have no hatred towards anybody, nor anything. Or I try not to, lol. Individual liberty should be unassailable. If you’re worried about your health, then triple mask, but that’s on you. If you believe that every otherwise healthy individual should mask just bc, then that’s plainly nonsensical as we will NEVER take masks off again. There is always somebody somewhere with an autoimmune disorder or an oncology patient in chemo, etc... walking around.

You going to wear a mask forever? Or do you just not care about anything other than yourself? See how that argument plays out?

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 09:09 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 914354)
The number of “unknowns” still greatly outweigh the number of knowns. Dr Fauci laughed, literally laughed out loud, when asked if regular cotton masks make a difference. Regardless, let’s discuss the current situation. If masks are effective..., then why the demands now to “double” mask and/or triple mask?

It’s much easier to ask ppl to not talk or laugh, lol, which is governmental advice now, lol. How about singing? Nope, can’t do that either.

It’s a power play, an attempt at governmental control over all aspects of our lives. Nothing more..., nothing less.

AG, love you like a fat kid loves chocolate, seriously I do. And I don’t want anybody, including those on this forum, to get ill or injured. But I refuse to allow the government to take away my liberties, bc they are scared and don’t know what’s going on.

Are masks 100% effective in the prevention of COVID infection? No. But they are absolutely effective to a degree. A second mask increases that protection a few more degrees. It isn't all or nothing.

Sorry, my friend, but your tin hat is showing bigtime. It all comes down to you resisting being told what to do. Trying to justify it makes that tin hat even more unattractive. Is not singing in church a way to lessen the chances of transmission? Yes. To a degree. So is refraining from shouting in the vicinity of others. That's common sense.

If you are at a busy downtown intersection do you disregard all of the crossing signals? They are telling you what to do and what not to do. Ignoring them can cause harm to you and to others.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 09:15 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 914357)
I have no hatred towards anybody, nor anything. Or I try not to, lol. Individual liberty should be unassailable. If you’re worried about your health, then triple mask, but that’s on you. If you believe that every otherwise healthy individual should mask just bc, then that’s plainly nonsensical as we will NEVER take masks off again. There is always somebody somewhere with an autoimmune disorder or an oncology patient in chemo, etc... walking around.

You going to wear a mask forever? Or do you just not care about anything other than yourself? See how that argument plays out?

I'm going to wear a mask until herd immunity is reached (I have ten Saints masks that I rotate through cleaning cycles) and the likelihood of contracting or spreading the virus is minimal. The vaccines are vital in reaching this point.

Boston Saint 02-11-2021 10:15 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
First I will say I do whatever I can to not get/spread the virus. I wear a mask, I haven’t been out to a social situation since last March. I have groceries delivered. I skipped my annual trip south to see my 87 and 84 year old parents, brothers and sister. I have high BP and I am overweight. I do NOT want to get COVID.

That being said, I fully believe that some aspects of this pandemic have been politically motivated and manipulated. No doubt, it is a complex issue with many variables. Therefore, I think references like Tin Hat are counterproductive. There are numerous examples of politicians in positions of power using mask mandates and lockdown orders to apply financial, political, and social media pressure on opponents while they break these very same rules themselves. China, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, North Korea and many other countries have the power to run the daily lives of their citizens. I do not want that here.

Freedoms can be eroded easily. I lived in Colombia South America during the 80’s while Escobar was the true power and I’ve seen it. My mother in law (she lived with us for ten years) was born in the former country of Yugoslavia and tells stories about it. I live 3 miles from where the first shots were fired in the Revolutionary war. There is a statue and park there marking the event. The formation of the first government ever to recognize that the power comes from a higher authority than the government itself, that we have God given rights as individuals, is a Precious and rare thing. To dismiss someone who feels they are seeing these rights being taken away as a crazy tin-foil hat wearing person is ignorant and dangerous.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 11:38 AM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 914360)
First I will say I do whatever I can to not get/spread the virus. I wear a mask, I haven’t been out to a social situation since last March. I have groceries delivered. I skipped my annual trip south to see my 87 and 84 year old parents, brothers and sister. I have high BP and I am overweight. I do NOT want to get COVID.

That being said, I fully believe that some aspects of this pandemic have been politically motivated and manipulated. No doubt, it is a complex issue with many variables. Therefore, I think references like Tin Hat are counterproductive. There are numerous examples of politicians in positions of power using mask mandates and lockdown orders to apply financial, political, and social media pressure on opponents while they break these very same rules themselves. China, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, North Korea and many other countries have the power to run the daily lives of their citizens. I do not want that here.

Freedoms can be eroded easily. I lived in Colombia South America during the 80’s while Escobar was the true power and I’ve seen it. My mother in law (she lived with us for ten years) was born in the former country of Yugoslavia and tells stories about it. I live 3 miles from where the first shots were fired in the Revolutionary war. There is a statue and park there marking the event. The formation of the first government ever to recognize that the power comes from a higher authority than the government itself, that we have God given rights as individuals, is a Precious and rare thing. To dismiss someone who feels they are seeing these rights being taken away as a crazy tin-foil hat wearing person is ignorant and dangerous.

To declare that protective measures such as masks are totally useless and are nothing but manipulative acts is in itself ignorant and dangerous. If the reason for refusing to wear a mask is because you do not want to be told what to do, then fine, don't wear the mask. But, don't claim there is some ulterior motive to justify your refusal. That by definition is tin-foil hat wearing behavior.

Political motives are behind everything to a degree when espoused by politicians. That is the nature of the beast. But, it does not make everything they say invalid. Not everything is totally politically motivated.

Boston Saint 02-11-2021 12:19 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
That’s a contradiction though AG. Saying “ don't claim there is some ulterior motive to justify your refusal” and then later say “ Political motives are behind everything to a degree..” is the root point I am making. You just backed me up.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 12:33 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 914370)
That’s a contradiction though AG. Saying “ don't claim there is some ulterior motive to justify your refusal” and then later say “ Political motives are behind everything to a degree..” is the root point I am making. You just backed me up.

No. It is not a contradiction whatsoever. Context is important, as I have mentioned before. In my statement the "ulterior motive" being referred to was the false narrative that masks are useless and we are being told to wear them as a means of mind control, per se. The real reason was confirmed that the person simply did not like being told what to do.

The key words in the second quote is "to a degree". There is certainly a small degree of motive politically behind the narratives of wearing and not wearing a mask. I am confident in saying that the political motive of those dismissing the validity of mask wearing is of a far, far greater degree than those stating the proven facts of the advantages. That's why it appeals to the fringe tin-foil apparel fans.


Boston Saint 02-11-2021 12:47 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
My initial post on here had nothing to do with mind control. If someone else earlier on this thread brought that up then that’s a different story. Again, note my use of PPE and you will note I don’t fit in your category of being ignorant.
Look, peace on this subject. My issue is when you, or others, try to win every argument or point on an issue. I am guilty of this as well. I honestly am trying
To change that myself. Look at my Jim Mora quote on my signature. That’s deeper than it seems and has the basic idea of having an open mind or not. Someone can disagree with you and not be an idiot. Making a point against someone doesn’t always have to be an insulting thing. Again, I point the finger at myself as well. If we are all on a Saints Fan site and can’t get along, then something is wrong.

Rugby Saint II 02-11-2021 01:03 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
I wear a mask and condom when required! They both can save your life and protect others! If you will wear a condom then I don't see why your civil liberties are being violated being required to wear a mask.

I realize that some people aren't in the dating game anymore but when you were would you wear a condom if you were with a high risk group? Nuff' Said!:doh:

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 01:09 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 914376)
My initial post on here had nothing to do with mind control. If someone else earlier on this thread brought that up then that’s a different story. Again, note my use of PPE and you will note I don’t fit in your category of being ignorant.
Look, peace on this subject. My issue is when you, or others, try to win every argument or point on an issue. I am guilty of this as well. I honestly am trying
To change that myself. Look at my Jim Mora quote on my signature. That’s deeper than it seems and has the basic idea of having an open mind or not. Someone can disagree with you and not be an idiot. Making a point against someone doesn’t always have to be an insulting thing. Again, I point the finger at myself as well. If we are all on a Saints Fan site and can’t get along, then something is wrong.

The mind control indeed belonged to someone else. You missed that context. We are in agreeance on this issue. I was addressing someone who is diametrically opposed to our stance, however.

As I also point out earlier (not in reference to you whatsoever) is that one can be ignorant without being an idiot. In fact, ignorance comes from the Latin ignorare "to ignore, be ignorant of". The act of ignoring facts is ignorance. Being unaware of a fact is also ignorance. Closely related, but slightly different in context. Neither, however are dependent upon intelligence, or lack there of.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 01:10 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 914378)
I wear a mask and condom when required! They both can save your life and protect others! If you will wear a condom then I don't see why your civil liberties are being violated being required to wear a mask.

I realize that some people aren't in the dating game anymore but when you were would you wear a condom if you with with a high risk group? Nuff' Said!:doh:

Perhaps they should use a condom on their nose if they refuse to cover it with their mask.

Boston Saint 02-11-2021 01:34 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
True. Yet IMO, your nature lends itself to be one of affirming your own (obviously educated) position as opposed to being open to what others have to say. But hey, that’s just me, I may be wrong, and I like and respect you on the site. Can’t wait to get my hurricane from you or buy your Long Island next time I’m in town.

Rugby Saint II 02-11-2021 01:49 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
Well, this is about discipline for wearing masks not the right to choose. So, I'm one of the people who supported it when the Saints got caught for their locker room celebration. The rules are in place for a reason. For the Saints to give Godhell the chance to screw us again is just irresponsible.

We currently have five picks I believe and Godhell is likely taking one or maybe even two away. He likes to put us in the public eye to say "See this. We won't tolerate this." He obviously he has a vendetta against the Saints and he's not done yet.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 02:33 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 914381)
True. Yet IMO, your nature lends itself to be one of affirming your own (obviously educated) position as opposed to being open to what others have to say. But hey, that’s just me, I may be wrong, and I like and respect you on the site. Can’t wait to get my hurricane from you or buy your Long Island next time I’m in town.

I'm not "in town" either. We usually try to book a cruise out of the port there the week before or after a home game. I'll let you know when we do. Or my wife may have a conference there which is even better since I get to play while she's in lectures. But I will collect on that Long Island sooner or later.

And it is near impossible for me to be open to something that is, at worst, blatantly wrong, or at the very least, somewhat misguided. My years spent in software design stressed the importance of that. On the other hand, the years I spent in the media world opened my eyes to the blatantly wrong and misguided. :D

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 02:38 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 914382)
Well, this is about discipline for wearing masks not the right to choose. So, I'm one of the people who supported it when the Saints got caught for their locker room celebration. The rules are in place for a reason. For the Saints to give Godhell the chance to screw us again is just irresponsible.

We currently have five picks I believe and Godhell is likely taking one or maybe even two away. He likes to put us in the public eye to say "See this. We won't tolerate this." He obviously he has a vendetta against the Saints and he's not done yet.

As of right now we only officially have three - 1st, 2nd, and 4th rounders. The projection for compensatory picks is one each in round 3 and round 6.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 02:50 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
Two masks, snug fit reduces COVID-19 spread, U.S. study shows

February 10, 2021, 9:27 AM

(Reuters) - Making sure a mask fits snugly on the face and use of two masks is likely to significantly reduce a person's exposure to the coronavirus, laboratory experiments described by U.S. health officials on Wednesday showed.

The U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in January conducted experiments to see how well wearing a cloth mask over a three-ply medical procedure mask, and knotting the ear loops of a surgical mask and then tucking the excess material close to the face, protects against COVID-19.

They found that both these methods helped reduce the exposure to potentially infected aerosols by more than 90% in laboratory simulations.

The data also showed that wearing a mask helped reduce exposure to aerosol particles that were the size of droplets that spread COVID-19, when compared to wearing no mask at all.

The experiments highlight that "masks work, and they work best when they have a good fit and are worn correctly," CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told reporters.

Walesnky added that re-useable devices known as mask-fitters were also an option to improve a mask's fit.

Results from one experiment demonstrated that the un-knotted medical procedure mask alone blocked 42.0% of the particles from a simulated cough, and the cloth mask alone blocked 44.3%.

The double mask combination blocked 92.5% of the cough particles.

In another experiment, the CDC tried to simulate the spread of COVID-19 during breathing when one or both people are properly masked. In the first scenario with only the source of the aerosols wearing a mask, they found coronavirus exposure was reduced by 82.2% when double-masking, and 62.9% with a snug fitting, knotted and tucked surgical mask.

When the source and receiver of simulated breathing aerosols were both fitted with double masks, or knotted and tucked medical masks, the exposure of the receiver was reduced 96.4% and 95.9%, respectively, the experiments found.

With more highly contagious virus variants circulating, CDC medical officer John Brooks told the Washington Post, "whatever we can do to improve the fit of a mask to make it work better, the faster we can end this pandemic.”

gosaints1 02-11-2021 05:24 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 914359)
I'm going to wear a mask until herd immunity is reached (I have ten Saints masks that I rotate through cleaning cycles) and the likelihood of contracting or spreading the virus is minimal. The vaccines are vital in reaching this point.

That’s because you are a member of the “herd”, you know the ones that will stampede and follow one another off a cliff. But, the argument is if you don’t wear a mask then you don’t care about anyone else. And that logic fails, bc if you believe that nonsense, then you will NEVER take your mask off. There are many more immune system compromised and chemo patients, COPD, etc... folks running around in public, that one could imagine. COVID is just one bug, that’s it, there is always something else out there. Heck, over the last decade 30-60 thousand ppl die from the flu every year. And we have a vaccine for that! Several million more die from lower respiratory infections annually. If you truly believe you want to help your fellow man via wearing one, or ten masks on your face simultaneously, then by all means do so, but you should never take them off, ever. Or else you don’t care about your fellow man. You wearing them only during this one bug proves it.

Boston Saint 02-11-2021 05:40 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
So...Morestead is likely gone, right? Too bad. He was a hell of a punter and I hate to see him go. Cheaper options are available though.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 05:49 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 914402)
That’s because you are a member of the “herd”, you know the ones that will stampede and follow one another off a cliff. But, the argument is if you don’t wear a mask then you don’t care about anyone else. And that logic fails, bc if you believe that nonsense, then you will NEVER take your mask off. There are many more immune system compromised and chemo patients, COPD, etc... folks running around in public, that one could imagine. COVID is just one bug, that’s it, there is always something else out there. Heck, over the last decade 30-60 thousand ppl die from the flu every year. And we have a vaccine for that! Several million more die from lower respiratory infections annually. If you truly believe you want to help your fellow man via wearing one, or ten masks on your face simultaneously, then by all means do so, but you should never take them off, ever. Or else you don’t care about your fellow man. You wearing them only during this one bug proves it.

Not quite right, my friend.

The last virus that affected this many people occurred over 100 years ago. This isn't some pansy assed seasonal flu. This is the real thing again. That last time humanity "masked up" was 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu. The estimates are that around 500 million, or at that time a third of the entire population of Earth were infected. Over 50 million people died. This isn't just "something else out there". Their problem was that they didn't take it seriously enough. This is projecting along the lines of the Spanish Flu. The difference is that we have science on our side this time. Science and knowledge of the past. We can get ahead of this by addressing it properly.

Hopefully "your" herd is tiny and allows the rest of mankind to handle this situation with appropriate measures.

Keep wearing that tin-foil, dude. It fits you well, it appears.


AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 05:57 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 914405)
So...Morestead is likely gone, right? Too bad. He was a hell of a punter and I hate to see him go. Cheaper options are available though.

I would imagine he wants to remain. He has raised his family here.

gosaints1 02-11-2021 05:58 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 914386)
..."whatever we can do to improve the fit of a mask to make it work better, the faster we can end this pandemic.”

There are differing opinions:

“Surgical mask (SM) wearing has been shown to be effective in reducing ARI among healthcare workers. However, the effectiveness of SM in reducing ARI in the non-healthcare settings remains unclear.”

And that is a surgical mask..., not a cloth diaper on one’s face. There is no dogmatic truth here. Biased tests will always create biased results. Florida is open, no mask mandate, no shutdowns, and is doing no worse than any other states that are completely shut down. And trust me, if this virus were truly devastating..., why is football being played? Along with baseball, hockey, basketball, etc... Thousands upon thousands of unmasked ppl, differing states, just descended upon Tampa. NFL didn’t care, lol, heck, Roger Goodell wasn’t even wearing his mask. So obviously it’s not that big of a deal for the NFL.

blackangold 02-11-2021 06:00 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 914406)
You need serious help, my friend.

The last virus that affected this many people occurred over 100 years ago. This isn't some pansy assed seasonal flu. This is the real thing again. That last time humanity "masked up" was 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu. The estimates are that around 500 million, or at that time a third of the entire population of Earth were infected. Over 50 million people died. This isn't just "something something else out there". This is projecting along the lines of the Spanish Flu. The difference is that we have science on our side this time. Science and knowledge of the past. We can get ahead of this by addressing it properly.

Hopefully "your" herd is tiny and allows the rest of mankind to handle this situation with appropriate measures.

Keep wearing that tin-foil, dude. It fits you well, it appears.


People are still afraid of the cold?

If people want to wear a mask, then go for it. If people want to wear panties on their head, be my guest.

99.8% survival rate isn't something to be scared of unless your older than 70 or have a pre-existing condition. For non impacted groups the survival rate is over 99.9%.

Poor example on the Spanish flu, higher mortality rate and much higher across all demographics including children. Spanish flu killed 3% of the population in 1918. If covid was comparable we would see 234,000,000 deaths.

What is this thread about again?

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 06:05 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 914409)
There are differing opinions:

“Surgical mask (SM) wearing has been shown to be effective in reducing ARI among healthcare workers. However, the effectiveness of SM in reducing ARI in the non-healthcare settings remains unclear.”

And that is a surgical mask..., not a cloth diaper on one’s face. There is no dogmatic truth here. Biased tests will always create biased results. Florida is open, no mask mandate, no shutdowns, and is doing no worse than any other states that are completely shut down. And trust me, if this virus were truly devastating..., why is football being played? Along with baseball, hockey, basketball, etc... Thousands upon thousands of unmasked ppl, differing states, just descended upon Tampa. NFL didn’t care, lol, heck, Roger Goodell wasn’t even wearing his mask. So obviously it’s not that big of a deal for the NFL.

Fortunately you are in the minority. Keep living in your little world. Nobody is going to tell you what to do. THAT is the whole issue. You know it. You admitted it.

Once again, glad you are a member of the Tiny Herd.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 06:07 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 914410)
People are still afraid of the cold?

If people want to wear a mask, then go for it. If people want to wear panties on their head, be my guest.

99.8% survival rate isn't something to be scared of unless your older than 70 or have a pre-existing condition. For non impacted groups the survival rate is over 99.9%.

Poor example on the Spanish flu, higher mortality rate and much higher across all demographics including children. Spanish flu killed 3% of the population in 1918. If covid was comparable we would see 234,000,000 deaths.

What is this thread about again?

Survival rates? Ask those who survive how it affects their lives moving forward. Ask Rugby who has learned he most likely will never ref again.
I get it. Y'all just basically don't give a sh!t.


Boston Saint 02-11-2021 06:25 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
Good point. But he’d have to take a big pay cut..league minimum to stay

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 06:29 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
And don't feed me crap that people that are dying would have died anyway. Tell that to our friend Foreverfan that died from COVID complications. I doubt the common flu or cold would have cost him HIS life.

Minimalize this if you wish, but to yourselves. Not to those of us that really care.

I'm sorry, but I have seen far too many people be medically affected by this who were otherwise healthy. Maybe if you had experienced a death or two you might be more concerned yourselves.

AsylumGuido 02-11-2021 06:31 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 914414)
Good point. But he’d have to take a big pay cut..league minimum to stay

I take it this was a reply in the other thread.


dizzle88 02-11-2021 06:36 PM

Re: Saints Facing More Discipline
I don't think comparing the Spanish Flu is relevant at this point, we are talking 100 years ago.
Of course 3% of the population died, medicine and health care was nowhere near what it is now and the human race, through vaccinations or basic evolution, become immune to things that would have killed people 100's of years ago.

The thing that irritates me, is that a large portion of the population use the excuse that it heavily affects the older generation as if that somehow makes it okay.

As a 29 year old man, sure I'm confident I'll get over Covid if I got it, however I don't think it's fair that some idiot who doesn't take it seriously, could potentially give me the virus and I accidentally pass it to my "At-risk loved ones," not knowing I had it due to being asymptomatic.

Thats the truly selfish part.

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