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pakowitz 04-03-2003 03:11 PM

whodat, do u remember?
u remember that day in the chat room when i said that mcgahee would go in the 2nd round and u called me crazy.... well im not alone on this.....

Michael (Atlanta, GA): What is your take on McGahee in the draft?

Chris Mortensen: I am fully expecting him to go in the second round, and I am not ruling out a surprise late first-round pick.

WhoDat 04-03-2003 03:15 PM

whodat, do u remember?
Yes I saw that... I was hoping you hadn\'t... bastards! ;)

subguy 04-03-2003 11:26 PM

whodat, do u remember?
Pak I am going to convert you to a Cane yet. You mention Portis in chat and Mcgahee.
The guy is a stud,if anyone could recover it would be him. There is something about this guy. His leg and knee strength is incredible. He said he didn\'t care when he was drafted and he would sign with any team that drafted him. Got to like that attitude. He plays for the love of the sport. Man, he could have cashed in on the insurance policy if he didn\'t play.......but he wants to play.

WhoDat 04-04-2003 08:33 AM

whodat, do u remember?
Well, lets not go overboard.... $2.5 mil is probably less than he will make as a signing bonus. From a strictly financial standpoint it is much better for him to try to play. Also, he was considering \"sitting out\" of football for a year while he recovered so he could be a higher draft pick next year - which equates to more money. That was back when people were projecting him as a fourth or fifth rounder.

pakowitz 04-04-2003 11:21 AM

whodat, do u remember?
i was pulling for the canes in the fiesta bowl the sum bit chez lost :(, oh and mcgahee wouldnt get a 2.5 mill signing bonus if he goes in the 2nd round or lower... thats too much

WhoDat 04-04-2003 12:02 PM

whodat, do u remember?
My point is that he\'ll makemore than $2.5 mill playing football Pak... geez! ;)

subguy 04-04-2003 04:38 PM

whodat, do u remember?
Did you have mention the Fiesta Bowl? I have dedicated a shrine to my favorite referee,Terry Porter. Mr. \"I was replaying it in my mind\". One thousand one, One thousand two, One thousand three, One thousand four, then the laundry hits the field.
We should never have let the game be that close.
WhoDat. speak only on free agency,not McGahee something you know little about. :D

subguy 04-04-2003 05:11 PM

whodat, do u remember?

I didn\'t notice if they mentioned a 4.26- 40, prior to his injury

pakowitz 04-05-2003 02:46 PM

whodat, do u remember?
interesting article subguy....

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