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D_it_up 09-11-2005 06:11 PM

If today's game is any indication of how Brooks is going to perform this season, then I'd say here come the playoffs. I'm hoping he doesn't regress, but I loved the way he performed today. He actually looked like a field general out there. AB kept his composure, ran when he had to run, threw pin-point passes, and just looked all out great. It seems like he's finally matured into an NFL quarterback. I think the play I loved the most was right before one of Deuce's touchdown when in the red zone, he called a time out. It was almost as if he knew he may screw up and made sure he got things right. Good game, AB. Just keep it up for 15 more games and take them to the playoffs.

Euphoria 09-11-2005 07:01 PM

wait... I know we aren't blaming Brooks for a coaches Play calling... thats it I heard it all. The sweep was a good call there D just lit up our blockers.

BrooksMustGo 09-11-2005 07:18 PM


``In the back of our minds, we know we have to give them one tiny bit of hope,'' said New Orleans quarterback Aaron Brooks. ``We have complete faith in what we are doing because every time we go out there, it is our job to give them hope that every day will be a better day.''
I think this was a classy thing to say. I'm impressed that Brooks would say it. Kool might have a point, maybe Brooks decided to be more of a team guy this off-season? I hope so.

He had a very good completion percentage and very good yards per attempt. It was a good performance. Ability has never been a problem with the guy and he showed it today. I'm optimistic that we'll see consistency from him this season.

On another note, Are we going to drop the "dead leg" comments about Carney now? Seems like John came through in a big way today.

BoudinSandwich 09-11-2005 08:42 PM

From one of his biggest bashers, you'll hear it... A- . Not perfect. The dumb fumble hurt, but he did help to win the game in the last few moments. Its excusable. Great game for everyone.

This is the first game where I have not been extremely p*ssed off at either a player or coach. This was good, inspired football and it almost made me cry. I am PROUD to be a fan of the New Orleans SAINTS!

LordOfEntropy 09-11-2005 08:51 PM


CHACHING 09-11-2005 09:38 PM

Deuce to quote the great George Putnam....
"I agree with you 1000%"
We managed the clock well..
Scored in the first drive...
Scored in the first quarter...
DETROIT HERE WE COME!!!!(very small ching)

jnormand 09-11-2005 09:53 PM

Gotta agree guys. AB did really well. As the game grew, I had more and more faith in the guy. When he started that last drive, I knew that he was going to get it done. You could see it. He was going to get us in scoring position. Great game by this team. AB was awesome.

Any word on Conwell? I know he got injured, but is it serious? He looked really good.

CHACHING 09-11-2005 09:58 PM

His jaw was twisted...concusion......
He's alright.........
Man he looked good today...
Nice to have someone that they don't gamplan against..

Euphoria 09-11-2005 10:10 PM

Let me regress for a minute... Aside from the fumble being the really only mistake Brooks made, I think the play-action and selling the run when passing, was outstanding. Getting the LB's mixed up and freezing them enabled Conwell to get open more and often.

jnormand 09-12-2005 12:33 AM

Yeah, also look at the fact that AB checked down. He usually has his eye on the downfield. He checked down and completed the passes to Conwell. This is good.

Do we know if Conwell will be coming in next week against the Giants?

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