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BakoSaint 11-16-2023 08:28 PM

Re: FILM REVIEW: Derek Carr vs Vikings
I think there could be a psychological element with Carr. A young guy gets to the NFL and realizes he can hang. His confidence goes through the roof. He puts up good stats. He gets a lot of respect. Each year everyone expects could be the year he takes the next step, wins the big games, becomes truly elite when it matters. With his confidence he believes it too. Some years he gets on hot streaks but never quite does it. He confidence begins to wane. He is cut. But his agent and friends and family and some in the media tell him he still has it, and he wants to believe that, but then there needs to be a reason why it never worked before. So that reason becomes the uniform, the city, the most recent coach and system (even though he never quite got there with the previous coaches either). So he believes that, he believes this change of scenery is the final step, and finally he will be Brady or Montana not Rivers or Esiason. Then the season start and he starts taking snaps in the new city in the new uniform with the new coach and system. And nothing is different. Its still hard. He is still not elite. And suddenly all the confidence is gone. Its never going to happen. Everything he worked for over a decade, the ultimate dream, its just not realistic anymore, he is what he is, he is Esiason or Rivers not Montana or Brady. Except he was Esiason or Rivers when he had confidence, and now that confidence is slipping. And without the confidence he isn't even Esiason or Rivers, he is George or Cutler. I don't think this story is unique to Carr. Ultimately when a QB has been good but never quite great and he takes the leap to make a change of scenery its a hail mary. Sometimes that Hail Mary is a big TD, sometimes its an INT. We may have seen the same thing with Winston. Derek Carr may be the next Drew Bledsoe not the next Drew Brees. Plenty of QB's try to start over and end up a lot worse: culpepper, mcnabb, Ryan, etc. Carr could be the next one.

Rugby Saint II 11-17-2023 01:09 PM

Re: FILM REVIEW: Derek Carr vs Vikings
I'm not sure that even Drew could win games with this crappy play calling by Pete Carmichael. :roll:

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