Rugby Saint II |
09-16-2021 12:24 PM |
Re: Offensive Coaches Test Poitive For Covid
Originally Posted by mapcow
(Post 928553)
guess that proves the vaccine and mask crap sorta don't work.
facts for ya:
Vaccinated can still catch COVID and Spread it
Unvaccinated can still catch COVID and Spread it
That is true. However, the likelihood of getting it is lower with a vaccination. Also, the severity of it is lessened if you're vaccinated. I believe that after the Covid pandemic is when the majority of people will realize Covid doesn't just kill you. It also affects memory, respiratory issues, hair loss, and fatigue along with a littany of other problems. Not to mention that loss of smell and taste are also a problem. I know. I had Covid and I'm just not the same nor will I ever be the same.
I know that it's a personal preference to get the shot, wear the mask or social distance. The problem is that often you aren't usually the only person to get it in your social circle of family and friends. When you get Covid you become a carrier. Do peoples personal freedoms outweigh the greater good of the masses of protecting others? Personally, I don't think so. But that's just my personal opinion. If I can convince one person to get the shot then I've done something good. After all isn't that why we are put on this earth?