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mayoj 09-26-2005 07:24 PM

Clearing up whose fault it is.
Ok, everytime anyone complains about AB someone says it's not just him. Every time someone complains about something else, someone says they are just saying it's not AB's fault.

Here's the deal. Everyone give their opinion on the percentage of contribution to our problems as of late (note: I can't include everything it gets confusing):

AB: 15%

OLine: 25%

DLine: 30%

LB's: 30%

WR's: 5%

I left off Deuce bc I think we all agree he is not a big part. I wanted to put on special teams, but they get off on their decent field position when not fumbling. The reason I put AB a little lower is bc I think the fact that Deuce also isn't getting yards shows the Oline blows, hence more to blame than AB. I think after a bunch of people answer this we will see that certain areas do suck, but it's not all one area, which I guess is worse bc that means no quick fix.

mayoj 09-26-2005 07:40 PM

RE: Clearing up whose fault it is.
I'm sorry. You are so right. I don't see how I could have missed that. Take five from every area of my percentages and give it to the coaching staff, and take an extra 2% from the LB's bc it's not their fault that McKinnon isn't starting, it's the staff. That gives coaching the lead with 27%.

Thanks for the adjustment.

BoudinSandwich 09-27-2005 03:32 AM

Re: RE: Clearing up whose fault it is.
Coaches Staff: 20%
Aaron Brooks: 35%
Corners: 15%
Line Backers: 10%
Offensive Line: 20%

Coaches and Staff: Not gameplanning well. Too slow in making adjustments. In some occaisions, the wrong personel is on the field.

Aaron Brooks: Struggling with accuracy. Can't read or handle the blitz. Too many unforced errors. Kills momentum.

Corners: Aside from McKenzie, there is no other good cover-guy. Play decent when the defensive line gets pressure on the quarterback.

Line Backers: A second too slow in getting to the quarterback. Need to play smarter against the run. Need more speed and to improve tackling.

Offensive Line: Blocks decent on pass protection except for the occaisional slip. Poor run blocking. Poor discipline. Poor at picking up the blitz because the quarterback can not.

I left out the Defensive Line because they play good when Venturi makes a good call. Look at the Minnesota game. Once Venturi made the adjustment, it was sack city and a lack of a consistant running game.

BoudinSandwich 09-27-2005 03:39 AM

RE: Re: RE: Clearing up whose fault it is.
I also left out the receivers. They'll drop the ball on occaisions, but Brooks' passes are never in-stride. Saints' receivers never have good YAC because they're always jumping on the ground to catch the ball. When Brooks finally throws a good, accurate pass, they're so suprised that they can't catch it because they didn't expect it to be there.

saintswhodi 09-27-2005 08:51 AM

Damn Oldies, a guy after my own heart. lol

papz 09-27-2005 09:08 AM

You all forgot to include... "special" teams. They are special alright.

BrooksMustGo 09-27-2005 09:56 AM

Re: RE: Clearing up whose fault it is.

Originally Posted by OldiesDJ
Aaron Brooks: 35%

Aaron Brooks: Struggling with accuracy. Can't read or handle the blitz. Too many unforced errors. Kills momentum.

Same story for the past 4 years. No news here.

I was wondering when someone would start blaming the fans.

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