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saintz08 10-20-2005 11:24 AM


Exactly what I have been saying over and over and over. It's not the PEOPLE of San Antonio, it's the leaders.
So what you are saying is :

The population base of San Antonio is gutless and spineless and willing to conform to the will of an elected official ???

TallySaint 10-20-2005 02:45 PM

The ball is in your court. You want to be considered a responsible owner? Then start acting like one.

Buddy D.


saintswhodi 10-20-2005 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by saintz08

Exactly what I have been saying over and over and over. It's not the PEOPLE of San Antonio, it's the leaders.
So what you are saying is :

The population base of San Antonio is gutless and spineless and willing to conform to the will of an elected official ???

Huh? That's a pretty dumb thing to say. Obviously people of San Antonio ARE speaking out against the Saints moving here. What are they gonna do beyond that, burn down the alamodome? It's not like it's up for city vote. If the league approves it, it's done. Do you want someone to shoot the mayor or something? What exactly do you feel they are not doing?

That would be like saying New Orleans Saints fans are gutless and spineless for letting them leave. How would that be fair? I didn't know the moving of an NFL franchise that is privately owned was up for city vote. Color me surprised.

saintz08 10-20-2005 07:13 PM


Huh? That's a pretty dumb thing to say. Obviously people of San Antonio ARE speaking out against the Saints moving here. What are they gonna do beyond that, burn down the alamodome? It's not like it's up for city vote.
Is that the best you got on this matter ???

Your not actually going to come at me with the " what they gonna do " ( snivel snivel ) defense ????

I do realize we are talking about Texans here , but come on .....

Californians banned together to :nutkick: Gray Davis for raising the DMV fees ......He was the Governor ....

So High school girls shaking their booty is bad

Looting the football team from a state that justed suffered one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history is good ..... :annoy:

saintswhodi 10-20-2005 08:49 PM

08, I don't know what you are pushing at bro, but that's about the worst idea ever. Somehow the people of San Antonio are supposed to stop a team from moving there? Okay, tell the Saints fans to stop the team from moving. I am on board. Tell me how. How do I keep the owner of a privately owned franchise form moving the team? It's still a dumb idea. Are they supposed to impeach the mayor or something? Okay, kick those asses in the Louisiana legislature out that say the Saints should be on the back burner. Then go kick the LSU Chancellor out of his office for saying it would be a nightmare for the Saints to play games there next year. After you have completed these two tasks, you should be able to stop the Saints from moving. I'll be waiting on a report on your progress at both of these issues. Good luck.

saintz08 10-20-2005 11:02 PM


08, I don't know what you are pushing at bro, but that's about the worst idea ever. Somehow the people of San Antonio are supposed to stop a team from moving there?
How do you stop a journey ???

Remove the final destination ......

Simply put , those who believe this would be an injustice will protest . The mayor of San Antonio speaks for the people until they say no more . There is a boatload of paper work to be filed before Benson could move the Saints into San Antonio . A group of concerned citizens could approach the city with their concerns and demand a vote .

One lawyer in San Antonio with a conscience , could wreak havoc on the process .

City revenue will be spent
State revenue will be spent

Citizens have the right to say no and if it is not acknowledged , they have the right to recall the elected official .


The successful campaign to block commercial air cargo operations at Moffett Field, in California's Silicon Valley, is a textbook example of community organizing. Faced with a "done deal" backed by local government, major corporations, and powerful federal agencies, the residents of Mountain View, Sunnyvale, and neighboring communities organized themselves not only to prevent the particular proposal from moving forward, but to set the stage for continuing direct public involvement in planning the future of the former Naval Air Station.

Halo 10-21-2005 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by TallySaint
I always understood the Fleur was brought to the southern Louisiana area by Acadians that were banished from Nova Scotia.

I dunno.


Louisiana was named after King Louis XIV of France because they discovered it. Orleans, France sets on the Loire River where it curves south... sound familiar? The Crescent city sets on a curve on the Mississippi River. The fleur was the symbol or royalty. English Kings and soldiers began to put it on their shields and emblems because they constantly claimed rights to the throne of France.

Christians believed the white 3 pedels at the top represented the Holy Trinity, hence the Saints and the fact that the team was chartered on All Saints Day.

Everyone was wearing the fleur de lis at one point, Cajuns probably brought it here with them too.

saintswhodi 10-21-2005 08:46 AM

08, again, just a terrible idea. Why is it the people of San Antonio's responsibility to stop the team from moving? Are there no Louisiana lawyers who could wreak havoc on the whole process? As far as I understand, Louisiana has lawyers and citizens just like Texas right? Sell out the games in Baton rouge, PERIOD. That's all that really needs to be done. The state of Louisiana needs to show it's full support for the Saints no matter how badly they play, as they have done for going on 40 years now. That's all the ammo that is needed for the Saints to stay. Trying to take shots at the people of San Antonio is low class IMO. Did Foster get impeached when he agreed to give Benson hunderds of millions of dollars the state doesn't have? Or that the state says they didn't have? What about the education system and roads, are you impeaching the government of Louisiana for never improving that? What about the crime and drug rate in New Orleans, has any mayor been impeached for that? Noone was when I lived there and it was the murder capitol of the world, so you want a city with limited ties to the Saints to rally up and do the job Louisiana is supposed to do? BS.

SapperSaint 10-21-2005 08:49 AM


Louisiana was named after King Louis XIV of France because they discovered it. New Orleans was meant to be a great city like the City of Orleans in France. Orleans, France sets on the Loire River where it curves south... sound familiar? The Crescent city sets on a curve on the Mississippi River. The fleur was the symbol or royalty. English Kings and soldiers began to put it on their shields and emblems because they constantly claimed rights to the throne of France.

Christians believed the white 3 pedels at the top represented the Holy Trinity, hence the Saints and the fact that the team was chartered on All Saints Day.

You know everyone at one time or another was wearing the fleur de lis, to Cajuns probably brought it here with them too.
Thanks HALO, I was begining to worry that some poeple did not know their history. It was apart of the French culture and yes, they brought it with them. Don't know how many of you are from La, but for those of that are not, the Fleur IS apart of Louisianas culture. The "San Antonio-Saint Anthony' comment, I don't recall but "San" is not French. So it would have to be the San Antonio Saint Footbal Team.

I know SPK will be in here later, and I agree with you but, Benson still sucks for even doing this.

Euphoria 10-21-2005 09:42 AM

A lot of San Antonians I think feel they rather support Dallas whom they share a history with or even the new Texans team.

I don't know much about buissness law but The New Orleans Saints isn't a privately owned 'buisness'. Its a franchise apart of the NFL You have to look at Benson as a shareholder in the NFL and runs the Saints. To me the term private is one person and the government doesn't have a stake in the buisness at all, and that is not true with the NFL. When you have a company that reaches across state lines the the federal governemnt does have a stake in the buisness practice. You have many shareholders in the NFL they all have some say in weather the Saints move stay or whatever.

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