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mjf150 09-16-2005 07:57 AM

I Heard.....
I've heard talk of the Saints building a new stadium just outside of New Orleans in Slidell, where I-10 & 12 meet. The reasons given were the availablity of land, the great access by multiple interstates, higher elevation, and close proximity to the city of New Orleans.
A great deal of NFL teams do not play in the city that they are named for, in fact the Jets and Giants do not even play in the state they are named for, they play in New Jersey.

papz 09-16-2005 08:22 AM

RE: I Heard.....
I can envision many traffic accidents from people going home after the game. I know a lot of season ticket holders that enjoy getting drunk before and and after the Saints game in the French Quarter. To me the Saints and the whole French Quarter thing pretty much goes hand and hadn. I think the best idea would be to either blow up the Dome and rebuild it or move it into the Metarie/Kenner area.

Halo 09-16-2005 08:46 AM


I think the best idea would be to either blow up the Dome and rebuild it or move it into the Metarie/Kenner area
A lawyer friend told me yesterday that it would almost cost more to blow up the dome then to refurbish it. I guess if there's anytime to take it down it would be now because some of the buildings around it will probably need to be rebuilt.

I rather see the plan of building the stadium on the Mississippi River at about the river walk. Or what about this, a new stadium on Lake Ponchatrain.

I think we should build the first stadium on stilts.

mjf150 09-16-2005 08:56 AM

You don't think.....
You don't think the people in New York get drunk and drive back across the river from New Jersey, where they play. I wish that they don't, but they probably do. New York is one of the largest cities in the world, much less THE largest city in the U.S, and it is very limited on space to house it's own two teams. New Orleans because of it's location between the river and the lake is also limited to locations within the city.

saintfan 09-16-2005 09:33 AM

I like the stilts idea Halo.


They could build it on a barge and float it up and down the river. Seriously, I'd prefer the Dome be blown up. Let 'em rebuild right there. Ultimately tho, so long as the team stays in the Big Easy I'm happy. On the the River, up the road a piece, either way, just don't take my team away!

papz 09-16-2005 10:36 AM

Seeing how they have subway systems and we don't... I'll still pass on that idea. New Orleanians just don't drink, they get pretty wasted. I see tons of suspended liscenses, accidents, and one nighters in jail. It would be nice if we could build it on the lake, but it's going to flood, flood, and flood.

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 10:44 AM


I see tons of suspended liscenses, accidents, and one nighters in jail.
So, what do you typically say to your new cellmates? :P

papz 09-16-2005 11:16 AM

The same thing I'll tell you... don't drop the soap. :moon: :hump:

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 11:17 AM

wakka wakka :airguitar:

WhoDat 09-16-2005 12:14 PM

I'm with SF on this - build a new stadium where the Dome sits now. Slidell is a worse location than NO - closer to Lake P and Lake Borgne and no real levee system. It got hit real hard by Katrina. Leave it where it is. The City needs higher levees and more pumps... they're not going to raise the entire city's elevation. C'mon.

SCSaintsFan 09-16-2005 12:24 PM

I'll show my age here :wink:

It seems to me, when they built the dome, the roof was NOT a cloth material. I thought it was metal, or some other non porous material. Did that change, or was I just too young to remember correctly?

If they changed the roofing material, at some point, that could be why it didn't hold up under the stress.

If I remember correctly, when they built the dome, it was supposed to survive 175mph winds or something?

Any corrections?

mjf150 09-16-2005 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by WhoDat
I'm with SF on this - build a new stadium where the Dome sits now. Slidell is a worse location than NO - closer to Lake P and Lake Borgne and no real levee system. It got hit real hard by Katrina. Leave it where it is. The City needs higher levees and more pumps... they're not going to raise the entire city's elevation. C'mon.

OK, first look at a map. Slidell is quite a bit above sea-level, where as, New Orleans is way below.
Second, where would you have the Saints play while they are building a new stadium "where the Dome sits now"?

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 01:33 PM


LordOfEntropy 09-16-2005 01:56 PM


So, what do you typically say to your new cellmates? :P
Welcome, my name is Lord Of Sodomy....


Second, where would you have the Saints play while they are building a new stadium "where the Dome sits now"?
Death Valley....

I think a replacement stadium should be close enough to the French Quarter that it's easy to get to - i.e. a short walk or a quick ferry ride. No driving. Original plans were for Algiers, which fitted in with the ferry plan. That might still work.

I'm ok with tearing the Dome down, in fact I'd like to see it come down. But I'm not sure its location is the prime spot for a replacement. I'm beginning to wonder if Marie's curse is still lurking over it... and hell, I'm not even superstitious. Wow.

WhoDat 09-16-2005 02:00 PM

Tulane could play its games at Tad Gormley stadium in City Park. Frankly, that's a better spot for the team anyway. A 10,000 to 20,000 seat arena is far better for them.

The Saints could play at LSU - just as the Bears played a season at the University or Illinois in Champagne/Urbana while Soldier Field was being rebuilt.

Now that we've solved the apparently taxing logistical questions, on to Slidell. Shall I post a map of Slidell? Frankly, it's elevation is meaningless b/c of where it is located. Seeing as how it is not significantly above sea level and lacks the 25 to 30 feet of protection that New Orleans has in its levee system, Slidell is more suseptible to storm surges - which are the truly destructive force in any hurricane. The levees in New Orleans failed b/c they were built to withstand a category 3 storm, and the federal government ignored calls for 3 Billion dollars in funding to improve the City's defenses for years and years. Now they're spending hundreds of billions to repair the City, and people were lost as a result of their ignorance and apathy. The levees and pumps and other defenses in New Orleans will be stout after the rebuilding is complete. My guess is that Slidell will remain unprotected, essentially at the most vulnerable place for a storm surge to hit.

LordOfEntropy 09-16-2005 02:08 PM


Tulane could play its games at Tad Gormley
Good idea. The Dome was always empty for those games, it was so bad you could hear crickets chirping from the other side. Good idea. A smaller outdoor stadium would've been much better.

WhoDat 09-16-2005 02:14 PM

Thanks LOE - I've missed that face. It's good to have a nice vomit every once in a while. LOL

LordOfEntropy 09-16-2005 02:25 PM

That's why I post it. It's good to clean out the old system every once in a while.

BlackandBlue 09-16-2005 02:38 PM


Welcome, my name is Lord Of Sodomy....
LOL, so sick and twisted...yet funny.

mjf150 09-16-2005 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by WhoDat
The Saints could play at LSU - just as the Bears played a season at the University or Illinois in Champagne/Urbana while Soldier Field was being rebuilt.

Now that we've solved the apparently taxing logistical questions, on to Slidell. Shall I post a map of Slidell? Frankly, it's elevation is meaningless b/c of where it is located. Seeing as how it is not significantly above sea level and lacks the 25 to 30 feet of protection that New Orleans has in its levee system, Slidell is more suseptible to storm surges - which are the truly destructive force in any hurricane.

First, "being rebuilt" is what we in the construction world call "re-no-va-ting". Renovating takes far less time than rebuilding.

Second, the fact alone that New Orleans is below sea-level and similiar to a bowl in design, lends itself to flooding. Make no mistake that no matter what man does to try to lessen the affects of nature, he can not stop it. There is no levee that can with stand a direct hit from a Cat 5 storm.

Besides I didn't come up with the location, the talking heads at the Saints' office suggested it.

WhoDat 09-16-2005 04:16 PM


First, "being rebuilt" is what we in the construction world call "re-no-va-ting". Renovating takes far less time than rebuilding.
Uhm - maybe you should check on things like this before you speak in the future. I live in Chicago. I drive by Soldier Field every single day. The stadium was REBUILT. The ONLY part of the stadium that remained was the old stone facade that was the trademark of the field. The rest of the stadium - i.e. all seating, boxes, concessions areas, bathrooms, lockerrooms, etc. were reconstructed from the ground up. I do believe that there were a few places where they left some of the structural supports in place, but Soldier Field is a new stadium, not a renovated one. In fact, not only did they rebuild SF, but much of the area surrounding it.


Second, the fact alone that New Orleans is below sea-level and similiar to a bowl in design, lends itself to flooding. Make no mistake that no matter what man does to try to lessen the affects of nature, he can not stop it. There is no levee that can with stand a direct hit from a Cat 5 storm.
Sure there are. Simply b/c they weren't in place in New Orleans this time doesn't mean that they can't be built. Considering that the levees were built to withstand a Cat 3, and Katrina was the 4th most powerful storm to make landfall in US history, I'd say the levees, which only broke in the New Orleans area in a few places, did quite well. It wasn't a total failure - the vast majority of the levee system stood its ground. The problem is that any break is catastrophic - but we've known that for years. The Corp simply didn't have the money to make the levees Cat 5 strength. Think they'll get funding now?

WhoDat 09-16-2005 04:19 PM

Note the NEW structure inside of the OLD outter wall - which serves no purpose other than that it looks good.

Or maybe you'd prefer the model from the architectural firm:

saintz08 09-16-2005 04:28 PM

Here is what 08 prefers :

A luxury box , a cold beer and a Saintsation on my lap .

A man has to have his standards .... :dance2:

BrooksMustGo 09-16-2005 05:34 PM

08, when you're right, you're right.

Not sure how this will go over post-katrina

jnormand 09-16-2005 06:32 PM

BMG! I would appreciate you not posting my old lady all over this forum! You can't date her bro! But I did hear that LOE's avatar is single!!!! LOL!!! :lol:

Euphoria 09-17-2005 03:10 AM

Ok let me say this... does anyone find it weird that there is supposedly talk from an unknown source that there are building or what ever at a said location??? They haven't decided anything on the dome yet, there will have to be studies and zoning issues that will have to be resolved before building anything anywheres and if there was such a board meeting on this, it would be NEWS.

mjf150 09-19-2005 08:34 AM

The talk was from the initial negotiations between the Saints and the Mike Foster administration. At that time the only alternative the Saints were considering was the construction of a new stadium, and that was one of the proposed sites. Then Foster gave them a "too sweet to pass up at the time deal", and all of a sudden the Dome wasn't that bad. Whether or not they are still considering this 3-4 years later is anyones guess.

CHACHING 09-19-2005 08:44 AM

Hey 08 that looks like seattle's stadium....
nice though...

WhoDat 09-19-2005 09:15 AM

Wow, that stadium looks great... but, uh, where's the parking? And is that supposed to be on the uptown side of the convention center? I sure hope not, otherwise it's going to require one hell of a reconstruction project for Business 90 - b/c those single lane offramps at Tchoupitoulas won't quite cut it for Saints game traffic. :)

ScottyRo 09-19-2005 09:23 AM


but, uh, where's the parking?
You see those green areas? They look like perfect spots for some 6-level parking garages. NO needs more parking spaces anyway so that would solve another problem.

WhoDat 09-19-2005 09:49 AM

Who needs grass anyway? Urban planning for the 1970s huh Scotty? LOL

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