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stockman311 10-16-2005 03:24 PM

Hakim touchdown called back on bull**** call.
Another bull**** call at the end of the game on the missed field goal.
Even the announcers were saying how much we got robbed.
Another game the Saints dominated ends in a loss thanks to those f*ckers in the striped outfits!

Season Over. Thanks Refs.

G504 10-16-2005 03:37 PM

I think the league serectly hates us. I honestly think they have meetings about doing this to us.

GoldenTomb 10-16-2005 03:41 PM

Yeah it's kind of messed up, but if we don't allow a blocked field goal returned for a TD and a fumble returned for a TD, the game's not even close and the refs can't "screw" us.

BreesFN9 10-16-2005 03:43 PM

I think the league serectly hates us. I honestly think they have meetings about doing this to us.[quote]

I've been saying this for years!! Amazing how we missed the playoffs last year huh, No conspiracy going on at all!

BreesFN9 10-16-2005 03:46 PM

Yeah it's kind of messed up, but if we don't allow a blocked field goal returned for a TD and a fumble returned for a TD, the game's not even close and the refs can't "screw" us.


Did U see the blocked field goal?

The atlanta player jumped off a Saints guy to get over in time to block it, That's a penalty, minus the fact that we just had a TD called back on an invisible pass interference on the play just before that, combined with the Call they did make at the end of the game to give ATL the win!

How did the refs NOT Screw us?

bayouking318 10-16-2005 03:59 PM

I guess we are blacklisted like the raiders now with all the blind eye no calls & delusional penality call against us

lumm0x 10-16-2005 04:22 PM

This team played well enough to win. The Falcons took a gift after playing like crap. They deserve nothing and they know it.

lumm0x 10-16-2005 04:26 PM

They never should have had this opportunity. The blocked kick was a penalty, Hakim's invisible push off was a TD. That's 14 points that would have made this all moot. Refs 14- Saints 0.

lumm0x 10-16-2005 04:35 PM

What did the Falcons fight through to earn this victory? They played like crap, took advantage of piss poor calls and basically managed to eek out 1 decent drive and one 30 yard game winning march full of poor calls and a missed field goal. What did Atlanta do to win other than reap the benefit of this gift?

Haslett, with his 3rd down field goal set up (which only the Falcons were dumb enough to call a TO during) and his idioic 12 men on the field penalty when we were at 8 seconds in our own end...deserves a nice slap after today's game.

GoldenTomb 10-16-2005 04:40 PM

You know what....i'm actually going to change my stance and side with the sentiment of this board. However I hope that Has doesn't get on TV and mope and groan about it. Everyone gets robbed at some time or another in sports.

CheramieIII 10-16-2005 04:42 PM

Come on guys, don't start covering up the teams mistakes with the Ref's made us do it. They returned 1 fumble and 1 blocked field goal for a TD. Even if we give ourselves the Hakim TD, we still lose by 7. Where's the logic.

BoudinSandwich 10-16-2005 04:52 PM

The blocked kick was illegal. The refs never threw a flag, but it was blatant. They showed the play over and over. Even the commentators admitted that a flag should have been thrown. The rule states that you can not put your hands on another player's back as leverage and he did.

Since they missed that call, they probably started watching the line more closely during the kicks. They caught a Saints player holding and it wasn't even near the play, but they called it anyways.

Do I think the refs strategically stole the game away from the Saints on purpose? No. However, I do believe poor officiating was a reason that the Saints fell short on this one.

BrooksMustGo 10-16-2005 05:00 PM

I feel like such an SEC football fan for posting this, but it does seem appropriate after today.

BoudinSandwich 10-16-2005 05:08 PM

Also, there is holding on nearly every play in the NFL. It is up to the officials to decide if the holds change the result of the play.

Euphoria 10-16-2005 05:33 PM

Did yall see the same game as I did??? That Guy LEAPED over the lineman... the lineman just sat there in a 3 point stance and the Falcon just jumped right over him.

qball316 10-16-2005 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by GoldenTomb
Yeah it's kind of messed up, but if we don't allow a blocked field goal returned for a TD and a fumble returned for a TD, the game's not even close and the refs can't "screw" us.

Your right, if we don't allow the blocked punt, its another game. However, you know how the league is always defending the refs judgement with their "black/white" rules and how there is now "grey" area? On the blocked punt, a falcon had his hand on the saints players back to jump over and he was the guy that actually blocked it. Now they annoucners said they didn't call it because it looked like he had his hand there for support and not for leverage. Where's the " black/white" rules at? And that had a direct impact on the play and the call and the end of the game, had no impact on the play what-so-ever!

CHACHING 10-16-2005 07:58 PM

Yeah Lummox...finaly a voice of reason ...
WE WON THIS GAME STRAIGHT OUT(barring special teams)
Refs Phucked us.
Refs Phucked us.
Refs Phucked us.
I'll say it till I'm blue in the face........
The blocked field goal before half-time was a severe penalty..
They called it on Tampa a couple years age against Indy on monday night and turned that game around.....
think about it ...for once we recovered from bad play (turnovers) and actualy positioned ourselves to win the game......
I'm proud of my Saints.......Phuck the haters....

bayouking318 10-16-2005 08:12 PM

That last call was bull sh*t, if you watch any football games you will see most of the time player on the end will pull the ot, by no means did he pull the player so another player can block the kick, he pull so he could get by. What happen the ref seen the ball drifting to the right and threw the flag. I think it should be a investigation on these ref's. This game made me wonder if these nfl games are fixed and that ref determine who win or lose. This go back to the tuck rule.

bayouking318 10-16-2005 08:29 PM

That last call was bull sh*t, if you watch any football games you will see most of the time player on the end will pull the ot, by no means did he pull the player so another player can block the kick, he pull so he could get by. What happen the ref seen the ball drifting to the right and threw the flag. I think it should be a investigation on these ref's. This game made me wonder if these nfl games are fixed and that ref determine who win or lose. This go back to the tuck rule.

stockman311 10-16-2005 08:38 PM

Way to go Haslett!
Hasletts post game press conference was classic! He called the referees performance at the end of the game "CHICKEN ****" about 3 times. Probably a costly statement, but who cares. The Refs screwed us and people lose jobs over losses in this league. Somebody had to stand up and be honest about us getting poked in the ass and Haslett was that man.
We outgained the Falcons 450 yds to 250 yds.
They took away a TD to Hakim that directly led to that non call on the field goal. For those keeping score at home, that is a 14 pt swing. We absolutely destroyed the Falcons today. Anyone who watched that game knows we just beat their ass up and down the field all day long. To have these brain dead bastards ruin our season on a day when everyone else in our division got a win is inexcuseable in my book.
I would like to see this as a rallying cry to come back and start winning again, but you can only get beat by so many things in a season before you fold up. We have had three things decimate this team this season, actually four. Extra road game, Hurricane displacement, Injuries to key people, and Refs phucking us.
At the end of the day, I would still rather be a Saints fan than some douchebag Falcon fan.
You always learn more about yourself from how you come back from a loss than how you play after a win and if this week was any indication we at the very least have a team with heart.

Tobias-Reiper 10-16-2005 09:42 PM

... there were a lot of ticky-tacky calls in the game, and they went both ways - lots of very "strict" interference calls... obviously the non-call at the half and the call at the end were huge.... I don't know if leverage is only called when a player pushes up a teammate and not an opposing player, though...

.. but I'll tell ya... as long as Jim Haslett keeps on spewing personal insults at the referees, the Saints will be flagged for things like the last penalty... the last call, yes it happens all the time, and it usually isn't called... but I can easily see a linesman seeing the play and thinking to himself" let's see who the a-hole is now, Jimbo"...

it is one thing to question a call, call it bs, raise your voice, and quite another call refs a-holes to their faces and tell them "f* you" and whatnot. They're human... you wouldn't like anyone in any situation call you names...

stockman311 10-16-2005 09:46 PM

Hopefully they will be humans without jobs. If the NFL won't discipline poor officiating then the whole league is a sham anyway. Much like the NBA has become now with the poor officiating.

Tobias-Reiper 10-16-2005 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by stockman311
Hopefully they will be humans without jobs. If the NFL won't discipline poor officiating then the whole league is a sham anyway. Much like the NBA has become now with the poor officiating.

... why not discipline bad coaching first?

Like I said, the call at the end was legit, and the non-call at the end of the half, I don't believe leaping is called when you push up an opponent...

..speaking of the NBA, it's not poor officiating that itts killing it, it is poor play...

AllSaints 10-17-2005 06:51 AM

Well Saints played a good game and they should have had the game but some stupid calls are why we lost besides the 2 fumbles returned for touchdowns the freakin falcons were not in the game and STUPID REFS CALLIN STUPID CALLS and that one the said holding on Joe Horn that must have been a mistake or something, but wow freakin Dante Hall fell and thats wat made them had to thrwo the flag Hakim didnt even touch him.

yasoon 10-17-2005 09:53 AM

Tobias, you are always an intelligent poster, but I have to go against you on this.

Is our coaching consistently suspect? Yes.

But, in this case, we outplayed this team. Any Saints fan who is anything less than outraged at yesterday's events needs to have their fan card revoked.

The Hakim call.

Even if he reached for the ball and Hall got knocked down as a result (which is not what happened, but I think that's what the official was calling) the receiver has a right to the ball. All Hakim did was reach for the ball and it hit him right in the hands. He made no move outside of putting his hands up for the ball. That was the worst offensive interference call I have ever seen. Just inexcusable.

Did the Saints magnify the call by going backwards and allowing a block? Absolutely, but it never should have come to that. This team has had enough trouble in the red zone without this kind of garbage happening.

The blocked kick.

I am not sure how this rule reads, but I blame this play more on the guy that got hurdled on our line. Again, it should have never come to this. is my understanding that the rule is there to keep a player from using another player to get up in the air for a block. He just jumped over our guy. I thought it was a clean play.

The missed field goal.

The single worst penalty I have ever seen in my life. I called sports radio in Atl and they said "if anybody is gonna get calls it's the Saints". Well, that's what I thought going into this year too. Obviously, I was wrong. I've watched NFL football for 25 years, at least a full game a week. I think I have seen that call 1 or 2 times and it is normally on a play where the kick is blocked as a result of the infraction. Look at the's just a big pile of guys. Why make that call? WHY? It is really amazing that, under the circumstances we're in, this sort of stuff still happens. Talk about a knife in the heart.

And Tobias, I know what you're saying about Haz d!cking on the refs. But, seriously, this was an enormous game. We would have actually been ahead of the Falcons had we won. We would have been 2-0 in the division. What do you expect him to say? He's trying to win games under pretty unusual circumstances. He knows that his team is not the Colts/Pats/Steelers/Eagles or even Falcons. This team was probably a 9-7 team, best case, before yesterday. We're just not in a position to have games taken from us. We're not good enough.

Where's the mercy NFL? Don't give us games, but for Christ's sake, don't take em away.

Tobias-Reiper 10-17-2005 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by yasoon
Tobias, you are always an intelligent poster, but I have to go against you on this.

Is our coaching consistently suspect? Yes.

But, in this case, we outplayed this team. Any Saints fan who is anything less than outraged at yesterday's events needs to have their fan card revoked.

The Hakim call.

Even if he reached for the ball and Hall got knocked down as a result (which is not what happened, but I think that's what the official was calling) the receiver has a right to the ball. All Hakim did was reach for the ball and it hit him right in the hands. He made no move outside of putting his hands up for the ball. That was the worst offensive interference call I have ever seen. Just inexcusable.

Did the Saints magnify the call by going backwards and allowing a block? Absolutely, but it never should have come to that. This team has had enough trouble in the red zone without this kind of garbage happening.

The blocked kick.

I am not sure how this rule reads, but I blame this play more on the guy that got hurdled on our line. Again, it should have never come to this. is my understanding that the rule is there to keep a player from using another player to get up in the air for a block. He just jumped over our guy. I thought it was a clean play.

The missed field goal.

The single worst penalty I have ever seen in my life. I called sports radio in Atl and they said "if anybody is gonna get calls it's the Saints". Well, that's what I thought going into this year too. Obviously, I was wrong. I've watched NFL football for 25 years, at least a full game a week. I think I have seen that call 1 or 2 times and it is normally on a play where the kick is blocked as a result of the infraction. Look at the's just a big pile of guys. Why make that call? WHY? It is really amazing that, under the circumstances we're in, this sort of stuff still happens. Talk about a knife in the heart.

And Tobias, I know what you're saying about Haz d!cking on the refs. But, seriously, this was an enormous game. We would have actually been ahead of the Falcons had we won. We would have been 2-0 in the division. What do you expect him to say? He's trying to win games under pretty unusual circumstances. He knows that his team is not the Colts/Pats/Steelers/Eagles or even Falcons. This team was probably a 9-7 team, best case, before yesterday. We're just not in a position to have games taken from us. We're not good enough.

Where's the mercy NFL? Don't give us games, but for Christ's sake, don't take em away.

... thank you for the kind words :)

... don't get me wrong, I'm as frustrated as anyone in the outcome of the game... but when you ask why the referees threw that flag at the end of the game, there is no question in my mind that it was payback for all the personal insults that Haslett spews every single games towards the referees... one thing is to say "that was a stupid call", or "what the f* was that?", another is to say "f* you, a-hole"...

Even if that play is not usually flagged by the referees, I cannot direct my frustration towards the ref who flagged it against the Saints, because it is a legit call...

..and on the blocked field goal, where was the red flag? Haslett and company just stood there stunned, let the Falcons kick the extra pointl, and went into the the locker room shouting "f* you, a-holes!!".. call a freaking time out, throw the red flag, call the ref over just to give the reviewing booth some time to think about it.. no, "f* you, a-hole" is all we get from our illustrious coach... like I said before, I don't know if leaping is only called when you push up a teammmate, but still...

.. referees are humans, and they are going to make bad calls... how many times have you seen a play, thinking is a catch or a fumble, just to look at the super slo-mo replay and find out you were wrong? Well, same thing happens to the referees all the time. They will not call what they don't see, and sometimes will not call what they see; why sometimes they don't call what they see? Not hard to figure out...

.. I have nothing against a good sidelines tyrade, but the head coach has to be smart about it. You ask me how I want Haslett to reach? Look at Mike Soscia.. You know the guy was burning up inside after that call on the second game of the series, but he's the head coach (manager). Not only he has to set the example for his players, he has to play more refereed games. You already are playing against a very good team. Why add the referees to the fight against you?

TallySaint 10-17-2005 12:12 PM


as long as Jim Haslett keeps on spewing personal insults at the referees, the Saints will be flagged for things like the last penalty...


And Tobias, I know what you're saying about Haz d!cking on the refs. But, seriously, this was an enormous game. We would have actually been ahead of the Falcons had we won. We would have been 2-0 in the division. What do you expect him to say?
The officials come into the game with a hard-on for Haz. His abuse is known league-wide. He loses it with officials. He loses it with his team. He was so busy pounding Brooks for not throwing a pass away that he lost track of the game and down and the Falcons brought him back to reality by calling a time out. His hot head is a negative, not a positive. It may be to the point where it contributes to loses. I dunno...

Just a thought.


stockman311 10-17-2005 12:58 PM

I agree
I agree that Haslett is a hothead and i wish he were more like a certain Patriots coach.
That does not take away the fact that the refs jobbed us. Are they holding grudges against Haslett? Do they hold them against the Raiders as a team?
If so, they should be fired.
This is tantamount to an air traffic controller constantly putting a 747 at the back of a landing rotation because he doesn't like the pilot's attitude. You aren't just hurting the coach you are hurting an entire organization and region of the country when you don't call a game fairly.
I won't rehash how many calls they missed, but the Refs won that game for the Falcons yesterday and I have a much harder time letting this one go than I do the 52-3 loss a week earlier.
I feel like my house was robbed while I had to sit there and watch it happen.

TallySaint 10-17-2005 01:15 PM

I'll even take my comments a step further...

It's possible that Haz's tirades, especially against his players, contribute to poor relations with his players as well as the performance of his team. Not to mention his hot head during games. Even the announcers in the Falcons game, on at least one occasion when Haz was breathin' fire, said he needed to get his head back in the game.

Early in the game I mentioned to Mrs. TallySaint that Haz might need to "keep his 'friggin' yap shut and coach". I was so frustrated in the second half that I probably "out-F bombed" even him. I was in rare form after watching the 'Noles-Va game Saturday night. :wink:

I'm not saying Haslett's temper is the sole reason for Saints' losses. I am saying it may be one of many contributing factors. The head coach's temperament, on any team, contributes to the mindset and cohesiveness of the team - on many levels.

My 2 cents.


yasoon 10-17-2005 02:49 PM

I agree that Haz loses his head and it works against us.

My point is that, yesterday, I understood.

I went in to the game predicting a 27-24 Falcons win. Better team, better coach, better organization. I was prepared to chalk up the loss. What I was not prepared for was us running up and down the field on them, neutralizing Vick, containing the run....all to lose the game on 2 calls that swung the game a total of 17 points.

Sure, there will be bad calls. I've watched enough football to know that. But where's our call to make up for this dogsh1t? Where is the call that beats the Falcons? I don't see it.

This has gone on ever since Vick came in. Remember the TD pass to Gaylor where Whitehead was held right in front of the ref? No call. Martin Chase touches Vicks helmet with his pinky finger trying to block a pass and gets a 15 yarder. Crumpler throws down his man last year on the game winning call.

I've totally had it with these a$$holes. America's team? Blow me. You would think there would be a memo out to at least not make touchy calls on this team. This is a disgrace. All I ask for is truth and justice in officiating. The 2 biggest plays of this game were a direct result of poor officiating.

And Mike Scoscia? Well, he charged the freakiing field this year when his pitcher was caught using an illegal glove, so it's all about your frame of reference. And since we're talking baseball, Cox has spent years teeing off on umps and his pitchers usually don't suffer for it.

The Falcons are the new darlings of the NFL and yesterday it was at our expense.

Did anyone see the Falcons Eagles game? Hall ripped off a guy's helmet and spiked it on the field. Trotter gets ejected, Hall gets to play and be player of the game. He got a pick on what should have been a spearing/roughing the passer play on Lavalais. Hall is the same guy who "drew" the offensive pass interference call by falling down in the endzone. When is the last time anyone saw a Saint benefit from this type of crap in his whole career? Hall has done it over the course of 6 game this season.

Sometimes you have to shake off calls. Not this one. Not me. I'm calling for injuries to all Falcons starters except Dunn (class act).

The bottom line is this. I watch NFL because it is the highest level of Football. I expect the best of the players. I also expect the refs to perform at a high level and to be invisible on questionable calls. Those plays yesterday were as bad as I have ever seen. I refuse to blame coaches when my team flat out dominated the other team. Sure, you have to move on, but this game was a chance to really get off the deck and make something of our season.

I refuse to sit by and not be outraged by having my team treated like the dregs of the NFL. The Falcons are 4-2, we are 2-4. The Falcons have now been handed 2 NFL games by the refs. I want my goddamn game back from these bastards.

TallySaint 10-17-2005 03:03 PM


The Falcons are the new darlings of the NFL

Sure seems that way. Heck, most announcers and pundents are so far up Vick's wazoo that it's hard to tell where he ends and they begin....

McGuire is probably the worst in that respect.


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