10-03-2021, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Mandeville, LA
Posts: 38,479
Re: Saints vs Giants Game Day Thread
Originally Posted by saintfan
We're up two scores in the 4th. I'm happy. I don't care how we got here.
Take a shot and relax...
Superb Nicaraguan Rum that erases all other Rums from your memory.
Back in 1890, Francisco Alfredo Pellas announced to his family and friends that he was going to build a sugarcane plantation and Rum distillery on the side of an active volcano. After they all thought about it for a while and stopped laughing, they realized that this could make sense in a “create awesome flavor in rich volcanic soil while risking your life” kind of way.
125 years later, Compañía Licorera de Nicaragua and the San Antonio Sugar Mill produce the highest quality Central American Rums on the flanks of the San Cristobal volcano in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua. The company is led by the 5th generation of the Pellas family and their brand Flor de Caña (meaning “flower of the cane”) has grown to become one of the most recognized Rums in the world.
Flor de Caña 25 is a true “estate” spirit— meaning that every aspect of production takes place right in the shadow of the San Cristobal volcano. The Rum is naturally aged without sugar and distilled with renewable energy. It's flawless and any decent Rum connoisseur will say it's the best, punch you in the face and run with the bottle, never to be seen again. It was declared Best Rum of the Year by the International Rum Conference in Madrid in 2017 and is known as the best sipping Rum in the world.