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mjf150 09-16-2005 07:44 AM

The Pro Football Hall of Fame
Presently, there are only 5 Saints in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. And of those 5, only one was inducted with the Saints being his primary team, the late, great Jim Finks. Who do you believe will be the next Saint to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, primarily as a Saint?

Morten Andersen has my vote, if he ever decides to retire. He spent over half of his career with the Saints, so it's very likely that he will go into the Hall as such.

mjf150 09-16-2005 12:54 PM

What's Up?
No one has an opinion regarding the Saints in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, or the lack there of?

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 01:43 PM

RE: What
I have an opinion, but it's not positive. Similar to what I read in another thread, quoted by our very own Aaron Brooks, "It's just unfortunate that we're part of the 32 teams in the NFL and it takes a national disaster for the media and NFL to show us some love.''
I've always felt there has been a bias against the Saints. At times it has felt like we weren't even part of the league. I can watch a loud mouth receiver and 2nd year quarterback sponsor some random product, but a guy that has been to 4 straight pro-bowls at wide receiver can't garner any national exposure?
And yes, I think that Morten Anderson will be the first Saints' player inducted. From there, we are going to wait for Deuce and any other active player that steps it up for his career.

LordOfEntropy 09-16-2005 01:59 PM

RE: What
R. Jackson will follow Morten Anderson, I think. Is Sam Mills in the pro Hall of Fame yet?

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 02:06 PM

RE: What
Neither are. I've had the debate with many people on Jackson, and as much as I would like to see him in the Hall, the arguments as to why he shouldn't are hard to refute.

WhoDat 09-16-2005 02:08 PM

RE: What
Rickey is a very likely possibility. He would go in BEFORE Anderson, b/c Anderson is still kicking for somebody somewhere, I'm sure. Well, it's not definite that RIckey wold go in first, but Rickey will be eligible first - is he already? If he is and he hasn't made it yet, he may not ever. Time makes people forget.

Sam Mills is another option, but it sickens me to admit that he would probably go in as a Panther. Gross.

I think Horn has a shot if he keeps producing for another two years. If that man goes to 5 or 6 Pro Bowls in 7 years and isn't considered then IMO it prove unequivocally that the media simply ignores New Orleans (except when there are hurricanes and they can sensationalize race, politics, and everthing else other than what's important).

Deuce SHOULD end up going.

I think before him, Willie Roaf HAS to garner some real consideration. He was in New Orleans, what, 9 years? He went to 7 or 8 Pro Bowls. The guy has to get in.

LordOfEntropy 09-16-2005 02:19 PM

Re: RE: What

Originally Posted by BlackandBlue
arguments... are hard to refute.

I'm curious. What are/were those arguments? I wasn't aware of any criticims on him.


Originally Posted by WhodDat
Rickey will be eligible first

Good point, I forget that Morten is still active.

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 02:21 PM

RE: What
Jackson retired in 1995- he's been eligible for five years.

the only way Jackson will get in is by the senior committee, and that'll take a while.

And it's not so much criticisms against Jackson, so much as all the other linebackers that put up better stats, yet have not been elected to the Hall.

mjf150 09-16-2005 02:49 PM

Re: RE: What

Originally Posted by BlackandBlue
I've always felt there has been a bias against the Saints.

I understand your woeful attitude, but take a look at the HoF, we're not the only ones. The Bronco's were basically shut out until Elway, the Seahawks, Falcons, and Bucs have next to no one, too.

As for Rickey Jackson, he missed his chance. Mills might make it eventually, but he hasn't so far, and he has been eligible for at least one year.

Tobias-Reiper 09-18-2005 08:11 AM

Unlike Baseball players, Football players don't go into the HoF as being part of a team. They go in as individuals. Actually, the reason why MLB players go into the MLB HoF "as a Yankee" or "as a Cub" is because the plaques have them wearing a baseball cap, which bears the logo of the player's choice among the clubs he played with. Even so, the plaques have imprinted in them the teams the player played with throughout his career.

While there may be 5 people in the NFL HoF who where associated in some way, shape, or form to the New Orleans Saints, none of them entered the Hall because of what they did with the New Orleans Saints, so I don't feel that there are any Saints in the HoF.

mjf150 09-19-2005 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
While there may be 5 people in the NFL HoF who where associated in some way, shape, or form to the New Orleans Saints, none of them entered the Hall because of what they did with the New Orleans Saints, so I don't feel that there are any Saints in the HoF.

If you don't think that Jim Finks is in the Hall because of what he did with the Saints organization, then you are sadly mistaken.

You can make an arguement that no true "player" from the Saints is in the Hall, but you don't have a leg to stand on if you believe that Jim Finks, as the Saints GM, is not deserving of the Hall?

WhoDat 09-19-2005 09:09 AM


Tobias-Reiper 09-19-2005 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
While there may be 5 people in the NFL HoF who where associated in some way, shape, or form to the New Orleans Saints, none of them entered the Hall because of what they
... did with the New Orleans Saints, so I don't feel that there are any Saints in the HoF.

If you don't think that Jim Finks is in the Hall because of what he did with the Saints organization, then you are sadly mistaken.

You can make an arguement that no true "player" from the Saints is in the Hall, but you don't have a leg to stand on if you believe that Jim Finks, as the Saints GM, is not deserving of the Hall?

...don't take it from me.....

Jim Finks had a long career in the NFL expanding decades. not just the 5 years he was the GM of the Saints, and while Jim Finks will always be held dear in my mind and in many Saints fans' minds, he did not go into the HoF because of what he did with th Saints..

mjf150 09-20-2005 07:52 AM

Uh, you overlooked one important fact. At the top of the Hall of Fame page listed by teams, it is written, "Hall of Famers who made the major part of their primary contribution for any one club are listed in BOLD CAPS."

Funny how JIM FINKS appears under New Orleans in CAPITAL LETTERS. So, according to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, you are WRONG.

WhoDat 09-20-2005 11:27 AM

Uh oh Spaghetti-O!! LOL

Tobias-Reiper 09-20-2005 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by mjf150
Uh, you overlooked one important fact. At the top of the Hall of Fame page listed by teams, it is written, "Hall of Famers who made the major part of their primary contribution for any one club are listed in BOLD CAPS."

Funny how JIM FINKS appears under New Orleans in CAPITAL LETTERS. So, according to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, you are WRONG.

... yeah... and in your haste to prove me wrong you overlooked 2 important facts: on the same link you mention, JIM FINKS appears on CAPITAL LETTERS unde both the MINNESOTA VIKINGS and the CHICAGO BEARS as well. You also did not notice that JIM FINKS was with the VIKINGS and the BEARS a combined 17 YEARS, during which there were multiple playoff appearances, as well as Super Bowl(s?)...

..but hey, it's a free country...

As much as I would love to say so, Jim Finks is not in the HoF for what he did while with the New Orleans Saints... he's in the HoF for what he did throughtout his career, which does include his stint as GM for the Saints between 1986 and 1991 (the official record is 86-92, but that last year he was very sick). But him being in the HoF is not a direct result of his time in NO.

mjf150 09-20-2005 01:05 PM

I read all of that info. And in fact, what it says is if the person was equally important to multiple franchises, then he would be listed in BOLD CAPS for all of them, as in the case of Nick Bonicotte. For what Jim Finks did for the New Orleans Saints franchise as a whole, he would be in the Hall of Fame regardless of whomever else he may have worked for. That is the point of him being listed in CAPS for all teams not just one or two. It is a credit to his abilities that his career with ANY one of those teams would stand on its own.

jrmllb 09-20-2005 06:46 PM

Morten is a shoe in. Rickey I'm not so sure,( does he still hold the NFL record for fumble recoveries), a travesty if he does go in as a 49'er. Mills should go in. Roaf as wel, but if Roaf gets a Super Bowl ring before he retires he wont go in as a Saint.

My "outside the box" pic for a SAINT to go in the HoF, Jim Everett. For the best thrashing of a jerk sports media personality. Remember Jim Rome in the morining and the thrashing he took from Everett just before his first season with the Saints. Ok maybe not HoF material but he should have gotten an ESPY or an EMMY...

CHACHING 09-20-2005 07:44 PM

I bought Everett's jersey JUST FOR THAT REASON!!!!!!
Rome sucks....the worst sportcaster ever..

jrmllb 09-20-2005 08:11 PM

Agreed worst sportscaster pains me to call him that...its not like he does play by play or anything...I doubt he could keep up...its obvious his mind works slow since everyone watching knew he was going to get popped 5 seconds before he opened his mouth again...Gotta hand it to the guy though it made that otherwise forgetful season worth watching

Tobias-Reiper 09-21-2005 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
For what Jim Finks did for the New Orleans Saints franchise as a whole, he would be in the Hall of Fame regardless of whomever else he may have worked for. That is the point of him being listed in CAPS for all teams not just one or two.

No and No. Jim Finks is in the HoF for his 20+ years career as a GM, not for what he did in New Orleans, and he would've never ever gone into the HoF just because of what he did in NO.

BlackandBlue 09-21-2005 01:43 PM


My "outside the box" pic for a SAINT to go in the HoF, Jim Everett. For the best thrashing of a jerk sports media personality. Remember Jim Rome in the morining and the thrashing he took from Everett just before his first season with the Saints. Ok maybe not HoF material but he should have gotten an ESPY or an EMMY...
Hall-of-Fame, baby!!!!

Everytime I see that clip, I giggle worse than WhoDat after he's dropped a few bars of xanax.

mjf150 09-21-2005 01:46 PM

I guess that's why his name is in lower case under New Orleans. Oh, wait, it's not. The fact remains that those who have had major HoF contributions for multiple teams appear in CAPITAL LETTERS under those teams. If he had not had a HoF career with NO, then his name would not appear in CAPITAL LETTERS under the Saints.

mjf150 09-21-2005 01:53 PM

Okay here is the actual word from the Pro Football Hall of Fame Website so that you can not make up whatever you want. Pay very close attention to what is written in bold (I didn't want you to miss it):

NOTE: In this listing - a Hall of Famer is named under all clubs on which he made his primary contribution to professional football - (i.e. - Chuck Noll is listed under Pittsburgh as a coach - but not under Cleveland as a player). Hall of Famers who made the major part of their primary contribution for any one club are listed in BOLD CAPS. In cases where a player contributed about equally and in a major way to two or more clubs - he is listed in BOLD CAPS under both clubs (ie. Nick Buoniconti is listed with both the Patriots and Dolphins as his primary teams). Hall of Famers who spent only a minor portion of their career with any club are listed under that club in lower case.

As we have discussed previously, Mr. Finks' name appears in BOLD CAPS under all three teams, therefore he "contributed EQUALLY and in a MAJOR way to two or more clubs". That's a fact, Jack.

Crusader 09-21-2005 02:26 PM

My "outside the box" pic for a SAINT to go in the HoF, Jim Everett. For the best thrashing of a jerk sports media personality. quote]

That was the Jim-Chris thing right? Believe I saw that clip somewhere.

Tobias-Reiper 09-21-2005 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
Okay here is the actual word from the Pro Football Hall of Fame Website so that you can not make up whatever you want. Pay very close attention to what is written in bold (I didn't want you to miss it):

NOTE: In this listing - a Hall of Famer is named under all clubs on which he made his primary contribution to professional football - (i.e. - Chuck Noll is listed under Pittsburgh as a coach - but not under Cleveland as a player). Hall of Famers who made the major part of their primary contribution for any one club are listed in BOLD CAPS. In cases where a player contributed about equally and in a major way to two or more clubs - he is listed in BOLD CAPS under both clubs (ie. Nick Buoniconti is listed with both the Patriots and Dolphins as his primary teams). Hall of Famers who spent only a minor portion of their career with any club are listed under that club in lower case.

As we have discussed previously, Mr. Finks' name appears in BOLD CAPS under all three teams, therefore he "contributed EQUALLY and in a MAJOR way to two or more clubs". That's a fact, Jack.



Jim Finks is in the NFL HoF because of an illustrious 20+ year career as a GM in the NFL, during which he turned the 3 different organizations he managed from losing franchises to winning franchises... his career includes 5 years with the Saints, and the Saints is one of the three teams that turned from losers to winners under Finks' watch, but turning the Saints around is not the reason why he is in the HoF. His successful 20+ years career is.

But you read whatever you want to read.

mjf150 09-21-2005 03:41 PM

In cases where a player contributed about equally and in a major way to two or more clubs - he is listed in BOLD CAPS under both clubs.

Look, I spelled it out in crayon, so that you might understand it this time.

Tobias-Reiper 09-21-2005 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
In cases where a player contributed about equally and in a major way to two or more clubs - he is listed in BOLD CAPS under both clubs.

Look, I spelled it out in crayon, so that you might understand it this time.

Really, you have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old. Why am I wasting my time with you, I don't know...

For the last time. Jim Finks is in the HoF because of his career of 22 years as a GM in the NFL, which includes a stint of 5 years with the Saints. If you want to think Jim Finks is the HoF because he turned the Saints around, that's your prerogative...

Edited for language. Easy fellas. SF

jrmllb 09-21-2005 08:29 PM

Hey, is Tom Dempsey in...I know has only one record but it is still unbroken that has to count for something...and oh yeah he did it with HALF A FOOT and a brick for a shoe...

Another ot of the boxk pi for HoF...Wesely Carroll for best first round bust...

jrmllb 09-27-2005 08:56 PM

I checked Dempsey is not in the HoF...Not surprised though

SapperSaint 09-28-2005 05:56 AM

BandB is on it. They are over looked. We have had some great players and will more than likely not make it to the HOF. Jackson and Mills are diserving to go. Anderson, the Saints gave him his numbers and stats all thought the 80's and 90's, no doubt he's going. Deuce, and Horn in the future.

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