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TheOak 11-29-2023 05:57 AM

Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Alvin Kamara said after Sunday’s loss to the Atlanta Falcons that the New Orleans Saints “don’t have an identity.”

Coach Dennis Allen disagreed.

Asked about Kamara’s comment Monday, Allen said “we’re probably having a different discussion” if the Saints were able to avoid some of the critical mistakes they made against their division rival. The Saints went 0-for-5 in the red zone and failed to score a touchdown.

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TheOak 11-29-2023 06:02 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
"We are probably having a different discussion"...

Well Dennis we are probably having a different discussion if we were 7-4, 8-3, 9-2, or 10-1... It is called distinction with our difference as a lot of things can plug into that statement;and while you want a different discussion the fans have heard enough of your broken record.

Dont go away mad, just go away.

Halo 11-29-2023 07:18 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Dennis Allen needs to go. Alvin has better insight on this team.

K Major 11-29-2023 07:41 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Mediocre coaching has RUINED this 2023 season.

Saints fans have seen and heard enough. Ownership is still asleep.
I’ve never seen a HC get up on the podium each week and not explain how to make your team “better”.

What are you gonna do now? Limit AK carries ??

Enough already. Get him outta here.

voodooido 11-29-2023 08:52 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
I have a feeling they are just waiting until the end of the season because no one is capable of leading the saints as a temporary coach. They intend on cleaning house. Unfortunately, that means this season is a trash season.

rezburna 11-29-2023 09:02 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Yeah…it’s over.

neugey 11-29-2023 09:03 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
As has been explained on this forum, our identity is being on top of Matlock and Everybody Loves Raymond trivia so we can flex our skills at the old folks home. I had heard we were also considering adding Stranger Things to our trivia portfolio but that was considered much too edgy and modern and summarily rejected in favor of Sanford and Son.

keithday123 11-29-2023 09:05 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
I agree, not a lot of options to lead team. DA has proven he has no interest in keeping his job or he would’ve made changes himself. He’s gonna go down with the ship. Unfortunately the rest of the NFC South is gonna keep this team in the mix until the final day. I truly believed going into last week we still had a chance to win it, but now I just see us limping to the finish as a 7-10 team that will finish one game out again

Pete 11-29-2023 10:59 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Alvin makes a comment about Grupe Sunday in a post game interview and NOW they bring in place kickers to workout...
5 of 6 made FG's..
Yeah they were pretty much all barely squeezed in and he's missed the clutch kicks, but I thinks it deeper than that.

I'd bet it's more about sending a message to AK.

DA's stubborness,arrogance,and little game playing tactics are not hard to spot and I've pretty much lost all respect for him with his BS broken record responses.

AK is on point with his assessments imo,and shooting it straight, while those uptop think the common day fans can't see right through this jive ass BS.

It's done gotten past fugly..

Drive it in the ground DA!!
Nothing more than a Stubborn Idiot that has caused him to be blinded to the BS he has created.

He won't be able to PREVENT **** once the temperature is turned up a couple more notches.

Fed up man 😤

*Edit Well I was wrong.. Grupe is hurt so they brought in kickers, but I still stand on what I said.

😤 What a damn mess

rezburna 11-29-2023 11:02 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Loomis is backing up Allen. He’s gotta go too.

dizzle88 11-29-2023 11:49 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
But yet Allen is quite happy for the players to do all the talking in the locker rooms and in these "meetings"

Clean house of Loomis to coaching staff, they are inept.

Sinner 11-29-2023 12:42 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 986891)
But yet Allen is quite happy for the players to do all the talking in the locker rooms and in these "meetings"

Clean house of Loomis to coaching staff, they are inept.

It’s turning into one big soap opera. It’s not even about football anymore. A disgrace. Put a giant paper bag over the Dome, until the front office is cleaned out.

neugey 11-29-2023 12:57 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
One positive - what the 2023 Saints have done is unite the fanbase. The divide between the more critical fans and media (like Mascona) and other media and fans that like to give more benefit of the doubt when things are iffy has completely eroded. We're all on the same page now and want a housecleaning of decent magnitude. Even Guido knows that Carmichael needs to go and probably DA too even if he predicts we'll still win. And Carr has played so shamefully you'd be hard pressed to find hardly any fans in his jersey come Sunday.

What Mickey and DA don't realize, is this is the franchise that once was led by Mora and Ditka - guys that didn't take crap and hated losing and when the team was not up to snuff they wore it on their sleeve even to their own detriment. That's still part of our culture. They don't get it.

MatthewT 11-29-2023 12:57 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Wonder if Todd Graves has any interest in owning the Saints?

AsylumGuido 11-29-2023 01:17 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by MatthewT (Post 986898)
Wonder if Todd Graves has any interest in owning the Saints?

Gayle has already said she has no plans of selling the Saints as long as she is living. She has made arrangements to have the team sold to a New Orleans area based interest only upon her passing with all proceeds from the sale going to charity. So, if Graves is still around in let's say 15 to 20 years he'd be a good option.

Sinner 11-29-2023 01:39 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 986899)
Gayle has already said she has no plans of selling the Saints as long as she is living. She has made arrangements to have the team sold to a New Orleans area based interest only upon her passing with all proceeds from the sale going to charity. So, if Graves is still around in let's say 15 to 20 years he'd be a good option.

In that case, GRAVE, not Graves, is our best option.

K Major 11-29-2023 03:10 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Bottom line, you have a clown head coach & got called out by a star player who told the truth.

Rugby Saint II 12-01-2023 03:26 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 986891)
But yet Allen is quite happy for the players to do all the talking in the locker rooms and in these "meetings"

Clean house of Loomis to coaching staff, they are inept.

I don't know's awfully hard to build a franchise from the ground up. That's how you end up with top draft picks and a record like the Browns. Loomis is fine. If we hire a good HC he will bring in his own coaches and they have to be better than what we've got. The key is hiring the right coach....from outside the building!!!!:biggun:

Sinner 12-01-2023 03:33 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Dennis Allen couldn’t push back a paper clip with a Mouthfart.

Sinner 12-01-2023 03:34 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 987112)
I don't know's awfully hard to build a franchise from the ground up. That's how you end up with top draft picks and a record like the Browns. Loomis is fine. If we hire a good HC he will bring in his own coaches and they have to be better than what we've got. The key is hiring the right coach....from outside the building!!!!:biggun:

Loomis said “We have all the right people in the building.”

He’s not fine at all.

BakoSaint 12-01-2023 08:32 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 987112)
I don't know's awfully hard to build a franchise from the ground up. That's how you end up with top draft picks and a record like the Browns. Loomis is fine. If we hire a good HC he will bring in his own coaches and they have to be better than what we've got. The key is hiring the right coach....from outside the building!!!!:biggun:

The Chiefs fired their GM in 2017 and won Super Bowls in 2020 and 2023. No recent Super Bowl winner has had a stale GM like Mickey Loomis who had been sitting in the GM chair for 21 years getting bored and raiding the liquor cabinet. Saying that if we make any changes we will become the Browns is fear mongering. If we get a GM who hasn't been in the job 21 years we will become the Chiefs, Rams, Bucs, Eagles, etc who all had newer GMs with newer ideas. The 'keep your GM until he dies because he won it all 15 years ago' argument is what made the Raiders the Raiders when Al Davis was washed as a GM. Mickey Loomis doesn't own the team. Don't give it to him.

nola_swammi 12-06-2023 03:24 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
I am curious after COACH Payton assessment of previous coach of the Broncos, what his assessment will be of Dennis Allen.

TheOak 12-06-2023 04:48 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 987682)
I am curious after COACH Payton assessment of previous coach of the Broncos, what his assessment will be of Dennis Allen.

You will never get that, Sean knows better and I believe there is a friendship between the two. Sean did say that he did not return to the Saints because of what that would mean for Dennis.

TheOak 12-06-2023 06:19 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 987112)
I don't know's awfully hard to build a franchise from the ground up. That's how you end up with top draft picks and a record like the Browns. Loomis is fine. If we hire a good HC he will bring in his own coaches and they have to be better than what we've got. The key is hiring the right coach....from outside the building!!!!:biggun:

While you are not wrong, the chink in that is how the Head Coach is found. This is 4 minutes of Loomis telling us that the process used to find Sean Payton was abandoned as the process of finding his replacement.

Loomis is solely responsible for where we are now and that can not be ignored. While he explains why he decided to use a different process, and while it makes sense in the weeds, the 30 thousand foot view is that Mickey Loomis let the employees determine who their manager would be. No organization does that and for good reason. An eye for football talent is very different from an eye for coaching or football philosophy talent. All I can discern from Loomis and Allens football philosophy is keep doing what we are doing.

No one should be allowed to sh1t the bed at an executive level and just walk away from it. Loomis needs to be kept as Cap/Contract manager but a firm should be hired by Gayle to find a new GM that has a football acumen.

neugey 12-06-2023 08:24 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by BakoSaint (Post 987132)
Saying that if we make any changes we will become the Browns is fear mongering.

The Browns are sitting at 7-5 even with their best player on season ending IR and a MASH unit at QB in the toughest division in football behind capable coaching. The Browns suckage is sounding pretty good lately.

K Major 12-06-2023 08:49 AM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
On the topic of "push back", now I've heard another player voice (WWL) his frustration with this season. Khalen Saunders.
Good player for KC, joins New Orleans & rarely do we mention his name each week.

I'm paraphasing here but basically said preparation leading up to game day Sunday has been poor. That would explain some of the SLOW starts you have been seeing.

That is a direct reflection of the lack of leadership at the head coaching position.

Rugby Saint II 12-06-2023 02:06 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by BakoSaint (Post 987132)
The Chiefs fired their GM in 2017 and won Super Bowls in 2020 and 2023. No recent Super Bowl winner has had a stale GM like Mickey Loomis who had been sitting in the GM chair for 21 years getting bored and raiding the liquor cabinet. Saying that if we make any changes we will become the Browns is fear mongering. If we get a GM who hasn't been in the job 21 years we will become the Chiefs, Rams, Bucs, Eagles, etc who all had newer GMs with newer ideas. The 'keep your GM until he dies because he won it all 15 years ago' argument is what made the Raiders the Raiders when Al Davis was washed as a GM. Mickey Loomis doesn't own the team. Don't give it to him.

Who is going to hire the new GM? And please don't anyone suggest Ireland taking over. He's failed once already as HC and I'm sick of retreads and inhouse hires. We need new sharp smart people in the building coming in from innovative franchises.

Sinner 12-06-2023 02:44 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 987694)
Who is going to hire the new GM? And please don't anyone suggest Ireland taking over. He's failed once already as HC and I'm sick of retreads and inhouse hires. We need new sharp smart people in the building coming in from innovative franchises.

We need a new Owner.

neugey 12-06-2023 02:48 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 987694)
Who is going to hire the new GM? And please don't anyone suggest Ireland taking over. He's failed once already as HC and I'm sick of retreads and inhouse hires. We need new sharp smart people in the building coming in from innovative franchises.

In this scenario I'd like to see someone step in as a hiring consultant who knows football and has not been indoctrinated by the current regime yet has New Orleans' interests at heart. Someone like Terry Bradshaw.

Rugby Saint II 12-06-2023 03:14 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 987697)
In this scenario I'd like to see someone step in as a hiring consultant who knows football and has not been indoctrinated by the current regime yet has New Orleans' interests at heart. Someone like Terry Bradshaw.

Terry Bradshaw tried to buy the team when we were in trouble before. I could go that route.

jnormand 12-06-2023 03:16 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 987114)
Dennis Allen couldn’t push back a paper clip with a Mouthfart.

I’m not sure what that means but I’m inclined to agree. Lol

Sinner 12-06-2023 04:55 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 987702)
I’m not sure what that means but I’m inclined to agree. Lol

I’m not sure either, but I’m sure he’s weak.

BakoSaint 12-06-2023 07:27 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 987701)
Terry Bradshaw tried to buy the team when we were in trouble before. I could go that route.

I have a feeling the value of NFL franchises has risen more rapidly than Terry Bradshaw's net worth. But he could be a great front office consultant / advisor.

Rugby Saint II 12-07-2023 04:03 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:
Michael Thomas would tell us what the team identity is, but he deleted his account after he tried to tell us about the true team identity.

Sinner 12-07-2023 05:45 PM

Re: Dennis Allen pushes back on Alvin Kamara's identity assessment:

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 987771)
Michael Thomas would tell us what the team identity is, but he deleted his account after he tried to tell us about the true team identity.

“Michael Thomas Tweets…” That’s what’s on the menu, while fans of other teams are talking about Championship Football.

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