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mjf150 09-09-2005 08:47 AM

Be Wary of Red McComb's Hidden Adgenda
I speculate that McComb's ultimate goal is to bring a permanent team to San Antonio. He's wanted to for years, but now he has an ally, his friend Mr. Benson. No one, including Benson, has been more vocal about the Saints playing in SA than Red. He's pulled out all the stops. Both he and Benson have very strong ties to SA. He couldn't do it before with the Vikings, but he didn't have another willing owner before, either.

saintswhodi 09-09-2005 09:00 AM

Re: Be Wary of Red McComb's Hidden Adgenda

Originally Posted by mjf150
I speculate that McComb's ultimate goal is to bring a permanent team to San Antonio. He's wanted to for years, but now he has an ally, his friend Mr. Benson. No one, including Benson, has been more vocal about the Saints playing in SA than Red. He's pulled out all the stops. Both he and Benson have very strong ties to SA. He couldn't do it before with the Vikings, but he didn't have another willing owner before, either.

McCombs' agenda is not "hidden" at all. He flat out said he wants the Saints to move to San Antonio. There's no news in that.

CheramieIII 09-09-2005 11:25 AM

RE: Re: Be Wary of Red McComb
Red McCombs can suck my **** and kiss my *** and lick my *****, oh you guys get the point. If McCombs were to pull this off he would be the most loved man in San Antonio but better never ever set foot in Louisiana or he would find himself sleeping with the crayfish, oh you guys get the point.

Euphoria 09-09-2005 11:41 AM

RE: Re: Be Wary of Red McComb
I think its a lot of hot water... He said feasible... they could are willing to make an offer to attract a team but again I serious don't think this will hold water. Why would the NFL move a team from one small market to another small market secondly its New Orealns hello, don't get me wrong San Antonio is a great city but oh there is a lot of debatery to be had in New Orleans and thats another reason NFL likes it. NO has a special humf to it. I don't see the NFL owners signing off on any deal so move the Saints to SA. WHy would the NFL pass up on a darling story the Saints could be in this year and future years due to this mess. No need to panic... plus if the Dome has to be rebuild guess who gets a new place for the Saints to play, then there will be no excuse to move the Saints, none at all.

sc-saint 09-09-2005 12:23 PM

I agree Euphoria, San Antonio is also a small market in which regardless who the owner is, it would continue to struggle there too. I would personally like to see the Saints move temporarily/permenantly to Baton Rouge--I know its dreaming but what else do we have...

saintswhodi 09-09-2005 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by sc-saint
I agree Euphoria, San Antonio is also a small market in which regardless who the owner is, it would continue to struggle there too. I would personally like to see the Saints move temporarily/permenantly to Baton Rouge--I know its dreaming but what else do we have...

San Antonio is not a small market, and I wish people would stop saying that. The San Antonio/Austin I-35 corridor is the second largest untapped NFL market in the US. Second only to Los Angeles. Besides the fact San Antonio is about 3 times the size and population of New Orleans. Besides the fact any area south of San Antonio, which includes Eagle Pass, Laredo, etc. etc. would support a San Antonio team like they do the Spurs. Calling San Antonio small market is mis-informed. Add to that the economy of San Antonio is much better than it was in New Orleans, and San Antonio is a viable option. I still don't wanna see the team move here though, especially not like this. Maybe until they rebuilt New Orleans, but that's it.

CheramieIII 09-09-2005 04:59 PM

Hey whodi, where you getting those figures from, San Antonio maybe a couple of times larger than New Orleans but when you compare the Metro areas San Antonio Metro area is only 150K larger. Not much of a large market. If you want to include Austin which is almost 80 miles away and exactly the same distant between New Orleans and Baton Rouge the difference would probably be about the same again. So why is New Orleans considered a small market?

saintswhodi 09-09-2005 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by CheramieIII
Hey whodi, where you getting those figures from, San Antonio maybe a couple of times larger than New Orleans but when you compare the Metro areas San Antonio Metro area is only 150K larger. Not much of a large market. If you want to include Austin which is almost 80 miles away and exactly the same distant between New Orleans and Baton Rouge the difference would probably be about the same again. So why is New Orleans considered a small market?

I am getting those figures from having the exact same convo with WhoDat a few months ago. Within a close distance to San Antonio and on the way to Austin are New Braunfels and San Marcos. Going south in the opposite direction is Eagle Pass, Laredo and MExico(whom if they will drive two hours for the Spurs, they will do the same for a football team). Also going West, there is NOTHING at all. Open space no teams clear to EL Paso. Also, on that table you showed, 2003 figures show San Antonio 500,000 people bigger population wise. Add in Austin, that's another 1.3 mil. This also doesn;t take into account economic population. Also military bases that are in San Antonio and the ability to guarantee sell outs with all the ocmpanies locally and nearby. Trust me, it's larger, and New Orleans is a small market. One of the smallest for an NFL team.

CheramieIII 09-09-2005 09:11 PM

Lived in Texas and was born and raised in New Orleans. Have friends in Austin, Buda, Kyle and San Marcos so I am very familiar with your area too. It really doesn't seem that much bigger.

Euphoria 09-10-2005 12:04 AM

Yeah... you proved it to me. Seems like San Antonio is like on average a 10 market wise and New Orleans averages about 19 across the board in revenue, media you name it. On average... this doesn't take into account New Orleans is a proven 19 average market and doesn not include Biloxi and Modile who fall into the umprella if you count the likes of Austin ect... so maybe a slight increase in market if you give New Orleans the same area as SA. I just don't think its going to be the factor that draws the Saints away. New Orleans stands to have an economical boom after this, jobs companies coming in to do work and rebuild.

I also read Benson is doing some major relief fundraising for the New Orleans. Looks like he is going to be a huge factor, player in rebuilding. If you are getting out of dodge then why would you care.

nola_swammi 09-10-2005 01:13 AM

Re: Be Wary of Red McComb's Hidden Adgenda
McCombs' agenda is not "hidden" at all. He flat out said he wants the Saints to move to San Antonio. There's no news in that.[/quote]

I could've sworn that you implied that San Antonioian didn't have any hidden agendas...Does this sound like any of your post

They want to provide a home for this season, whil ensuring revenue for the team. Nothing more.

nola_swammi 09-10-2005 01:14 AM

RE: Re: Be Wary of Red McComb
Nothing more.......hmmmmmmmmmm

SapperSaint 09-10-2005 05:01 AM

RE: Re: Be Wary of Red McComb
"Nothing More??? This is a scheme to get the Saints. S.A. is not doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. Tiger Stadium is just down the road and will hold 92k people. Nothing more???

Euphoria 09-10-2005 10:56 AM

RE: Re: Be Wary of Red McComb
You people sound like your panicking... relax, the NFL isn't going to approve the Saints moving for sometime not anyother time. You'll see a team in LA before you seem a team in NO... and I will garentee it won't be the Saints in Los Angeles.

saintswhodi 09-10-2005 08:26 PM

Re: Be Wary of Red McComb's Hidden Adgenda

Originally Posted by nola_swammi
McCombs' agenda is not "hidden" at all. He flat out said he wants the Saints to move to San Antonio. There's no news in that.

I could've sworn that you implied that San Antonioian didn't have any hidden agendas...Does this sound like any of your post

They want to provide a home for this season, whil ensuring revenue for the team. Nothing more.[/quote]

This is why I have chosen to ignore you. Where did I say ANYONE had a HIDDEN agenda? I disputed the claim that McComb's agenda was hidden. Seems like you are agreeing with me, yet trying to disagree. You do know Red McCombs is a private businessman and has NOTHING to do with the government of San Antonio right? I guess you don't. Dismissed.

saintswhodi 09-10-2005 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria
Yeah... you proved it to me. Seems like San Antonio is like on average a 10 market wise and New Orleans averages about 19 across the board in revenue, media you name it. On average... this doesn't take into account New Orleans is a proven 19 average market and doesn not include Biloxi and Modile who fall into the umprella if you count the likes of Austin ect... so maybe a slight increase in market if you give New Orleans the same area as SA. I just don't think its going to be the factor that draws the Saints away. New Orleans stands to have an economical boom after this, jobs companies coming in to do work and rebuild.

I also read Benson is doing some major relief fundraising for the New Orleans. Looks like he is going to be a huge factor, player in rebuilding. If you are getting out of dodge then why would you care.

You could count Mobile and Biloxi and all that other area, but I think season ticket sales proved how they felt about the team. You wouldn't have that problem in San Antonio/Austin, cause they have never had their own team. The gulf coast has had the Saints for 40 years, and their apathy is beginning to show. It's kinda like being a Braves fan, which I am. They don't sell out their stadium anymore cause they ALWAYS win the division, yet have only one world series title to show for that in 15 years. You won't get into that problem in the San Antonio area for about 20 years or so of losing. Now don't get me wrong, I in no way want the Saints to leave, but for people who don't think the area is a real threat, it is. Toyota and Washington Mutual are moving into San Antonio to the tune of about 10,000 new jobs. Trust me, the Saints would be well suppoerted there, and San Antonio does not have two previous failed teams on their hands like Los Angeles.

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