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CNN just reported
Superdome will be torn down. Too costly to repair. NO LINK as some want!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: CNN just reported
I think what someone said had no revelance to what is going to happen. Someone said in an interview I think it may have been Oprah. All though if she said it then it shall be done. Someone made a comment it wasn't an officail from the city/state or feds but a celebrity maybe even it was celion... I was going to jump on that earlier but its nothing yet.
CNN reported the Governor said the Superdome may have to be torn down. There is also an article floating around where SMG and the Superdome's management was interviewed and they said the damage was worse than thought also. It's possible this is true. I highly doubt CNN would quote the governor falsely. OR at least I would hope they wouldn't.
I don't think it came from the Govenor but its an unnamed source... I guess one of the teams of engeneers inspecting the structures made the observation and comment thus far but if we can get Federal money... to rebuild the dome from the ground up i say we best jump on it and it'll KEEP THE SAINTS with a new stadium/dome. I think we all have to agree it has to be a dome for obvious reasons... built to withstand a cat 5 and another break in the levee.
Euphoria, you can form an opinion as u wish. The report was on CNN. Later it was clarified that Jamie Lee Whitt stated the same on behalf of the LA Govenor, who hired HIM.
For me, it makes no difference. The Saints are the Saints...move them to San Antonio, LA, or Baton Rouge....the have been and always will be the NEW ORLEANS SAINTS. FWIW; I have been a NO Saints fan since inception, never wore a bag, never will!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
My thought is to build an new stadium like a mountain in the city so flooding isn't an issue. Design it to withstand 300mph winds so the structure will handle any hurricane. Design it with it's own water, power and medical facilities where it could be used as a staging area for rescuers and victims of the storm. .02 |
Exactly BMG. IT must also have generators so it is a self sustaining facility during a power outage. The ONLY way this should be done is if the new facility is built with people's survival in mind should there be another disaster of this magnitude. Then the city and the Benson will both have what they want.
The dome is a legendary icon to me. I couldn't stand the Saints playing somewhere else if the dome is an option. I hold the Super Dome close in my heart. I would much rather see it demolished and then rebuilt into the New Super Dome/the finest domed stadium known to man, than see them patch up the dome and build a new stadium for the Saints.
Its just a sentimental thing. |
I concur... dome is iconic. Just a rebuilt new one is what we need... so much has been made of trying to get an outdoor stadium built, its just realistic for that area.
Oh, I can't seem to ever live with cheering for the Los Angeles Saints or San Antonio Saints. Its New Orleans or I'd end up rooting for the Colts or Chargers. |
As I've said before, I dated a girl for a couple of years that happened to live in San Diego. Its a long story, but I visited her from time to time and developed a liking for the Chargers in the process. She loved the Saints from the get go. I once visited her during football season and obviously I couldn't catch the Saints game in a San Diego hotel room, so I watched the Chargers. Thus, my fascination began.
Saints and Chargers are the only teams that I really care for. I'm teaching my new girlfriend about football. She likes to play Madden, so its cool! I don't think I could date a girl who didn't like football. |
oldies first what you should do right now is grab a hammer and slam it into your head over and over again to see if that helps. the chargers, who? i hate thier owner, their coach, their players, and their families.
of course i am joking |
I just read where the estimate to repair the Superdome will cost a $100 million whereas building a new stadium would cost between $500-600 million. It will take approximately 2 months to do an assessment.
I for one will -NEVER- set foot in the Superdome again. I mean it. NEVER. Not after what happened in there.
I will NOT sit in a seat where I know children were raped and then murdered. The Dome should be torn down, and a memorial to the victims left in its place. |
bro i am not sure about a memorial. you may be going a little far. this isnt thomas jefferson. even though frankee frank thinks for some reason the author of the declaration of independence was a canadian.
Don't blame the dome blame the freakin mayor for not haveing the law enforcement officers in there. Blame the people who committed the crimes. I heard the one chile molestation the guy was identified and beaten to death???
and so he should have noone likes that sort of man
Blame? I don't blame the building for anything. How could I? It's an inanimate object. That's not the point.
I heard dozens of people died in there, children among them. AFTER being raped. I will not go in there. We'll see as the interviews from victims when things calm down. And assuming even only one single isolated case of that is true, then perhaps it would be similar to setting up a nice retractable roof stadium in Auschwitz. I mean, it's not the building's fault so many people were tortured there. I mean, it might even be cozy if it was built right, and it's situated on some gorgeous land. Would you want to sit through a game there, enjoying and laughing? When you know what happened on that piece of ground? An extreme exaggeration, I know, but I hope it conveys the principle I wanted to communicate. The Dome was a center of horror, fear, and death - I think no one will argue that point. And that's enough for me. That is why I will never set foot there again. I'm sure a few thousand people who were there feel the same way. Tear it down, it's partially destroyed anyway. Don't rebuild it. |
I agree with you LOE. But nothing good EVER happened at Auschwitz. Some really good things have happened at the Dome. I'm not totally against rebuilding it, I'm not against tearing it down. That Dome also saved alot of lives. Maybe it wasn't the best of situations, but the people that lived, did so only because the Dome was there. If there wasn't a Dome, how many people would have lost their lives?
It was always a good place and some great things have happened there. I think on the list of good, you can add that 10,000 people or more lived because it was a place of refuge when the hurricane hit. A lot of those people would have tried to sit it out in the very homes that could have been destroyed by the hurricane. I'm not arguing your point LOE, just trying to look at the positives too. |
I totally agree with with LOE and jnor. I still remeber the first time I walked into the Dome. I was speechless. To me seeing the Pope could have only made it better. I still have the picture of me as a small boy in front of the "Penny Dome". Great, Great memories........but.
Due to the actions that happened in there, it needs to go. When most people have faced a trauma like that just the sight of the Dome will bring back terrifing memories and flash-backs. How can we go in there and enjoy a game, or any other civic function, knowing what happened in there. I do agree another dome needs to be built and the old one needs to be monumented. It is historic and did save alot of lives. It will be a great day when "man" can do what is the right thing to do, with out thinking about it in terms of dollars. God Bless Mississippi and Louisiana. |
Build a new stadium with the government's and insurance money. Create a monument in front of it to honor those who died in the evacuation ---
You have to rebuild it... if you rebuild New Orleans you'll have to rebuild the dome. THey will need a place to evacuate to. Its obviously it'll have to withstand a cat 5 and levee breaks, it'll happen again maybe in 50-100 years from now but it'll happen. Dome only built to withstand a cat 3 and did its job with a cat 4. So good job dome. Its the local government for not setting up security and proper supples in case the people were held up there for a lenghty amout of time. THere has to be a plan, it has to be better and it needs to be practiced even by citizens and police.
Not trying to be rude, but, after what I just went through, I wouldn't want to go to a game at the Dome. It was a tomb for a lot of people. Many bad things happened in there those couple of days. Walking in there would just remind me of my horrible experience. Not trying to be stupid but, if you didn't live it, you wouldn't understand. And if you did, you know what I'm talking about.
Oh please... **** *****. I have bad experiances in it to watching the Saints get brutalized.
i don't think the horrors of the superdome compare to the horror of having to look at LOE'S picture.
Using the same logic for not setting foot in the Superdome ever again could also be applied to New Orleans in general. The same horrific things happened in the city just on a larger scale. A location cannot be held responsible for the horrible things that happened there, if this were true where could we go that hasn't had a bad incident tied to it? Highways have car wrecks, hospitals have patients who have died, oceans have drowning victims, city upon city has had horrific wars fought in them and around them. No, the best thing to do is move on but remember and honor and hopefully learn from the past to prepare for the future. I, for one, would like a new, modern, state-of-the-art Superdome for all the world to see and be proud of, especially because so much damage and carnage has been heaped upon the city. And the world is pulling for New Orleans to rise from the waters and be better than before, it's a cinderella story and you know how people love a cinderella story!
Euphoria, I was just giving my opinion. There's no need for name calling, especially from so far away in San Diego. Get my point. Good!
didn't mean it to be offensive just funny is all...
There is a differance between the killings in the Dome and the killings in the streets. D4P has a point. If you have never experienced a horrid act towards another human being you can't understand. Build a monument to the Super Dome-the Victims-build a new dome and make it a CAT-5 refugee point with its own self-sustaining capabilities.
I can't wait to start B*TCHIN about our team again. |
People are killed on the streets of N.O. everyday...thats nothing new.
yeah with that I guess no one will want to walk or drive in the streets in New Orleans.
and then people want to be soft on criminals. i hope you guys complaining arent the same people that talk about the rights of criminals. some of you probably are. it is very easy to complain it doesnt offer a solution just a bunch of noise. i say hey lets just all get to making as much money as we can for ourselves and our families.
Well, though it may be a tanget, it sure seemed that the state cared more about criminals than citizens. I can't forget that the parish prison was safely evacuated immediately after the hurricane, while the doctors, nurses, and patients at Charity Hospital were left to fend for themselves -- for a week, with gangs of thugs trying to break in.
My sister was among them, and she's got horror stories of the things they went through trying to keep those patients alive. A gang of 40 or so actually did break into the hospital. It's a national embarrassment. |
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