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Tobias-Reiper 10-15-2005 06:51 PM

..but Carr is cuter.. I like white boys better...

jbutts 10-15-2005 06:57 PM

RE: Take a Flyer on Carr
It can be said that Carr is under pressure more than brooks is, seeing as he is sacked more times than any one in recent history, however, Carr has less interceptions. Carr also has a better completion percentage. Carr has less yds but more touchdowns.

now. all im saying is that if we contend that Carr and Brooks hold on to the ball too long and play behind below average lines why wouldnt we want the one who plays better despite being hit more often?
we all know that stats can be perceived differently. but one quaterback throws more td then ints and completes more passes. i dont think those can mean anything but that.

saintswhodi 10-15-2005 07:20 PM

jbutts that's logic. The threadstarter doesn't know what that is. Anyway, why couldn't this be in the thread that's already about David Carr?

Tobias-Reiper 10-15-2005 07:39 PM

... but Carr is cuter.... I like white boys better..

Tobias-Reiper 10-15-2005 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
usually when a team gives up on a QB that means he sucks 9 times out of 10. also means that the coaching staff is not afraid to recognize a mistake after 3 years of seeing an athletic player not be effective playing QB, unlike certain coaching staff whose name shall remain unspoken...

..and it's clique, not click... click is what you do with the mouse button...

Whodi, dooode!!! U da man!!! The bossman, the leader of the pack, the big kahuna, the big cheese, numero uno, V.I.P...

...can I still call you Whodi?

lynwood 10-15-2005 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

It can be said that Carr is under pressure more than brooks is, seeing as he is sacked more times than any one in recent history, however, Carr has less interceptions. Carr also has a better completion percentage. Carr has less yds but more touchdowns.

now. all im saying is that if we contend that Carr and Brooks hold on to the ball too long and play behind below average lines why wouldnt we want the one who plays better despite being hit more often?
we all know that stats can be perceived differently. but one quaterback throws more td then ints and completes more passes. i dont think those can mean anything but that.

Carr also has a better defense, where as he's not forced to win the games on his arm alone. Grnated AB makes tons of mistakes, but some of those mistakes are forced because you know you have no chance defensively to win a game. That's why stats are deceiving. there are unforced errors boneheaded plays, and the we don't have a chance defensively so sling it errors. Houston doesn't have this problem.

Click, you have been put in check.

There you go again. AB carries the team by getting us 3 points against green bay? I'd love to have carr over AB. At least he can hit his receivers in stride and complete a screen pass, and isn't afraid to us his legs. And who has the most interceptions and who has the most TD passes again? yeah i'll join the clique on this one. You can be the weird kid in the library handling the A/V equipment.

BoudinSandwich 10-15-2005 10:02 PM

Even the "weird" kids know that something is wrong with Aaron Brooks' play at quarterback. Frankly, I'm suprised that someone still tries to defend his horrible play. No one that I know in person defends Brooks. No one.

saintswhodi 10-15-2005 10:20 PM


..and it's clique, not click... click is what you do with the mouse button...
Look who you are talking to TR.


Whodi, dooode!!! U da man!!! The bossman, the leader of the pack, the big kahuna, the big cheese, numero uno, V.I.P...

...can I still call you Whodi?
Why sure Tr. Sure. I won't let it go to my head. I promise. :D

Tobias-Reiper 10-15-2005 11:52 PM

... I'll call you "Generalisimo" from now on...

SapperSaint 10-16-2005 08:06 AM

I will more than likley get a "why did you butt in response" but here I go anyway,

BoB, you always, always defend Brooks. At least that is the way the rest of "Us" interpret it. If that is not what you are doing you need to be a little more clear on what the heck the point you are tring to get across is. The Thread did start out as an AB defense.


But our QB won't get that excuse from the click
You are darn right he won't, I have not made this opinion about AB just recently. I have HAD this opinion about him for five years now. As so has many other people here. This is not and will not be a "bandwagon BROOKS SUCKS" one week then "BROOKS IS THE SAVIOR OF THE SAINTS" next week. Face it dude, this guy is gone.

Just out of nosiness, who do you want as our QB, If we had a decent O-line?

SapperSaint 10-16-2005 08:15 AM


David Carr has in no way shown where he's even as good as Aaron Brooks
As good as what? Brooks is only as good as his stat sheet. I have said it before, he may go to another team and become the greatest of all time and if he does good for him, BUT, he is not the RIGHT QUARTERBACK FOR THIS TEAM. I agree he is not THE main most factor to why this team is in the shape it's in, but he is in my opinion a majority owner with Haz.

Sorry BoB, I just don't see AB taking us anywhere.

SapperSaint 10-16-2005 08:18 AM


If I were to choose a QB to go after it would be Phillp Rivers.
Okay, I'm with you there.

SapperSaint 10-16-2005 08:23 AM

Just out of curiosity,........Am I concidered "In the Clique"?

jbutts 10-16-2005 12:37 PM


.."Not to go from Aaron Brooks to someone that worse than he is.
well lets say that Carr is not worse than Brooks. lets say he is just different. equal at qb just different highs and lows. Im going to say that every qb has their pitfalls. from interception prone to non-mobile, every qb has problems that keep him from the litereally perfect qb.

If we replace Brooks with Carr perhaps our team is one who better fits his highs and lows better than aaron brooks. when our defense self-destructs so does Brooks. maybe Carr will respond differently to that, with game winning drives or a higher red-zone effciency.

The NFL is all about moving laterally. for instance, peerless price played extremely well in Buffalo and turned back into a pumpkin in Atlanta. This is one way how that can backfire. Matt Hassleback can back up Farve for a hundred years and then become the leader of oft-dangerous Seattle team. coaches do the same thing. Mariucci hasnt succeeded yet in detroit. Parcells started slow in Dallas.

The problem with this saints team has been acceptance of the mediocre. if we want to change that we simply have say we dont want a quaterback who makes costly mistakes every game, recargless of how many yards he puts up. then we say lets take a chance on this other guy and see what happens, because what going on now is not working.

"Sorry? You lost me. I don't remember posting anywhere lately that said I dream of Aaron Brooks leading this team anywhere? "

If you dont expect your qb to take you to a chamionship, why is he your qb?!?!?

and if you didnt know already, a clique is a group of friends and associates with a common purpose. our purpose is to love/hate this team. the reason you seem to seperate yourself from this group is because you are not a saints fan, you are an aaron brooks fan.
we support the team and wish to make changes when things go wrong.
you support brooks and wish the team would stop dragging him down.
if you dont expect brooks to lead us to a championship than we will pitch in for both of your bus tickets to houston or oakland or wherever you want. just understand that we are click or clique because you have broken away from us. there are lots of 08 theorys, or billy this and billy that but we all understand the relationship these people through this team not through aaron brooks throwing a backward pass.

GoldenTomb 10-16-2005 04:13 PM

Flawlessly??? Come on bruh...

No one is going to blame AB for the loss today, but he didn't set the world on fire either.

AB still needs to go, if for no other reason than the obsession that you and a few other fans have for defending him.

saintswhodi 10-16-2005 06:05 PM

Played almost flawlessly? LMAO!!! HE played well enough to win, i'll grant that. But the Falcons dropped TWO should be interceptions. And if Ike Reese was athletic enough, he would have returned one for a TD. He couldn't make the play. I was at the game. The tipped ball from Devery, there was three guys in a zone around him on an in route, and Brooks throws a lazer ball behind him. If he hits him properly with it, it's a catch, not an INT, and we are driving for the lead. Again, he played well enough for us to win, but it was nowhere close to near flawless. Bad calls and giving up 21 unecessary points did us in.

CHACHING 10-16-2005 08:46 PM

whodi is right...Brooks was almost picked 3 times in the first half.....
thankfully the Birds were sorry and didn't make the play..
Brooks is not just suspect he's straight GUILTY..yeah he had an OK game but he'll BLOW BIGTIME next's his M.O............dude sucks.....period.

gandhi1007 10-16-2005 09:35 PM

[/quote] if you dont expect brooks to lead us to a championship than we will pitch in for both of your bus tickets to houston or oakland or wherever you want. .[/quote]

Just from reading all the threads, I would think these guys would be happy in San Francisco.

Tobias-Reiper 10-16-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

Just out of curiosity,........Am I concidered "In the Clique"?

My name for them is the click, they don't get proper spelling because there is nothing proper about them. .

...actually you didn't know how to spell clique, and you are trying to save face...

saintswhodi 10-17-2005 08:52 AM

And obviously Jake Delhomme gives him wood, as there is yet ANOTHER reference to him in a thread not about him, cause his BS about AB's "flawless" game was exposed.


I just watched your boyfriend throw 3 INT'S and the Panthers won, threw to Steve Smith with 3 defenders on him I guess he gets that from AB.
What I also wonder is how this dude gets away with REPEATEDLY calling people names, slinging insults, and calling people out with no repercussion whatsoever. Everyone already knows he has no idea what he is talking about, does that give him license to piss on everyone who disagrees with him? Just in this thread, you have the above quote to me, and quotes to others like:


That to me sounds like a idiotic statement

If you can dish it out be lady enough to take it.

Let me tell you very simply so even a below common sense individual like yourself should understand
That's just in this thread. When is enough, enough...................................

TheGambler 10-17-2005 12:00 PM

Who even cares about David Carr? I can't believe so many people are discussing him. I didn't even bother to watch the Texans/Seahawks game last night, since I was so annoyed with the outcome of the Saints game...

As for the usual, tired Brooks argument, I'll simply say this:

Brooks played a damn good game...........and for anyone who's gonna toy with the idea of blaming him for this outcome due to a tipped ball interception....................then they should be equally ready to blame Antowain Smith for his fumble that got taken all the way back for a TD. At least with Brooks's INT, the D had an opportunity to hold the Falcons to a field goal.

Personally, I blame no one other than the refs.............since Brooks, Anotwain, and Aaron Stecker are 3 of the big reasons why the Saints were looking so dominant at one point..

TheGambler 10-18-2005 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
No actually Jake gave the Lions 3 INT'S NOT WOOD. Weinke comes in and wins the game, while your boyfriend was crying on the sideline.

Ok that was pretty funny, I'll admit..

But I could still live without hearing the 4-letter "J" word as often as it's used..

TheGambler 10-20-2005 02:52 PM

Jake did 2 things that I liked while he was in New Orleans:

1. He started against, and defeated, the Dallas Cowboys on Christmas Eve 1999.

2. He came in late in the 2nd Tampa Bay game in 2002, and threw the game-clinching first down pass to Joe Horn.

He made his 2 contributions to the Saints, and then he left for greener pastures and a chance to start. Good for him, as far as I know he's a really nice guy who deserved a chance to start somewhere.

All of that being said, I can't imagine why somebody would, as you say, spend the entire summer worshiping Jake. I've never seen anything out of Jake that would lead me to believe we would have magically been in a Super Bowl in the last few years. I feel like he was in the right place, at the right time, on the right team, with the right attitude. Jake reminds me alot of Jim Harbaugh in 1995.......remember when Jim (a so-so QB most of his career) came out of nowhere and took the Colts (who had a habit of pulling out really close wins that year, just like the Panthers in '03..................the Colts were referred to as the Cardiac Colts in '95, and the Panthers were the Cardiac Cats in '03) all the way to the AFC title game? Jim had another solid year or 2 after that, but never really recreated the magic from 1995. That's pretty much the way I see Jake at the moment. He's a good qb, he's not a savior.

I will now go sprinkle myself with Holy Water, since i used the 4-letter J word about a dozen or so times in this post...

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