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SmashMouth 03-07-2022 03:14 PM

As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg
Online Fantasy Sports Sites, FanDuel And DraftKings, Under Scrutiny Of Government
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The final section of Playmakers, out in eight days, focuses on the challenges the NFL faces in the immediate future. Most of those challenges come from gambling.

The news that Falcons receiver Calvin Ridley has been suspended for a full year, minimum, for betting on NFL games is the tip of a gigantic iceberg into which the RMS NFL may be inevitably careening.

What did RG know and when did he know it? Is he involved with this? Are we surprised about this kind of event?

saintfan 03-07-2022 03:34 PM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg
Vegas baby... :popcorn:

neugey 03-07-2022 03:41 PM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg
Are we going to lose draft picks because we now play in Caesar's Dome?

ChrisXVI 03-07-2022 04:14 PM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg

AsylumGuido 03-07-2022 05:24 PM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg
With the gambling industry becoming partners with the NFL they suddenly have a greater interest in the integrity of the NFL. Anyone would be naive to believe that players have never bet on games in the past. It wouldn't be common given the penalties we are seeing now, but it has to have happened on a limited basis. Now that the gambling industry is more involved they would logically become far more stringent in monitoring the possibility of players and other league personnel being involved in the wagering aspect. This is what I have been saying all along. I haven't seen the details yet, but I would expect it was caught by the gambling site itself and reported to the league.

The gambling industry now has a vested interest in keeping any type of questionable activities out of the game.

jnormand 03-07-2022 05:25 PM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg
He'll appeal it and get 5 games or some ****. These initial suspensions are a joke. It's just posturing by the league as it tries to act like it doesn't try to accommodate for certain teams/players.

AsylumGuido 03-07-2022 05:41 PM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 946352)
He'll appeal it and get 5 games or some ****. These initial suspensions are a joke. Ita just posturing by the league as it tries to act like it doesn't try to accommodate for certain teams/players.

From what I was hearing earlier it has already been appealed. The league itself doesn't "officially" announce penalties until they have cleared the appeal process. Pre-appeal news is usually strategically leaked.

saintfan 03-07-2022 08:29 PM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 946351)
With the gambling industry becoming partners with the NFL they suddenly have a greater interest in the integrity of the NFL. Anyone would be naive to believe that players have never bet on games in the past. It wouldn't be common given the penalties we are seeing now, but it has to have happened on a limited basis. Now that the gambling industry is more involved they would logically become far more stringent in monitoring the possibility of players and other league personnel being involved in the wagering aspect. This is what I have been saying all along. I haven't seen the details yet, but I would expect it was caught by the gambling site itself and reported to the league.

The gambling industry now has a vested interest in keeping any type of questionable activities out of the game.

The NFL doesn't care. This is all a shell game little one. Roger is playing 3d chess and you're playing chutes and ladders.

Gambling is revenue the owners want. There will be a few sacrificial lambs along the way...


During a 2012 deposition, a lawyer for the N.F.L. argued that the league was adamantly opposed to sports gambling because it would “negatively impact our long-term relationship with our fans, negatively impact the perception of our sport across the country.”

Today, not so much...

In 2014, Adam Silver, the N.B.A. commissioner, wrote an opinion piece in The New York Times supporting efforts to regulate and legalize sports betting. After all, Silver argued, underground sports betting worth an estimated $400 billion annually was already occurring, and times had changed since PASPA was enacted. Lotteries and casinos had become ubiquitous.

The N.F.L. and everyone else took notice.

“This was not a light-switch moment — this was very slow and very steady,” said John Holden, a business professor at Oklahoma State University who has written extensively about sports gambling. “The N.F.L. watched as the other three leagues jumped, and then the N.F.L. said, OK.”

Just as important was the fact that two of the most prominent N.F.L. team owners, Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots and Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys, were early and enthusiastic investors in DraftKings and fantasy sports. And while the N.F.L. challenged New Jersey’s new sports betting statute in 2012 — a case decided by the Supreme Court — individual teams signed sponsorship deals with sportsbooks companies, which began spending big on television spots during the N.F.L. season.

It's all about the demographic - which I tried to explain to you until I realized you're either too stupid or too indoctrinated to get it. You think the Raiders ending up in Vegas was happenstance? Idiot. Since you revere posting articles, go ahead and read the rest, if you can find the time to read it while still carrying Roger's sack...

If the NFL (or any other professional sports league) were truly concerned about "the integrity of the game" it would say far far away from Vegas, and yet in the last few years they've cozied up. It's not about the integrity of the game, it's about the balance in the checking account...

AsylumGuido 03-08-2022 09:06 AM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg
LOL! People on Twitter are starting to spread rumors that Cesar Ruiz has been betting so the Saints can dump his contract.

Disclaimer! This is only Twitter humor.

SmashMouth 03-08-2022 12:35 PM

Re: As to gambling infractions, Calvin Ridley could be the tip of the NFL’s iceberg

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