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RE: Why can
Anytime your QB needs to be replaced, that automatically becomes a top priority, due to the nature of the position.
RE: Why can
..well, if you must know, most everyone here agrees that Brooks needs to go, so there isn't really and argument among mostly everyone...
... it is YOU who perpetuates the argument not only with your condescending attitude, but with name calling (which BTW, I don't know how you get away with it) as well... ...and you still don't admit that you didn't know how to spell clique... |
RE: Why can
The women would show up in droves.... :bs: |
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Hell, no one flys Delta. |
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I don't see the purpose of replacing Brooks, it won't solve the Kicker, Special Teams, Defensive line, Defensive back Field, Line Backers, Offensive line, Wide Recievers, Kick-off Return, Kick-off unit, Running Back, Referee, Coaching, Front office, and Owner, problems.
RE: Re: RE: Why can
This can't really be BlackonBlack.
papzy, when the defenses run out for Brooks, then comes the contrition. "I want him gone so he can do better somewhere else?" Who's buying that? He wants him gone cause he sucks, like we all know. He just can't say it now, so now he's humble. I will agree with one thing though, there's no sense in arguing it too much any more. We all know, well except maybe Euph, Brooks needs to go. Almost EVERY writer on ESPN has pretty much said something about it now.
There isn't an analyst ANYWHERE who is paid money for their opinions who thinks that AB should be a Saint after this season. However, there doesn't seem to be a consensus among them as to what to do this year. One has to believe that if AB's not the QB of the future, then we should be grooming that fellow now given that this new fellow is in a no lose situation.
All I know now is that I will never fly Delta again and BROOKS STILL SUCKS AND IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!!!!! Hey BOB, no one believes your reason for wanting him to leave either, "you want him gone so he can do better somewhere".
Brook's sucked in Green Bay, New Orleans and hell for all we know he's probably sucking somewhere else. Hint, Hint. |
Now remember we are going to keep it civil in here ..... Otherwise :08: |
I'll keep it civil.....
Talking about how bad this team has been historically is irrelevant to this discussion. Should we watch every week and accept poor play because the team sucked in 1999, 1979, etc? That is absurb. And you guys who keep bringing up the D... Well, I've already torched that argument, and I will do it again.... 17 points against the Rams? 3 points against the Pack? 6 points against a banged up Fins team? 14 non defensive points by the Falcons...not on the D. In which of these games did the D let us down? (The pack game was a slaughter that ensued when Brooks threw that high school pass to Al Harris.) Was 17 gonna beat the rams? Was 6 gonna beat the Fins? Was 3 gonna beat the Pack? NO. The coaching is certainly not good. The O line was worse against the Fins than in any game this season, but they have been average. There are games when Brooks has had time and has gotten no results. It starts with the QB, and ours has not been good...AT ALL. You will find that good QBs take over and get it done when their team needs them. I'm tired of Brooks. I am objective, I have defended him when it was warranted. (Ask Whodi, who got on me for saying that AB had outplayed Jake in the last 2 meetings...he did and I call em like I see em.) Even in the 4 game win streak it was the defense that did it for us. AB's playaction throw to Horn in Carolina was the only real bright spot for him. He is not a good QB and he kills this team. Yes, his guys drop balls when it hurts the most, but good QBs rebound. AB COMPOUNDS. Get him traded so that he can prove himself. I can't wait to see it. |
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Hey 08, I was being civil. I guess the didn't read it the same as you. Get your mind out of the gutter brother!!
... again, stop embarassing yourself...
... for the record, both Saints wins this year can be attributed to the defense... The defense held the Bills to 7 points. The defense held the Panthers to 20 points. You'd say "that's 20 points, hardly a defensive feat", but that is the lowest point total the Panthers have scored of any of their their games this year. Also, the defense intercepted one ball at the Panthers' 30 yard line. |
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..and I forgot to add, today the defense got 3 turnovers... points off turnovers : 0, zero, zilch, nada...
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oops, double post...
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BlackonBlack just doesn't get it. He enjoys watching other teams but not ours(which who can blame him).If he actually watched our team he'd see first hand how big of a screw up Brooks is. Today the defense did an outstanding job but do you hear him saying anything about that? nope. Three friggin turnovers and they hold a pretty good running back for most of the game. And if brooks moves to another team and does well then feel free to say what you want. Until then Brooks Sucks
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Hang on, Brooks didn't drop the pass in the end zone on the first drive, he didn't fumble on the second, and he didn't fumble in the red zone in the 3rd quarter. He did have his fair share of rookie mistakes, but his supporting cast sucked just about as hard. I thought the Defense played well given how totally bad the offense is.
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..besides, Hilton is not a great TE playing on an average team nor a "top-5" QB, is he? :) |
Every Qb makes mistakes -- its a part of the game -- unfortunately Brooks' mistakes seem to come at the worst possible moment and time. Driving for a TD and momentum he fumbles -- same situation different quarter and he throws an INT. For every brilliant play he makes he makes an equally numbing mistake. For the right team and in the right situation Brooks could be a very good QB. Sad thing though is that we are not that team.
Let's face it! Brooks does not have the fundamental football tools that it takes to be a NFL QB. He makes some outstanding plays and is fairly consistent between the 20's but after that, the wheels come off. The argument about Brooks has played itself out for the past 5 years and we are continually stuck with a season that is a disaster. Here's a thought, we'll go 6-2 for the last half of the season and people on this board will go wild with enthusiasm that Brooks "pulled it out," ans was the "savior of the 2005 season." BALONEY! The game that I watched yesterday featured a rookie QB that struggled most of the game. The defense played relatively well and we were hosed on one Pass Interference call on McKenzie for about 30 yds.
For you "statistics" fanatics and fantasy football geeks, here's one that has been overlooked in this thread, the Saints are 13th in defense in the NFL. In my book and with my poor math skills that puts the defense in the upper 50% of the NFL. So, why are we losing? The answer is simple, we do not have any tangible leadership on the field. The offense that is so vaunted by the media, with loads of "potential" still struggles. The QB position has been dumbed down and still it doesn't work. The Hilton pass is a good example, a receiver can't catch a ball that is 6" over his grasp when he jumos. The problem is that Hilton was flagged for a "drop," when the fact is that he couldn't have caught the ball with a net. So who takes the blame here? Not Brooks!! When you look at the balls thrown to receivers, a great percentage of the throws are either off target or down so low that you can only catch them on the first hop. Whose fault is that, the receiver or the thrower. Brooks gets a pass every time. Most of the balls that he throws are uncatchable, he throws a fast ball to a receiver 5 feet from him at 200 mph and then stares blankly when the ball is dropped. I say again, Brooks is NOT an NFL caliber QB. Comparing the two QB's yesterday, a rookie far outplayed the veteran. Too bad that Hazlett has hooked his wagon to a faltering star. |
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Can I get an 'amen' from the congregation? :? |
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First of all, how can you say a rookie far out played a veteren when his numbers were worse than Brooks (That last int doesn't count). Our new offense is three times worse that our old one. Their is no check down routes on down (especially third down) when the defense is showing blitz. Then if some of out recievers caught the ball like Mushin did we would have won. If you listened to the game yesterday the announcer stated that the Saints lead the league in drops this year. Now lets talk defense! These guys can never get off the field when we need a stop either after a turnover or at the end of a game.
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..second, how can you say the last INT doesn't count? It was an intercepted pass on the field, it counts.. ..third, yes, let's talk defense... The defense got 3 turnovers... points off those turnovers scored by our illustrious offense, 0, nada, none... whatm you want the defense to score too?? |
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Other defenses score point so why can't ours do the same? The point is that Orton did not play better than Brooks, end of story. Yes, let's talk defense, they couldn't stop the run at the end once again. First play of the last drive of the game was a 27 yard run. I'm pretty sure that they knew that they were going to run the ball but everytime it's the same result at the end of the game they can't seem to get off the field.
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...so, let me get this straight: , the fact that a) the Saints defense created 3 turnovers and b) the fact that the offense didn't score a single point off those 3 turnovers mean nothing to you... so you are saying that the defense should be scoring points too... ... so what if the first play of the last drive was a 27 yard run... had the OFFENSE done what they are SUPPOSED to do, i.e., SCORE POINTS OFF TURNOVERS, they would've won. |
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Just because someone shares a point, doesn't make it all that valid.
Second, you wanna know the difference in confidence the Bears have in a 4th round rookie over Aaron Brooks? Score tied 17-17, we are driving, 3rd and one. Three wide receiver set. Instead of trying to throw to get a first down, and unable to pound the ball with Smith out, we try a run with Stecker. Know why? Cause the coaches are scared Brooks will F up. Orton, almost the same situation going the other way. 3rd down. Did they run even though they were running well? Nope. 22 yard pass to Muhammed, first down, field goal range. That sums up all you need to know about the coach's faith in Aaron Brooks. To even defend him at this point is borderline insanity. |
Dude, why do you even bother? Your arguments don't even make sense. When Brooks gives you your child support check this week, make sure you tell him how hard you defended his ineptitude as an NFL QB.
Um, what did they do and when? Ya know what, don't even bother. You don't know what you are talking about yourself.
Wait, so you don't tell us what the 2005 Dallas Cowboys allegedly did, and then you come back and post a stat from 2004 that shows the Saints D was top 10 in creating turnovers? Seriously? Do you honestly not know how bad you are at this, or do you teally think you ever prove a point?
So you prove you have no point by again making no point? I am gonna make it easy for you: TELL US WHAT THE 2005 DALLAS COWBOYS ALLEGEDLY DID, THEN TELL US WHAT THE POINT WAS, IF YOU HAVE ONE, OF POSTING THOSE USELESS STATS. IF NOT, MOVE ON.
Rewash. This is the last chance I am gonna give you to defend your drivel.
So you prove you have no point by again making no point? I am gonna make it easy for you: TELL US WHAT THE 2005 DALLAS COWBOYS ALLEGEDLY DID, THEN TELL US WHAT THE POINT WAS, IF YOU HAVE ONE, OF POSTING THOSE USELESS STATS. IF NOT, MOVE ON. You might as well be throwing around NBA stats if you aren't gonna A) back up the stats you put out and B) say what point you are trying to prove. Since you have done neither, and you still haven't explained the 2005 Cowboys reference, I guess it's safe to say you have no point, and are full of BS as normal. Cool. |
This is gettin' old, fellas.
:? |
What I cannot get by is the fact that every year the defense gets blamed -- if we only had a defense we would have been in the super bowl. Well this year they are in the upperhalf of the league. And they are still getting blamed. But you are right -- if the defense posts a shut out -- or outscores the offense we would be in great shape this year. Get real ---With our supposed great offense we should win every game where our defense holds their opponent under 20 points. |
FYI, the Cowboys scored 17 points in the first quarter against the Eagles in week 4 this season. ... yet again, stop embarassing yourself... ... |
Whodi and Tobias!
You can't argue with a closed mind. BonB has it in his head that Brooks is the savior of this team and that EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else is to blame for the poor performance of the Saints. We think differently, and the argument continues. Remember, Brooks can do the following: 1. Walk on Water 2. Change Water into Wine 3. Cure blindness 4. Cure deafness 5. Curee Leprosy 6. Raise the dead 7. Calm storm seas 8. Rise from the dead 9. Sit at the Right hand of God. 10. Has the Holy Spirit as his brother Oh No! Wait! That's Jesus. My bad. The fact that Brooks is mediocre and plays as such is OK cause we all know that he's a top 5% QB. Remember, we are all stupid, and if the Defense stayed on the field for 65 minutes of the game and performed the half time show and won 7000-0 there'd still be a bunch that would say that the reason that we didn't win 8000-0 was because Brooks wasn't "given a chance." This entire argument is beyond stupid, it's insane. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time. For you, Whodi and Tobias to expect that the Brooks is a Hero crowd to actually objectively look at the real true facts about Brooks is like asking a fish to ride a unicycle. One more time. Brooks is a Quarterback who is fundamentally unsound on a football field. He remains inconsistent, mediocre, and ineffective as the starting quarterback of the NNew Orleans Saints Football team. His leadership skills are poor to nonexistent, he panics in certain situations, he tends to fumble in pressure situations, and he cannot read defenses well. He can throw a football well in certain situations, but gets rattled easily. The coahing staff has DUMBED down the play book because he cannot communicate the plays correctly to his teammates. Overall, he has a 10 million dollar arm, a 10 cent head, and no heart. He is in the game for himself and himself alone, and has said so numerous times. He honestly believes the fact that he is a top 5% QB, because his "stats" are high. Yet, with all of this being said, we are 2-6 and have been 8-8 at best over his tenure. That does not bode well for making a case for how good he is. Period. |
Look you all made Tally change his facial expression... bad... bad!
Come on guys, you know some people will never "get it"... that's why I make an effort to not respond to certain individuals. It really does get old repeating the same thing to a person for months yet they still can't see the light. |
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