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BlackandBlue 11-02-2005 06:46 PM

Does anyone remember who... was that was saying that Smith wasn't the #1 receiver in Carolina, while Muhammad was there? I think it was during the preseason, tried to do a search, but it's not working. :(

saintz08 11-02-2005 08:20 PM

RE: Does anyone remember who...
That is a Billyesque point .

Try Gambler .

saintswhodi 11-02-2005 08:31 PM

Trust me, that was Billy. I know, cause I had the argument with him when I was laying out all the people who got hurt for Carolina, and Jake still having a better year than AB. When I said Smith, he said Smith was not a number one anyway, Muhammed was. I laughed then, and I am laughing even harder now.

lynwood 11-02-2005 09:00 PM

BlackonBlack = Billy

Gotta be

saintswhodi 11-02-2005 09:03 PM

One day you truly will stop embarrassing yourself, and actually say something that is correct, and shock us all.

2003: Steve Smith - 88 catches 1100 yards 7 TDs

2003: Muhsin Muhammed - 54 catches 837 yards 3 TDs.

Who was the number one again? Please stop embarrassing yourself in EVERY thread.

And lynwood, I think you are right.

lynwood 11-02-2005 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
Not to many teams let their number 1 guy run back Kickoffs and punts...So I wonder why Smith was doing both prior to 2003?

one name Reggie Bush. He's doing it all for USC. You put your best player in the positions that will help your team best.

saintswhodi 11-02-2005 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
Not to many teams let their number 1 guy run back Kickoffs and punts...So I wonder why Smith was doing both prior to 2003?

Cause prior to 2003 he wasn't the number one receiver. :stupid:

Just to make yourself look even sillier, go look at Muhammed's numbers from 2002 also. He wasn't even a number one receiver then. He has only had one or two good years, and that was like 3-5 years ago. Your lack of knowledge is just getting apalling.

lynwood 11-02-2005 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

one name Reggie Bush. He's doing it all for USC. You put your best player in the positions that will help your team best.

Which NFL Team does he play for?? Which NFL Team plays their starting WR on kickoffs and punts? why was Smith doing all the special teams chores prior to 2003?

Hopefully the Saints.

BoudinSandwich 11-02-2005 09:21 PM

Many NFL teams pick their "speed" guy to run back kicks. The "speed" guys are not typically the #1 receiver. I doubt Horn is quicker than Stallworth. Michael Lewis had his job because of his speed.

papz 11-02-2005 11:41 PM

I remember being a big part of that thread... I believe we pulled up a crap load of stats proving Smith was the number one receiver there. I can't remember who was debating against us though. Before Muhammad had that big year last season... the previous 2 or 3 seasons Smith had better numbers than Muhammad. That case was closed during the offseason... :wink:

TheGambler 11-03-2005 01:51 PM

Re: RE: Does anyone remember who...

Originally Posted by saintz08
Try Gambler .

Try again. There's absolutely no reason to bring my name into this. I didn't get into any debate over Steve Smith, because I RARELY, if ever, get into heated debates over players unless it is someone from my favorite team. Since the Carolina Panthers are not my favorite team, and since Steve Smith doesn't play for the Saints, you can rest assured that my interest in debating his worth is about as high as watching paint dry.

In fact, if this thread had been entitled "Steve Smith", then I woudln't have even clicked on it. But since it wasn't, here I am..

Tobias-Reiper 11-03-2005 08:23 PM

RE: Re: RE: Does anyone remember who...
..just for the record, Smith is returning punts this season for the Panthers...

TheGambler 11-04-2005 08:39 AM

Just for the record, why do so many people give a **** about Steve Smith?

saintswhodi 11-04-2005 08:44 AM


I guess you're right, they had no number 1 and certainly Smith wasn't.

But again I was right.


Prior to 2003 Smith was a return man, punts and kickoffs.

..just for the record, Smith is returning punts this season for the Panthers...
Please just go away. This is not fair anymore. I am no longer gonna get into a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed.

TheGambler 11-04-2005 09:25 AM

Saintswhodi, I stopped ignoring your posts just so I could see if BlackOnBlack was provoking you, or if it was the other way around. My conclusion is that you are just as bad as he is, with all the constant jabs back and forth, and insulting his intelligence. I used to think it was just the Aaron/Jake debate that caused you both to bring out the worst in each other, but now I realize that you 2 are like an old married couple. You both simply love to argue. Whether it's arguing over the Saints Defense, saints O-line, Saints QB situation, or even STEVE FREAKIN SMITH, there is simply no football related topic that can be discussed in a civil manner between the both of you.

I'd almost bet my life savings that one of you voted for Bush, and the other voted for Kerry....

TheGambler 11-04-2005 09:49 AM

Actually I believe I'm wrong. SaintsWhodi is not "just as bad" as BlackOnBlack...............he's probably worse!

Here's some fun facts, involving this thread:


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Trust me, that was Billy. I know, cause I had the argument with him when I was laying out all the people who got hurt for Carolina, and Jake still having a better year than AB. When I said Smith, he said Smith was not a number one anyway, Muhammed was. I laughed then, and I am laughing even harder now.

To which BlackOnBlack replied:


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
I believe Billy was right at the time, Smith wasn't even considered by Carolina as their number 1, and was seeking a contract and wasn't getting it untiljust this past 2 years. And by the way Muhammed is playing in Chicago, you don't know when to laugh are the right time.Smith is the bonafide guy now but wasn't before 2003...Muhammed was and Billy is totally right.

I don’t see any personal shots in this thread at all.

SW replied with:


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
One day you truly will stop embarrassing yourself, and actually say something that is correct, and shock us all.

Who was the number one again? Please stop embarrassing yourself in EVERY thread.

That looks like personal shots, but I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and only count it as a “borderline flame�.

Score- SaintsWhodi: 3 Borderline flames (the 2 “embarrassing yourself� statements, and the “say something correct and shock us all� statement)

BlackOnBlack: 0

BlackOnBlack replied with:


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
Not to many teams let their number 1 guy run back Kickoffs and punts...So I wonder why Smith was doing both prior to 2003?

No personal shots whatsoever.

SW replied with:


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Just to make yourself look even sillier,
Your lack of knowledge is just getting apalling.

More borderline flames, although one really should be counted as a personal shot.

Score: SaintsWhodi: 5 Borderline flames

BlackOnBlack: 0

BlackonBlack replied with:


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
Do you actually read your writing before you post?

A very weak borderline flame. But a borderline flame nonetheless.

Score: SaintsWhodi: 5 Borderline Flames

BlackOnBlack: 1 borderline flame

SaintsWhodi replied with:


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
I am no longer gonna get into a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed.

Personal shot.

Score: SaintsWhodi: 5 borderline flames, 1 personal shot

BlackOnBlack: 1 borderline flame

The moderators of this forum should really consider keeping an eye on this sort of thing.....

saintswhodi 11-04-2005 10:56 AM

Sad. So the liar is back? I could go through all the other threads and post blackonblack's constant flaming of not just me, but ANYONE who disagrees with him, but what's the point? You think you proved something? Only that you still lie. Please don't try to make it seem like Black on black is some innocent poster I am making comments to for no reason, oh, but then you would wouldn't you? Liars don't tell the truth. It was better when you ignored me and your ability to avoid the truth wasn't so obvious. This seems a little soon to be never having to speak to me again.

saintswhodi 11-04-2005 11:05 AM

But just for fun, let's play your game. ALL these comments came before mine around the board:


Lady you should give it up, no 1 player can take 4 DL jumping on him and still be standing. Stats are what? misleading how many times have I flipped your stats on you and made you run away? countless!

Did you to girls watch the game Sunday? Haslett was ask about the OL post game, and he was furious at them to say the least.And evidently the Reporter was knowledgeable to notice how bad they were to ask the question in the first place.

You and your other girlfriends are in here eveyday to swing that Brooks is the cause of whatever ills the Saints...This team was a loser before Brooks got here and will be a loser after he is gone, where is the stat for that? How many playoff wins prior to Brooks? How many Lombardi Trophies? Brooks has brought shame to the winning ways of the Saints?


I'm still at a loss, I guess my post went completely over your head.

Nowhere can you find where i defend Aaron Brooks, i'm just not among the idiots that blames him for everything from my sister being born ugly to high gas prices. When we don't win when Brooks is gone will you then commit sucide?

When your GOD Jake is sucking in Carolina why doesn't that team,crumble and lose? Maybe Benson is right in trying to move the team to San Antonio, you people have already proven ya'll aren't the sharpest pencils in the school bag.

Ooh and I see Euphoria is trying to tell ya'll the exact same thing I am...Again you said I was the only one, put that pencil head into the sharpen end and try and rotate your head.
I'll just stop there. I didn't even have to dig out all the "Jake is your boyfriend" posts, cause the ones I posted here weren't all even directed to me. I don't know what you just tried to prove, beyond that fact that every word you say is a lie, but it failed. Miserably. Go back to ignoring me please. You add nothing when you speak to me except lies to prove poor points.

TheGambler 11-04-2005 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Sad. So the liar is back? I could go through all the other threads and post blackonblack's constant flaming of not just me, but ANYONE who disagrees with him, but what's the point? You think you proved something? Only that you still lie. Please don't try to make it seem like Black on black is some innocent poster I am making comments to for no reason, oh, but then you would wouldn't you? Liars don't tell the truth. It was better when you ignored me and your ability to avoid the truth wasn't so obvious. This seems a little soon to be never having to speak to me again.

See that's your problem. Something that happened in another thread should not carry over into new ones.

When did I say he was completely innocent? I'm fully aware of what I used to read between you and him, and it was all a bunch of useless insulting crap.

I showed proof that IN THIS THREAD, you borderline flamed him 3 times before he finally flamed you. And I stand by the fact that the moderators need to keep their eyes on that sort of thing. Your only defense seems to be WELL HE USED TO FLAME ME BEFORE.

Do not call me a liar unless you have some sort of substance to back it up. It's hard to be a liar when I was simply going on everything I saw in this particular thread. You said BlackOnBlack embarrassed himself with stuff? Well you are embarrassing yourself by calling me a liar.

By the could I have ever implied he was an innocent victim when I made THIS post earlier:


Originally Posted by TheGambler
My conclusion is that you are just as bad as he is, with all the constant jabs back and forth, and insulting his intelligence.

In that post, I siad you were both equally as bad. Then I recinded and said you were worse. Nowhere does that imply that he's an innocent victim.

Tell me, does that make you a liar?

saintswhodi 11-04-2005 11:36 AM

Yes, I am embarrassing myself. Mr. "I am putting you on ignore so I never have to speak to you again", and is speaking to me again. That's called a lie, yet another one. What world do you live in that what someone says to you in one thread doesn't carry into another? Dude, go lie elsewhere. Noone cares what you think SHOULDN'T happen. As a matter of fact, in the thread where he called everyone girls, I made it a point not to flame him. I even posted that point. But everyone has a limit. Go away. You add nothing but lies and fights.

TheGambler 11-04-2005 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Yes, I am embarrassing myself. Mr. "I am putting you on ignore so I never have to speak to you again", and is speaking to me again. That's called a lie, yet another one. What world do you live in that what someone says to you in one thread doesn't carry into another? Dude, go lie elsewhere. Noone cares what you think SHOULDN'T happen. As a matter of fact, in the thread where he called everyone girls, I made it a point not to flame him. I even posted that point. But everyone has a limit. Go away. You add nothing but lies and fights.


Didn't you tell me i was going on iggy when I first got here? never happened, LIAR!!

I did put you on iggy, and as i stated, i checked becasue I wanted to see the cause of all the bickering. I found my answer.

Please do not ever type anything alluding to someone else starting a fight on here....EVER AGAIN. That's like Greg Louganis calling someone a fag.

TheGambler 11-04-2005 11:55 AM

By the way, I'm glad you referred me to that "Lady" thread by BlackonBlack, because it showed me this little gem:


Originally Posted by Euphoria
thats awfully high to rank our Offensive line but I see they may have only used rushing average to come up with that ranking with taking into account the line has givin up the 3rd most sacks in the league.

Euphoria mentions nothing whatsoever about Aaron Brooks, nor does he say anything remotely insulting to anyone. Also, he wasn't even talking to you. However, you reply with:


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Dude, give it up. No line can block for a QB who backpedals at least 7 steps EVERY pass, and can not make quick decisions, and doesn't look before he throws. Give it a rest already. I bet you could find a way to explain off each and every AB blunder, even the fumbles where noone touches him. That is probably the league's fault for making the balls the same size for everyone, and not making a special size for AB huh? I guess when he double pumped that pass to Al Harris, that was soemone esle's fault, maybe Al Harris' for reacting to the area where AB just pumped. Why couldn't he be more like Jason Craft right? I bet the INT into triple coverage in the giants game was the receivers fault for getting himself triple covered, not AB's for throwing it into triple coverage right? Noone's buying your excuses. But I am sure the PR team could use your help when we trade AB to some sucker team that thinks he still has some unlocked hidden talent that makes him a better option than a steaming pile of poo under center. I would prefer the poo to what we get now.

What simply started as his opinion on our offensive line basically turned into an accusation from yourself that he was defending Brooks. "Dude give it up" "No one's buying your excuses".

You seem to live in this world where you should be allowed to talk to anyone in any manner that you please, and there will never be a problem unless they fire back at you.

I can't believe you see nothing wrong with anything you ever do.

saintswhodi 11-04-2005 11:57 AM

Now you use derogaroty terms about homosexuals? Are you serious? And your arguments have been, "Well, I was gonna put you on ignore but you said before you would do it months ago and you didn't" AND "well, you called me a liar so I am gonna call you one?" Really? Are you in third grade? Aaron Brooks rape fantasies, derogatory remarks about homosexuals, and repeating what is said to you? PUT ME ON IGNORE AND KEEP IT THAT WAY. Or are you saying you are so nosey you have to see what I am saying? Do you live on my words that much? REPEATING: PUT ME ON IGNORE AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT I SAY AND/OR WHO I SAY IT TO. STICK BY YOUR WORD THIS TIME AND TRY NOT TO LIE. PUT ME ON IGNORE. But you can't, cause you are obsessed with talking to me. It was eating you up not being able to post to me all this time. I had gone on with my posting without even a second thought about you. I forgot you were even on here. Sad. PUT ME ON IGNORE. And at least be honest about it and do it this time.

TheGambler 11-04-2005 12:01 PM

Don't twist words. I DID put you on ignore. I took you off.

Now back to the subject at hand, I just pointed out a typical post of yours, where you confront someone in a rather hostile manner when they didn't deserve it at all. Defend your actions.

saintswhodi 11-04-2005 12:02 PM

And last, why do you care what I say to anyone? Why is that your business? You are trying to defend black, and he has insulted any and everyone who disagrees with him, and obviously you can't read, cause Euph has been defending Brooks for weeks now. Weeks. He has been using a poor offesnive line as justification for Brooks play for this season. You have an apparent inability to put two and two together at ANY time. But here's no lie. Unlike you, I won't waste my time attempting to defend myself to you, a person who repeatedly lies, uses derogatory terms and inapproriate graphic comments to get their points across. Trust me, I won't EVER said another word to you. It's not worth it, and you aren't worth the time.

TheGambler 11-04-2005 12:16 PM

Look at it from this perspective:

You say Euphoria has been justifying Brooks's play at all costs for WEEKS. He could say that you've bashed Brooks's play for weeks.

So let's say, hypothetically, that Brooks threw an interception which appeared to be a WR's fault. And let's say you immediately bashed Brooks for that interception, in a post directed towards no one in particular. What if Euphoria jumped in and said DUDE GIVE IT UP, IT WAS THE WR'S FAULT, YOU'RE JUST LOOKING FOR A REASON TO BASH BROOKS".

You'd probably take that as a personal shot, and justifiably so. So why is it suddenly ok for you to do the same thing to him? Especially since he NEVER MENTIONED BROOKS'S NAME AT ALL IN HIS POST.

And another thing: you ask why do I care what you say? Because i'm pretty sure it's against the rules to speak to folks in a derrogatory manner. I know this beacuse i was warned about it when I first got here. It's annoying to have to read, and all it does is start pointless tirades between you and BlackOnBlack. If you see some of my posts from before, I even told B on B myself to cool it with the Jake-talk. And while I don't have time to search for the post since it was well over a month ago, I even told him one of his posts toward you was uncalled for. But in the last few posts I've read, I think I can see that he's certainly not the only one. This thread is a great example, as i pointed out with my scorecard.

BlackandBlue 11-04-2005 01:40 PM

Who cares?


Thanks for keeping my record of consecutive weeks of locking a thread going.

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